
We would be grateful if you could fill in this questionnaire, so that the Governing Body and I can have your views of our school.

A summary of the views of parents as a whole will be reported to parents.

Please fill in one per child. If you have more than one child at the school, please fill in a separate questionnaire for each as your views on some things may differ from child to child.

Further copies are available from the school office or downloadable from the school website at

If you require help in completing the questionnaire please telephone Mrs. Thomson, our School Business Manager, on 0191 2193820 or e-mail the school office

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. Your views do matter to us and like last year we will make changes if necessary!

Please complete:

Child’s Year Group: (Required)

Child’s Class: (Optional but helpful)


Strongly agree - normally and often this is the case

Agree - usually this is the case

Disagree - usually this is not the case

Strongly disagree - normally and often this is not the case

Don’t know - Does not apply to me or I don’t have a view about it

Strongly agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Do not know
1 / My child likes school.
Your child goes to school with ease, they are positive about school and talk about school when they come out.
2 / My child is making good progress.
Your child feels they are getting better at reading or writing or Maths, termly parents meeting, school reports.
3 / Children behave well.
You think your child behaves well, you think his/her friends behave well, general behaviour.
4 / The school deals well with bullying, including cyber-bullying and homophobic bullying.
Active anti-bullying practice, you or your child is able to talk to school if they were being bullied, issues are responded to quickly and school tries their best to resolve issues.
5 / The teaching is good.
Your child talks about their teacher, your general impression is they do a good job.
6 / I am kept well informed about how my child is getting on.
Parents evening, other meetings and end of year report.
7 / I would feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions or a problem or complaint.
You get a friendly service from the office staff, Head & Deputy & you feel confident to talk to your child’s teacher
8 / Staff expects my child to work hard and achieve his or her best.
Overall impression that your child works hard at school.
9 / The school is well led and managed.
You get regular information e.g. website, newsletters, school is making positive changes for the children and is well run
10 / Staff treat my child fairly.
My child feels part of the class, child talks about teacher, information at parents evening shows they know your child
11 / The school seeks the views of parents and takes account of their suggestions and concerns.
Questionnaire sent annually to parents, listens to comments and acts were appropriate, opinions asked about a range of school actions, e.g. behaviour policy, clubs, etc,
12 / The school provides appropriate homework.
Get reading record book, child does homework, about the right amount
13 / The school is helping my child become mature and independent.
My child gets on with other children, gets on with adults, child has good attitude to school learning, residential visits, extended trips)
14 / There is a good range of activities that my child finds interesting and enjoyable.
My child talks about activities in class time, other activities e.g. lunch & after-school clubs)

It is really important that if you tick anything in the ‘disagree’ or ‘strongly disagree’ columns that you comment on the next page. Otherwise, we will not be able to resolve issues or gain a full understanding of your issues.


15 Is there a particular aspect of the school in which you are pleased?

16 Is there anything that you think we could do to make school life better for your child?

17 Are there any comments on the changes and successes of 2015/2016 you would like to comment upon?

Thank you again for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. Your views do matter to us!

Signature of parent ______Date ______(optional)

Child’s Name: ______(optional)

SUCCESSES IN 2016/2017

· Attendance continues to improve steadily from 94% in 2013 to 96.1% this year

· Achievement across school includes:

ü  Sustained level of Reception Children achieving their expected level of development.

ü  Sustained level of children passing the Year 1 Phonics Screener.

ü  SATS results in Y6 have risen with particular success in Maths and in SPAG tests which are now above national average

ü  The combined Reading, Writing and Maths scores in Year 6 is up by 12% on last year.

· Wider offer of after school tuition for selected children (now available in in both Year 5 and Year 6)

· Increase in number of children taking up breakfast club offer

· More opportunities to share the children’s work with family (STEM afternoon, Maths and Literacy family mornings, Family Music Morning, Anti-Bullying Week,etc.)

· School took part in the Washington Rotary Club’s Young Writer’s Competition where many of our children were successful and one of our children was the overall winner!

· Individual iPads now available for all children in Years 5 and 6 and access to class sets and intervention iPads for all over classes

· A huge amount of visits (including Edinburgh Zoo, London, York, Derwent Hill, and of course France!)

