Objective I-A: Integrate a client-centered systemic approach into all advocacy and cases.

Strategy I-A 1: Clarify and adopt a common meaning of “client centered” and “systemic advocacy” at NJP and how it applies to/informs NJP’s work.

Action I-A 1: Create a Systemic Advocacy Workgroup (SAW) to define, identify, train on, communicate and undertake systemic advocacy opportunities, including defining the terms and leading the development of as statement of NJP’s commitment to this goal.

Strategy I-A 2: Continue SAF efforts and embrace systemic advocacy as an expectation program-wide and incorporate this expectation into our work on identified local, regional and statewide problems.

Action l-A-2: Create an internal communications plan to build commitment to systemic advocacy throughout NJP and the expectation that all NJP advocates engage in systemic advocacy projects.

Strategy I-A 3: Ensure that NJP staff have the skills and training to readily identify systemic advocacy opportunities and design effective systemic advocacy plans.

Action l-A-3: Within 12 months develop a training plan on systemic advocacy to be delivered program-wide, with a comprehensive curriculum that incorporates systemic thinking, analysis, skills, and litigation strategies.

Objective I-B: Prioritize NJP’s work to incorporate and engage in systemic advocacy throughout casework and advocacy projects.

Strategy I-B 1: Ensure that we affirmatively analyze client-specific problems through a systemic lens.

Action l-B-1: Have SAW develop a tool to help advocates identify systemic advocacy opportunities and create systemic advocacy plans to be incorporated into the comprehensive training curriculum.

Strategy I-B 2: Identify the needs, obtain the resources and build the relationships to carry out NJP’s systemic advocacy work using data to inform needs and conduct advocacy.

Action I-B-2a: Compile and maintain an accessible directory of issue specific social science and other researchers/experts able to develop and assist with advocacy goals.

Action I-B-2b: Developco-counseling and other collaborative relationships with other public interest organizations and the private bar to ensure adequate support for any given systemic advocacy project.

Action I-B-2c: Hire or contract with data analyst(s) to assist development of strategic advocacy focus and other systemic advocacy efforts.

Strategy I-B 3: Ensure accountability for achieving NJP’s goal of enhancing systemic advocacy efforts.

Action l-B-3a: Establish measurable goals/outcomes and benchmarks for each systemic advocacy plan and evaluate progress and outcomes for each plan.

Action l-B-3b: Compile and publicize race equity focused advocacy work and opportunities for collaboration within NJP and the Alliance for Equal Justice.

Action l-B-3c: Compile and publicize strategic systemic advocacy plans/objectives/achievements program-wide.

Objective I-C: Ensure that the legal needs of underserved client communities are identified and addressed.

Strategy I-C-1: Identify low-income client communities in NJP’s local and regional service areas and determine the extent to which they are under-served by NJP.

Action I-C-1a: Create a tool for each field office, specialized program and unit to use to identify diverse communities in their areas of service and incorporate into Community Engagement Plans.

Action l-C-1b: Obtain and analyze case-related and other data to determine what, if any, client groups or client-identified legal needs are under-served.

Strategy I-C-2: Actively engage with client communities through community-based organizations to effectively serve these communities.

Action I-C-2a: Identify and learn about community-based organizations that serve under-served populations and/or places where under-served communities gather.

Action I-C-2b: Develop plans to reach out to create trust with under-served client communities and implement the plans.

Objective I-D: Ensure best practices are implemented in Alternative Access Models (AAMs) to meet the needs of under-served communities.

Strategy I-D-1: Review and identify strengths and gaps in formal AAMs (grant-supported) and informal AAMs currently in use.

Action I-D-1a: Survey each office and unit to determine if and how informal AAMs are being utilized.

Strategy I-D-2: Using the information above, develop strategies for addressing gaps and building on strengths.

Action I-D-2a: Define models for success in project implementation, responsiveness to community needs and program effectiveness.

Action I-D-2b: Develop a best practices resource guide for operating AAMs.


Objective II-A: Maximize NJP’s operational efficiency through the use of technology and systems that incorporate equity principles.

