Bensalem High School Orchestra Syllabus

Mr. Nespola, Orchestra Director

215-750-2800 X3418

This course provides an opportunity for students of varied abilities and backgrounds to participate in a performing ensemble. The students will be exposed to a variety of musical styles from the different time periods in music history. Exercises, studies, sight-reading and performance pieces will be introduced as to challenge, motivate and develop skills in all areas of performance. Topics in music history and theory will also be discussed.


All students are required to have the following materials at every class period:

1. Instrument and all appropriate accessories. For example, rosin, mutes etc.

2. Folder, pencil and note book.

3. Appropriate exercises and music will be distributed. All students must have

their own copy of music with them at each class.

Course Requirements:

1. Participation- this includes appropriate classroom behavior

2. At home practice

3. Come prepared to class with all materials (see above)

4. Attendance at dress rehearsals, school concerts and other performances


·  Major Assessments and/or Major Projects (Concerts and dress rehearsals 30%

·  Minor Assessments and/or Minor Project (journal, playing quiz and sectional performance) 30%

·  Quarterly Assessment (playing or written assessments) 10%

·  Classwork (Preparedness, rehearsal etiquette/on task) 20%

·  Homework (daily practice log/reflection )10%

Students are encouraged to make an appointment with the teacher if they are in need of special attention or have questions. Students are required to give at least 48 hours notice if they are unable to attend a rehearsal. Students will not be given the opportunity to make up missed work without giving notice (see excused and unexcused absences sheet).

Expectations, Rules and Regulations

High School Orchestra

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a happy, safe summer. This year will be full of new challenges, but if we work together I know we can do great things. Listed below are the class guidelines and grading procedures. Please show this form to your parents along with the rubric, and sign the consent form attached.

Class Expectations: All school polices will be enforced.

1. Treat everyone with respect. (Including the teacher). If you support and encourage each other it will be a better experience for everyone. The only critical remarks that are acceptable are constructive ones.

2. The Podium Rule: Whenever you are receiving instruction there must be silence. See #1 above.

3. Food and drink may not be brought into the class room. This includes candy and gum.

4. Be seated with all necessary materials and ready to tune within 4 minutes of the bell. We want to make the most of our rehearsal time.

5. Practice! The more you practice, the more fun you will have with your instrument. Find a time when you can practice every day even if some days it is only for a short time.

6. Take care of your instrument! Proper care will insure that you produce the best sound possible. Also, it is difficult to participate in class when your instrument is in the shop.

7. All electronics must be away during class unless the teacher gives permission. Students may not make recordings of any kind during class without permission.


Everyone starts out with a 100. It is your job to maintain that grade.

1.Class work. To get full credit, follow the class expectations above, come to class

prepared, participate and try your best. A rubric is included in this packet.

2. Attendance at dress rehearsals and performances is mandatory. Public performances are the ultimate goal of our rehearsals. Each member of the orchestra is vital to the success of the group. Performances will be posted well in advance.

3. Sectional rehearsals. Students will be asked to work in small groups during class. It is expected that you will stay on task and complete your assignments during sectional time. Sections will be asked to demonstrate for the class from time to time.

Don’t Panic! All of these rules are in place to allow for your success and to create an atmosphere where you can learn and have fun. I’m here to help, so don’t be afraid to come see me with any questions.

Excused/Unexcused Rehearsal and Performances

An excused rehearsal or performance is one where the student has obtained permission from the teacher to miss.

Every effort will be made to make you aware of all rehearsals at least 2 weeks prior and performances one month prior.

·  48 hours notice is required for a missed rehearsal to be considered excused.

·  2 weeks notice is required for a missed performance to be considered excused.

Circumstances where a student does not provide notice, but is still excused include: sudden, severe illness, and family emergencies. A doctor’s note, or letter from a parent is required for the student to be excused.

In the case of an excused absence, the student will be given an assignment to make up the grade.

In the case of an unexcused absence it will be at the teacher’s discretion to decide if the student may do a make up assignment for partial credit.

Things which are not considered reasons for an excused absence:

o  Work

o  Transportation

o  “I forgot”

o  Other school activities

Concert Dates and Dress Rehearsals:

Report time for Concerts is 45 minutes prior to performance time.

Attire for All Performances is Dress Black and White

Dress Rehearsal: Thursday, 10/20 2:30- 4:00

Concert: Tuesday, October 25, 7:00 PM

Dress Rehearsal: Tuesday, 12/6 2:30- 4:00

Concert: Tuesday, December 13, 7:30 PM

Dress Rehearsal: Tuesday, 5/2 2:30- 4:00

Concert: Wednesday, May 3, 7:30 PM

BHS Orchestra Class Participation Rubric

5 (sectional days only) / Student has all materials. Appropriate rehearsal etiquette. Student is on-task during sectionals.
4 / Student has all materials. Appropriate rehearsal behavior, i.e.: actively engaged in class activities.
3 / Student is missing one class material, or is off –task one time
2 / Student is missing two class materials, or off task twice.
1 / Student is missing three class materials, or off task 3 times.
0 / Student is missing materials and/or consistently off-task, and/or cuts any part of class.

Bensalem High School Music Department

Orchestra Syllabus and Grading Packet

Parent/Student Notification Form

I have read, and understand the policies outlined in this packet:


Parent Student


Date Date


Parent’s email (no student emails, please) If you do not have an email, please indicate a phone number where you can be reached during the day.

Please sign and return this form to the Mr. Nespola by September 5th. Completion of this form counts as your first homework assignment.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at:

, or 215-750-2800 X3418

Concert Dates and Dress Rehearsals:

Report time for Concerts is 45 minutes prior to performance time.

Attire for All Performances is Dress Black and White

Dress Rehearsal: Thursday, 10/20 2:30- 4:00 PM

Concert: Tuesday, October 25, 7:00 PM

Dress Rehearsal: Tuesday, 12/6 2:30- 4:00 PM

Concert: Tuesday, December 13, 7:30 PM

Dress Rehearsal: Tuesday, 5/2 2:30- 4:00 PM

Concert: Wednesday, May 3, 7:30 PM