· Introduction of many new initiatives in the classroom, including a Mastery approach to Maths and a new online reading intervention, ‘Reading Plus’ to increase reading speed, fluency and understanding of texts.

· Many inspirational visitors, including Anthony Wooton, Author, lifeguards from the RNLI, Paralympian Matt Wylie, GB wheelchair rugby player Ayaz Bhuta, Mark Allison, known as Run, Geordie, Run, as well as singers Channy Thompson and Britain's Got Talent's Jamie Lee Harrison.

Fundraising for charity events this year have included the MacMillan Coffee Afternoon, Fairtrade stall, Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day, Red Nose Day and many more!

· Huge developments in Forest School, thanks to local businesses, (who generously provided many of the resources) parents and the children who through hard work have helped produce a fantastic outdoor learning space. All classes from Y2-6 have had dedicated forest school sessions this year

· Y4 achieved 2nd place at the skipping festival

· Year 5 hosted a Remembrance afternoon for local Senior Citizens.

· Extended after school clubs this year which have included Boxing, Running, Irish Dancing, Archery, Craft Club, Board Games, Skipping and of cause the football clubs!

· We took part in the Washington Heritage Banner Parade.

· We held Book Fairs in September and February, which raised over £498 in commission for school.

· Easter school for Year 6 children for four days over the Easter holidays was enthusiastically attended.

· A fantastic production of Annie by the Performing Arts Group (for children in Year 2 to 5).

· . The school house point system has now been fully digitised using Class Dojo. Each child has their own personalised avatar which records and displays their individual total for the term which is then updated weekly on a dedicated page on the school website.

· We continue to work closely with the Foundation of Light who help us provide support for many of our families and our children in classes

· Many parent workshops, including Family Leaning, Washington Mind and Triple P

· The school now has 16 (KS2) qualified iTeach Digital Leaders, who have been trained to support their peers when using ICT both inside and outside of the classroom. As part of the scheme, the school has also forged close links with Apple Education, with staff at the Metro Centre store training our digital leaders how to use Apple Watches, the Swift Playground App & the Tynker App.

· The Digital Leaders also competed in the Childnet 2017 National Film Competition, entering a short advert entitled Stick with Friends, which promoted safer and positive internet use.

· SeeSaw is used throughout the school to centralise storage and has now been expanded to include the blog function. A live feed of each class’s blog has been embedded into the school website to enable live and up-to-date sharing of pupils work with parents..

· children have visited Roseberry Court and read to residents, residents also visited school to watch and judge our talent contest

· Achieved Bronze Anti-bullying Kite Mark

· Achieved Sunderland's award for 'Celebrating Diversity' during which our brave school councilors delivered a speech to other local schools as well as to the Mayor of Sunderland

· Anti-bullying Buddy team set up and out on patrol during break and lunchtimes

· Our RotaKids team successfully raised £50 at the KS2 disco, to buy a water filter for families in Gambia and organised the ‘Usworth Colliery's Got talent,’

· Our RotaKids and Eco Team have cleaned up our local area by taking part in termly litter picks around Washington, including taking part in 'The Big Clean up'

· Our School Council visited Marlborough Primary School to discuss ideas to make our playtimes better. They then set up Anti-bullying Buddies, Play leaders and boxes for each year groups play equipment. They delivered an assembly to the rest of the school to inform them about these changes.

· Members of our School Council also visited Wessington Primary and bravely delivered a whole school assembly on Cyber- Bullying

· We held a mock General Election vote, which the whole school took part in and it was a labour landslide!

· The Base pupils have used the new mini-bus to access the local area to improve their social development.

· Integration for Base pupils has been extremely successful this year with every child spending some time with their mainstream class.

PLANS FOR 2017/2018

· To make the Forest school more accessible to all children and develop links across the curriculum

· Raise awareness of reading for pleasure throughout school

· Achieve Silver Anti-Bullying Kite Mark

· Set up a parent anti-bullying team

· Increase the number of visitors in school from different cultures

· To continue fundraising with the RotaKids alongside the Rotary Club of Washington

· Develop the use of SeeSaw to allow parents in EYFS to log into their child's account and see their progress