Strategy II-A-1: Ensure NJP has uniform electronic document management processes and procedures that are implemented throughout the organization.

ActionII-A-1: Develop naming and digital storage/destruction protocols.

Strategy II-A-2: Improve the way we communicate with clients and examine safe alternatives.

ActionII-A-2a: Assess alternative client service communication tools, develop plans, put those in place, and evaluate their success.

ActionII-A-2b: Use plain Englishand tools such as education scans when developing client materials.

ActionII-A-2c: Develop a system for prioritizing which client materials will be translated into languages other than English.

Strategy II-A-3: Improve internal communications, collaboration and knowledge sharing to ensure NJP operates seamlessly to support high quality advocacy and operations as a statewide law firm.

Action II-A-3a: Utilize the staff Intranet for internal communications and provide ongoing training and interactive content areas.

Action II-A-3b: Provide ongoing training, in a variety of formats, on collaborative software tools.

Action II-A-3c: Increase usage of MetaJure through ongoing training and communication.

Action II-A-3d: Improve IKE to better meet our needs and provide training and incentives to increase usage throughout NJP.

Action II-A-3e: Improve the system for updating and communicating all online manuals and policies (i.e.: program, fiscal, human resources, technology, timekeeping and other policies and manuals).

Strategy ll-A-4: Identifyand use technology for statewide cross-office support.

Action ll-A-4a: Examine present technology and other available resources to implement a plan for staff coverage and sharing of work taking into consideration language fluency needs and workflow balance.

Objective II-B: Develop and retain diverse high-performing staff.

Strategy II-B-1: Create and sustain a robust onboarding process for all staff that includes developing onboarding materials/checklists/procedures for all key areas to ensure consistency across NJP:

Action II-B-1a: Identify materials, checklists and procedures to be included in the onboarding process for all staff and by position, location and unit.

Action II-B-1b: Develop a comprehensive technology manual covering all aspects of NJP technology and use policies taking into consideration different learning styles and culturally appropriate language.

Action II-B-1c: Annually review onboarding materials for adjustments and updates.

Strategy II-B-2: Improve access to ongoing training and professional development opportunities.

Action II-B-2a:Enhance current training opportunities that support staff’s professional excellence in existing roles.

Action II-B-2b: Explore how best to support employees in advancing from their current role to the next.

Strategy II-B-3: Evaluate the Performance Review process to ensure it supports NJP’s overall mission and builds a positive approach to professional development.

Action II-B-3a: Review the efficacy of the current performance review process.

Action II-B-3b: Identify other models of performance review that support a positive approach.

Action II-B-3c: As determined necessary, adopt new or revised performance review changes that support a positive approachall staff positions.

Strategy II-B-4: Create a formal mentorship program to engage, coach and support the development of staff.

Action II-B-4a: Identify needs and define the purpose of a mentorship program at NJP.

Action II-B-4b: Research effective mentorship programs and develop recommendations.

Action II-B-4c: Adopt policies and practices for mentors and mentees, including selection process, duration, time commitments and accountability mechanism.

Strategy II-B-5: Cultivate an environment that supports a healthy work/life balance.

Action II-B-5a: Identify organizational challenges to healthy work/life balance.

Action II-B-5b: Make availableresources that help staff supporta healthy work/life balance.

Strategy II-B-6: ArticulateNJP’s core values in NJP’s work.

Action II-B-6a: Review and update NJP’s Guiding Principles for continuing relevance

Action II-B-6b: Identify how staff apply the principles in daily life and highlight those activities and op

Objective II-C: Create a formal cross-training and knowledge transfer system to support continuity of NJP operations and expertise.

Strategy II-C-1: Identify responsibilities or duties that are critical to smooth operation of NJP to facilitate minimal disruption to operations when staff changes occur.

Strategy II-C-2: Assess NJP’s current leadership and management structure and recommend strategic changes for addressing transitions.


Objective III-A: Expand and diversify funding opportunities consistent with NJP’s mission.

Strategy III-A-1: Identify and develop opportunities to expand existingpublicgrants and contractsto achieve strategic program goals.

