July 10, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Jon Lykins declared a quorum and called the meeting to order. An attendance sheet was made available for non-officers and citizens present. Present besides Jon Lykins, Council President, was Dennis Richardson, Council Vice President. Other officers present were Mary Richardson, Clerk-Treasurer; Paul Sembach, Utility Supervisor, Geoffrey Wesling, Town Attorney, and Marvin Hedrick, Marshal.

There was a moment of silence in memory of deceased Council Member, Ramona J. Turner.

A motioned was made by Dennis Richardson and seconded by Jon Lykins to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the previous town meeting. The motion carried without objections. There was one amendment. The Council approved the temporary closing of the alley behind the Methodist Church for one week.

Bills were presented as reflected on the attached. Mary noted the claims included an invoice from Kleinpeter Consulting Group LLC in the amount of $26,000. A motion was made by Dennis Richardson and seconded by Jon Lykins to pay the bills as presented. The motion carried without objections.

General Fund / $24,094.19 / Water Utility Meter Fund / $1,990.00
Motor Vehicle Highway Fund / $458.44 / Sewage Operating Fund / $4,298.83
Parks & Recreation Fund / $258.23 / Payroll Fund / $6,577.85
Water Operating Fund / $11,424.39 / TOTAL / $49,1001.93

Unfinished Business

A vendor contract for the current Community Crossing street project was not approved by Geoffrey Wesling, Town Attorney. The issue was the contract did not contain sufficient language to ensure the project specifications are provided. There needs to be more breakdown in the contract to include the removal of debris. There is also no deadline in the contract. Mary stated she would contact the Engineer for the project for advice.

Mary provided information from Mike Kleinpeter regarding the Fire Station project. The environmental conditions have been removed. Jon Lykins signed the release of funds document. It was also noted that the GVFD will provide their share of the matching funds to the Town at the August meeting.

Mike Meyer, RLM Engineering, noted the wastewater, drinking water, and stormwater project is in progress.

Mike Meyer stated the west end drainage repair has been completed.

Geoffrey Wesling provided information to the person purchasing the lot from the town. No other persons offered to purchase the property so closing can be conducted. The town is being paid $4,000 for the property.

A motion was made by Dennis Richardson and seconded by Jon Lykins to approve the Water Leak Ordinance effective upon posting in the Rushville Republican and Connersville News Examiner. The motion carried without objections.

Mary stated she has contacted a vendor regarding a tree inventory and will provide more information in the future.

It was noted that the broken tile at property behind State Street is a county ditch.

Paul agreed to research why water may be backing up on Pearl Street.

Mary discussed the ADA and Control Standards training requirements. This is an annual requirement for all elected/appointed officers and town employees. The Council concurred that all training should be documented by the August 2018 meeting.

New Business

Mary Richardson provided the Council with official notice of the passing of Council Member, Ramona J. Turner. The Democratic Party has authorized the Glenwood Town Council to appoint a person to complete Ramona’s term of office as a Glenwood Council Member. The Council will appoint a person at the August 2017 meeting.

Mary discussed the upcoming process for developing the 2018 town budget.

A motion was made by Dennis Richardson and seconded by Jon Lykins to increase the Town Council Members and Clerk-Treasurer salaries by five percent (5%) effective January 1, 2018. The motion carried without objections. The Council President’s annual salary will be $3,029.81, Council Members $1,908.93, and Clerk-Treasurer $15,362.05

It was noted that Jon Lykins, Paul Sembach, and Mike Meyers, RLM Engineering, met with IDEM regarding the agreed order of $300. This amount will need to be paid. Mike explained that in addition to the payment, the town will need to establish a new program to include enhanced water flushing. Mike explained some other options that should be in the program.

A citizen expressed concern about the traffic driving through town of SR 44 at speeds exceeding the limit. Marvin Hedrick stated he would contact the State Police and County Sheriffs requesting paroling the highway in Glenwood. It was noted that signs reflecting speed limits are expensive but research will be conducted to determine if a sign can be rented.

A citizen requested information regarding setting off fireworks. Marvin stated the law allows for specific exceptions on July 4th.

A citizen questioned the town’s chicken ordinance. Jon explained that the Council agreed to not change the existing ordinance. Jon stated that citizens with chickens have sixty (60) days to remove chickens from their property.

David Hiner explained that the Rush County ordinance is complaint driven. Geoffrey Wesley stated that his understanding is that the Rush County Area Plan does not have any intention of overriding the Town of Glenwood’s ordinance.

The Council provided support to Mary Richardson to submit a 25%/75% grant request to INDOT for sidewalks.

Mary requested Paul update the Council on a phone request from Duke Energy. Paul stated they were interested in purchasing the lot where the town well is located. Paul told them a sale was unlikely.

Jon reported that Don Greene is willing to be the Glenwood representative for the Rush County Area Plan Commission. A motion was made by Dennis Richardson and seconded by Jon Lykins, to appoint Don Greene as Glenwood’s representative to the Rush Co Area Plan Commission as well as retaining his current position on the Board of Zoning Appeals. The motion carried without objections.

Council Members Reports

Dennis Richardson provided an update from the Rush County Development & Community Corporation (ECDC) June meeting.

Other Reports

Marvin Hedrick, Marshal, provided the requirements of House Bill 1555. The town will be required to provide insurance for the Town Marshal and any Reserve Officers. Currently there are no Reserve Officers. Marvin will check with the town’s current insurance agent for an insurance quote.

Marvin also discussed some properties in Glenwood that may need to be condemned. The Council gave support to Marvin to pursue the issues. Marvin said there are blight grants but the town would need someone to write the grant application.

Paul Sembach provided the written utility report.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Dennis Richardson and seconded by Jon Lykins. The motion carried without objections.


Mary M. Richardson, Clerk-Treasurer