Copy from head Oct 2016

Charmouth Primary School

Safeguarding Action Plan 2015 - 2016

To review the Child Protection Policy and insert a front sheet to clearly identify the DSL and DDSL. / Designated Safeguarding Lead and Safeguarding Governor / February 2016
To ensure that links are crossed referenced to the curriculum e.g. Child Line strategies and e safety. / E Safety Coordinator and E Safety Committee / June 2016
To continue to work through the SWfl 360 degree E safety self review tool. / Claire Kerr
E Safety Committee / Spring term
Summer term
To explicitly incorporate e safety education into each term of the newly written schemes of work. / E Safety Champion and Computing Leader / September 2016
To ensure that DSL, Deputy DSLs and staff who undertake CAFs are aware of
and have a saved copy of the August 2015 DSCB 'Threshold Tool: Practice
guidance for improving outcomes for children and young people through the early
identification of need and vulnerability'? / Designated Safeguarding Lead
G Morris / February 2016
Given to HVDP, CD and GM 08/02/16
To enable the E safety champion to undertake accredited CEOP training. / E safety Champion
Claire Kerr / April 2016
Postponed until Autumn 2016
To update the new County Model Attendance Policy. / G Morris / Spring term
Completed and submitted to FGB in October 2016
To discuss with MountJoy the opportunity to take part in Team Teach training
(de-escalation) and arrange CPD. / G Morris/C Dare / July 2016
GM contacted Mountjoy. Training is being requested through TADS
To involve Mountjoy in advice on transition from class to class e.g Social stories etc / G Morris/C Dare / April 2016
GM contacted Mountjoy. Training is being requested through TADS
To continue to induct new staff /regular volunteers :
CP Policy
Details about the DSL and Deputy
Code of Conduct
Part One of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ July 2015
Adopt the DSL PowerPoint for induction (optional) / Designated Safeguarding Lead
G Morris / End of summer term
New changes in Safeguarding over summer 2016.
Inductions/updates to take place through autumn term 2016
To inform staff of the process for volunteers working in school and to understand the policy. / End of spring term
Also reviewed with staff in September 2016
To inform parents in a newsletter under the banner of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ of the policy and process. / Designated Safeguarding Lead / End of spring term
To review the staff list against the Single Central Record termly. / Designated Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding Governor / Spring term
Summer term
Completed summer term
To access and discuss school watch information with the office staff and senior leadership team. / Designated Safeguarding Lead
G Morris / February 2016
Office staff 01/02/16
To upload Keeping Children Safe in Education July 2015 on our school website and update regularly. / G Morris/Sarah Case / February 2016
Completed in February 2016.
Updated September 2016
To complete the Home Office FGM E –learning. / Designated Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Head / March 2016
HDP 08/12/16
To inform staff of the newly published (29 January 2016) fact sheet which describes clearly the mandatory reporting duty in respect of Female Genital Mutilation. / Designated Safeguarding Lead / February 2016
Email to all staff on 22/02/16
To review the staff list against the single central register termly. / DSL
Safeguarding Governor / Spring term
Summer term
Updated September 2016
To advise third party organisations to partake in CP training. / Designated Safeguarding Lead
G Morris / End of spring term
To amend the lettings and hiring agreement to include CP training evidence if adults are working with adults and young people. / Resources Committee
Designated Safeguarding Lead / Spring term
Completed summer term
To book a safer working practice training session for all staff. / G Morris / End of summer term
To make staff aware of links between the internet, radicalisation, extremism and vulnerable children.
Prevent training / Designated Safeguarding Lead
G Morris / February 22nd
To present the safeguarding annual report to the FGB / G Morris
Safeguarding Governor / March 10th 2016
October 2016
To review the Safeguarding audit / G Morris
Safeguarding Governor / FGB 30th June
Discussed in June.
Presented in October – awaiting new model audit from LA