ActionIII-A-1a: Engage funders to identify and develop strategic program investments.

Action III-A-1b: Identify and pursue targeted resources to support systemic advocacy.

Strategy III-A-2: Identify and develop new revenue throughgrants, donations partnerships, and in-kind services with private entities.

ActionIII-A-2a: Identify and pursue new strategically relevant funding opportunitiesin order to sustain and (or) expand services.

Action III-A-2b: Develop innovative community partnershipsin order to sustain and (or) expandsources of funding for NJP’s programs.

Action III-A-2c: Strategically leverage program services by hosting fellowships, students andvolunteers.

ActionIII-A-2d: Identify and pursue targeted resources to support systemic advocacy.

StrategyIII-A-3: Refresh NJP’s fund development plan with updated fundraising and philanthropy goals.

Action III-A-3a: Engage key staff, the Board and others to implement plans.

ObjectiveIII-B: Build operating reserves to ensure financial stability and sufficient working capital for 90-120 days

StrategyIII-B-1: Direct a share of resources toward building NJP’s net asset operating reserves.

Action III-B-1a: Monitor and evaluate cash flow and sufficiency of the operating reserves with the Board’s Audit Budget Committee,as part of the regular meetings, and adjust net asset reserve targets, as appropriate.

StrategyIII-B-2: Review and assess investment options to provide maximum earnings while remaining accessible and in compliance with LSC’sinvestment guidance.

Action III-B-2a: Establish mechanism and authority to make investments.

Action III-B-2b: Annually monitor, evaluate and adjust investment practices with the Board Audit Budget Committee.


Objective IV-A: Develop a brand strategy to support consistent messaging, recognition, and experience of our organization at all points of contact.

Strategy IV-A-1:Develop a brand that will be recognizable and accessible to client communities, the public, funding partners, and donors.

Action-IV-A-1a: Building on our new mission statement, define and articulate what we want to be known for, how people will recognize us and talk about us.

Action IV-A-1b: Develop consistent and easily accessible key messaging to support the brand and guidelines for use.

Action IV-A-1c: Develop consistent and easily accessible visual and design elements to support how the brandis used.

Action IV-A-1d: Evaluate how the brand is experienced and recognized at various points of contact NJP has with these groups.

Objective IV-B: Align and improve targeted messaging through NJP’s website, social media, newsletters, brochures, and other media.

Strategy IV-B-1: Develop and implement a communications plan to coordinate content, frequency, timing and use across various media channels.

Action IV B-1a: Communicate content across delivery mechanisms to reach specific audiences such as client communities, donors, and the public.

Action IV-B-1b: Identify communication tools and technology that specific communities may use to communicate with one another.

Strategy IV-B-2: Develop consistently designed, adaptable, and readily available print marketing templates and materials to use for specific audiences.

Action IV-B-2a: Identify and prioritize specific audiences such as client communities, donors.

Action IV-B-2b: Create templates, guidelines for use, and a system to organize and periodically update.

Objective IV-C:Create clear policies and practices for a public relations programto expand positive media coverage and social media engagement.

Strategy IV-C-1:Proactively generate media coverage of cases related to strategic priorities.

Action IV-C-1a: Compile, organize and keep up to date a list of media contacts.

Action IV-C-1b: Develop a process and guidelines for identifying stories and issues related to NJP’s strategic priorities and generating press releases.

Strategy IV-C-2:Effectively respond to news media inquiries.

Action IV-C-2a: Develop a process and guidelines for responding to media inquiries.

Strategy IV-C-3:Effectively engage the public through social media.

Action IV-C-3a: Develop a process and guidelines for social media engagement.

Objective IV-D:Ensure that NJP has the capacity to carry out its branding and PR objectives and strategies in order to successfully expand public engagement and fulfill its mission.

Strategy IV-D-1:Determine and obtain the support that will be required to execute NJP’s PR priorities

Action IV-D-1a: Assess current and projected resources and determine the best staffing, contract staff, technology or other resources that NJP will need.

Action IV-D-1b:Based on this assessment, launch plan to obtain these resources.

October 4, 2017 Draft with combined edits - Page 1