Ohio Miami Valley Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, NEUROSCIENCE DAY. May 18, 2012
9am: Registration begins Psychology Atrium
9.30-10.15am: Post doc/Grad student Professional Development panel 125 Psychology
PANEL DISCUSSION: Faculty Positions in Academia- examining the diversity of institutional culture and expectations for promotion and tenure
Goal: To familiarize attendees with the diversity of academic environments and faculty responsibilities represented by member institutions. Panelists will discuss the following: (1) what a faculty search committee looks for in hiring new members. (2) Expectations from new faculty in regard to research teaching and service, (3) Challenges/successes from their own experiences. Panelists: Lynn Hartzler, Wright State University; James Herman, University of Cincinnati; Kati Del Rio Tsonis, Miami University; Ronald Waclaw Cincinnati Children’s; Amit Singh, U. Dayton.
10.30-11.30am: Keynote 125 Psychology
“Bidirectional interactions between neurons and glial cells during development of an olfactory system.”
Leslie Tolbert, University of Arizona
Regents Professor and Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology & Anatomy,
Vice president for research, Graduate studies, and Economic development
11.45- 12.45- Lunch Heritage Rm Shriver Center
1.15- 3pm: Symposium Heritage Rm Shriver Center
Shilpi Verghese, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH
“Hippo signaling controls Dronc activity to regulate organ size in Drosophila” Lab of Madhuri Kango-Singh
Mayur Madhavan, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Department of Developmental Biology.
‘Role of the zinc-finger transcription factor Sp8 in the establishment/maintenance of the dorsal Lateral Ganglionic Eminence”
Lab of Kenneth Campbell
Nicholas Jury, UC Neuroscience Program
“Alterations in Serotonin Physiology, Affective Behavior, and Responsiveness to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors During Lactation". Lab of Karen Gregerson
Ahmed Obeidat, Biomedical Sciences Program, Wright State University
"Regeneration fails to restore spinal circuits" Lab of Tim Cope
Erika Grajales-Esquivel, Miami University
“Complement Factors regulating Eye Development?” Lab of Katia del Rio-Tsonis
3.30- 4.30pm: Poster session A Psychology Atrium
4.30-5.30pm: Poster Session B Psychology Atrium
4-5.30pm: Outreach to High school teachers and counselors 125 Psychology & Psychology Atrium
“Curricular and co-curricular opportunities in Neuroscience for the college-bound student”
Brief description of event: Neuroscience faculty from 5 area institutions (University of Dayton, Wright State University, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Miami University) will discuss programs of study in Neuroscience and research opportunities at these institutions. This session will communicate information that will be beneficial for high school students to consider as they apply to college. Representatives: Ilya Vilinsky, UC; James Olson, WSU; Jennifer Quinn, Miami University; Madhuri Kango-Singh, U. Dayton
6pm: Announce awards
Miami University Sponsors
Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship
College of Arts and Science
Department of Zoology
Department of Psychology
Roger and Joyce Howe Center for Writing Excellence
University Honors and Scholars Program