Mohawk Valley Community College

Utica and Rome, NY

Syllabus for College Seminar ED100 (TECH)

Instructor: Jim Fiore, Professor

Semester: Spring 2013Email:

Phone: 792-5589Office: AB260B

Catalog Description:College Seminar is an opportunity for students to develop the skills necessary to improve the chances for success in the college environment. General College procedures, the fundamental notions of time management and study skills, and the specific responsibilities of today’s students in a variety of local and global environments are discussed.

Text:Current student handbook (college bookstore) & college catalog (Payne Hall). Both are free.

Office Hours:M 13-14:50, MW 16:15-17:05 and 14-14:50, F 15-15:50

Communication Policy: Generally, email is the most efficient means of getting a hold of me but always feel free to stop by my office. Make sure to check my home page and the course page first (see below).

Class Cancellation: A list of class cancellations can be found on the MVCC website:

Web: My home page is: smart and bookmark it! Virtually everything you will need to know about the contents of this course and associated grading standards and requirements can be found on the course web page on my site: This includes a complete week-by-week outline of topics. My current schedule is available on my home page along with class guidelines and other useful items. Please get used to going to my web pages! I tend to not make paper copies of handouts, preferring the greener approach of the Web (and there’s no paper to lose).

Grading Policy:Due to the nature of this course attendance is crucial. Students are expected to complete all assignments with care and help to create an atmosphere of respect towards other students and the instructor. Final grades will be recorded on an A – F scale and will be based on the following:

Attendance: 20%

Advisor Contact Sheet: 20%

Scavenger Hunt: 20%

Pre-registration: 20%

Resume: 20%

Further details on grading and class policy may be found at

Absences: If you are going to be absent, please call my office and leave a message or send me an email. Part of the class goals is to develop time planning skills, reliability and responsibility. You are expected to be on time and present for the full time length of every class unless you are otherwise instructed.If you need to leave for some reason, make sure that you inform the instructor of it. If you cut out with more than half of the class remaining you will be re-marked absent for that class.If you miss a class it is your responsibility to see the instructor for any handouts or information that may have been presented in that class.

Technology Usage: In general, student use of technologies not relevant to this classroom setting is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, pagers, MP3 players, and video/photo capture devices. Instructor discretion may be exercised if the technology is a component of the learning environment or by prior student notification.

Academic Integrity and Civilty: Unethical or dishonest behavior may result in failure of the course or other disciplinary actions. Further, professional and civil conduct is expected at all times.

The above procedures and policies are subject to change due to extenuating circumstances or at the discretion of the instructor.

Students with Disabilities

I would appreciate hearing from anyone in the class who has any type of disability (e.g., physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) that may require some special accommodation. Please see me during my office hours so that we can discuss your needs. Before services can begin, you must also contact Lynn Igoe, Coordinator of Disability Services, 792-5413, or Tamara Mariotti, the Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technology Specialist, 731-5702; both are located in Room 153 of the Academic Building on the Utica Campus. They are the staff members who review documentation, determine eligibility for accommodations, and decide what those accommodations will be.

DGV Statement

A few years ago, MVCC initiated a program titled “Diversity-Global View” (DGV), which gave each of our graduates a chance to participate in educational experiences designed to increase awareness of intercultural perspectives. Our goal in doing so was to enhance our students’ understanding of the realities faced by individuals as a result of their race, ethnicity, cultural background, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, academic abilities and interests, age, religious beliefs, and physical ability. To that end, all graduates who matriculated into programs in the fall 2008 or more recently, or who have changed their major since 2008, are now required to complete the DGV components associated with the degree or certificate program in which they are enrolled. For more information please visit

Sustainability Statement

Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to development and implementation of a comprehensive sustainability plan. To that end, we are beginning by asking students, faculty, and staff to actively participate in energy conservation measures and proper recycling on campus. The blue bins located in classrooms, and offices are for paper and paper products only. All plastic, metal and glass containers should be placed in the proper recycling bins located in the hallways. Please remember to empty them before depositing them. Any materials that cannot be recycled should be place in garbage cans. It is also important to turn off lights and computers when leaving a room. Together we can make an impact on conserving our resources. Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle!