Subject: American History I
Grade Level: 11th
Unit Title: Creating A Nation / Timeframe Needed for Completion: 4Weeks
Grading Period:1st Nine Weeks
Big Idea/Theme: Building a New Nation
  • Conflicts that shaped the United States
  • Expansion of the United States
  • United States changes from agrarian to industrial society
  • Reform in America

Essential Questions:
  • How did regional geography affect the development of Native American cultures?
  • How did advancements during the Renaissance lead to European exploration?
  • What were the main causes of English settlement in North America?
  • How did development of the English colonies form distinct regions?
  • How did the relationship between Britain and its colonies begin to disintegrate after the mid-1700s?
  • What led to the American Revolution and the establishment of the United States?
  • How did the American colonists win the war for independence against Britain?
  • How did the Revolution change society in America?
  • What problems were caused by the Articles of Confederation?
  • Why did some people oppose the ratification of the Constitution?
/ Essential Standards:
Essential Standards: USH.H.1.1, USH.H.1.2, USH.H.1.3, USH.H.1.4, USH.H.2.1, USH.H.2.2, USH.H.3.1, USH.H.3.2, USH.H.3.3, USH.H.3.4, USH.H.4.1, USH.H.4.2,
USH.H.4.3, USH.H.4.4,USH.H.5.1, USH.H.5.2,USH.H.6.1, USH.H.6.2,USH.H.7.1, USH.H.7.2,USH.H.8.1, USH.H.8.2,
USH.H.8.3, USH.H.8.4
Essential Skills/Vocabulary:
Agricultural Revolution, Mesoamerica, Native Americans, conquistador, triangular trade, European explorers, joint stock company, head right, Jamestown, Religious groups in the colonies, mercantilism, English Bill of Rights, revival, John Locke, Montesquieu, non-importation agreement, writ of assistance, French and Indian War, Stamp Act, Sons of Liberty, Townshend Act, Boston Massacre, Minutemen, Boston Tea Party, Loyalist, Patriot, Battle of Bunker Hill, Thomas Paine, Declaration of Independence, Valley Forge, Marquis de Lafayette, Saratoga, John Paul Jones, Treaty of Paris, Articles of Confederation, Northwest Ordinance, Shay’s Rebellion, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, veto, Amendment, James Madison, Great Compromise, Three-Fifths Compromise, Bill of Rights, Federalist, Anti-Federalist / Assessment Tasks:
  • Participation in debate of war justification
  • Completion of graphic organizers on cause & effect
  • Creation of Venn diagrams on differences in the North & South
  • Map Activity – Early America/13 Colonies
  • Critical Thinking exercises on rights in times of war
  • Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution
  • Multiple choice, short answer & essay questions
  • Imagine that you are an early American colonist. Write a letter to a family member or friend persuading him or her to join your fight for American independence. Use at least three pieces of textual evidence to support an original thesis statement.
  • Do The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution share similar tones? Why or why not? Use at least three pieces of textual evidence to support an original thesis statement.

Materials Suggestions:
Streaming Videos
Graphic Organizers
Learn 360
America Story of Us
Primary Sources