1. The gradient of a velocity – time graph represents the

a) speed of the body

b) velocity of the body

c) acceleration of the body

d) distance covered by the body.

2. A Newton is defined as the

a) units of force

b) force which produces an acceleration of 1ms-2

c) force which gives a mass of 1 kg on acceleration of 1ms-2

d) force which gives any mass on acceleration of 1ms-2

3. The width of a metre rule is accurately measured by a

a) micrometer screw gauge

b) vernier caliper

c) tape measure

d) metre rule

4. Force is given by the product of

a) displacement and velocity

b) displacement and mass

c) acceleration and mass

d) velocity and mass

5. A cyclist traveling at a constant acceleration of 2ms-2 passes through two points A and B in a straight line. If the speed at A is 10ms-1 and the points are 75M apart, find the speed at B

a) 15.3ms-1

b) 17.3ms-1

c) 20.0ms-1

d) 400.0ms-1

6. A mass of 0.2 kg produces an extension of 8cm in a spring. The force required to produce an extension of 6cm is

a) 0.75 N

b) 1.50 N

c) 2.70 N

d) 24.0 N

7. A set of apparatus that is suitable for measurements of the volume of an irregular object includes:

a) overflow can, measuring cylinder, irregular object and string

b) measuring cylinder, irregular object, overflow object and string

c) overflow can, irregular object, string, retorts stand and burette

d) burette, overflow can, irregular object, string, measuring cylinder, retort stand.

8. Pressure in a liquid is independent of the

a) density of the liquid

b) depth below the surface of the liquid

c) pressure exerted on the surface of the liquid above

d) cross sectional area and the shape of the vessel containing the liquid

9. A rectangular block of metal weighs 3N and measures (2 x 3 x 4) . What is the greatest pressure it can exerts on a horizontal surface?

a) 5.0 x 103Nm-2

b) 3.75 x 103 Nm-2

c) 2.5 x 102 Nm-3

d) 7.5 x 10-1 Nm-2

10. When mercury is spilt on glass is forms small spherical droplets because its

a) density is high

b) surface tension makes its surface elastic

c) molecule are small

d) cohesive force is greater than adhesive force with glass

11. A tin containing 5 litres of paints has a mass of 8.5 kg. The mass of the empty tin is 2.0 kg. The density of the paint is;

a) 1.3kgm-3

b) 1.3 x 103 Kgm-3

c) 1.7 x 103 Kgm-3

d) 2.1 x 103 Kgm-3

12. An object is said to behave elastically when

a) its elastic limit is exceeded

b) its breaking points is reached

c) equal increases in the force applied to its produce equal changes in length

d) the potential energy stored in it is used to permanently deform the objects.

13. Convert 25 cm3 into m3

a) 2.5 x 103

b) 2.5 x 102

c) 2.5 x 110-1

d) 2.5 x 10-5

14. A blue copper sulphate crystal placed at the bottom of the beaker containing water is found to spread throughout the water after sometime due to

a) osmosis

b) capillarity

c) diffusion

d) surface tension

15. A tape is pulled through a ticker timer which has frequency of 50Hz . If the distance between successive dots is 2 cm, calculate the speed of the body.

a) 0.01 cms-1

b) 50 cms-1

c) 100 cms-1

d) 250 cms-1

16. A boxer while training noticed that a punch bag is difficult to set in motion and difficult to stop. What property accounts for this observation?

a) Size

b) Inertia

c) Friction

d) Weight of the bag.

17. The particles in a solid at room temperature are

a) close together and vibrating

b) close together and stationary

c) far apart and moving at random

d) close together and moving at random.

18. Which of the following physical properties changes when a body is moved from the earth to the moon?

a) Mass

b) Volume

c) Weight

d) Density

19. Which of the following sets contain only good conductors of heat?

a) Copper, wood, air

b) Silver, gold, rubber

c) Iron, mercury, copper

d) Magnesium, paper, wool


1. (c)

2. (c)

3. (b)

4. (c)

5. (c)

6. (b)

7. (a)

8. (d)

9. (a)

10. (d)

11. (b)

12. (c)

13. (d)

14. (c)

15. (c)

16. (b)

17. (d)

18. (c)

19. (c)