Jotmans Hall Primary School





Page 4 / Mission Statement / School Ethos and Aims
Page 5 / Introduction
Page 6 / Aims of Policy / Planning
Page 7 / Aims of Reporting
Assessment of Special Education Needs.
Page 8 / Assessment / Strategies for assessment
Page 9 / Types of Evidence
Guidelines for assessment
Page 10 / Record Keeping / Formative Records
Summative Records
Page 11 / Summative assessment procedures for the Foundation Stage
Summative assessment procedures for Years 1 - 6
Page 12 / Summative assessments - writing
Summative assessments - numeracy
How summative are used.
Page 13 / Analysis of SATS
Page 14 / APP Grids
Target Tracker
Arrangements to meet Parents
Page 15 / Induction to new Staff
Appendix 1 / Lesson Plans / Lesson Observation Plan
Appendix 2 / Lesson Observation Form / Foundation Stage Observation Form
Appendix 3 / Cycle of Assessment
Appendix 4 / Book Monitoring / Literacy and Numeracy
Appendix 5 / SEF outcomes analysis – KS1 and KS2
Appendix 6 / Inclusion Grid
Appendix 7 / Vulnerable Story
Appendix 8 / Tracking one to one tuition
Appendix 9 / Target setting for the end of Year 2 / Target setting for the end of Year 6
Appendix 10 / Whole School Analysis
Appendix 11 / End of Year Statement
Appendix 12 / Progress Report

Jotmans Hall Primary School

Mission Statement

At Jotmans Hall Primary School we believe in the concept of lifelong learning and the ideas that both adults and children learn new things every day. We maintain that learning should be rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone; it should be fun. Through our teaching, we equip children with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to be able to make informed choices about the important things in their lives. We believe that appropriate teaching and learning experiences help children to lead happy and rewarding lives.


To attain this, the whole school community will work together to achieve and maintain the right to learn in a safe environment with mutual respect for others.


All children should

·  Learn from a curriculum that is broad and balanced, as well as stimulating, effective and challenging.

·  Have their learning and contribution to the school recognised and valued.

·  Have the right to enjoy and learn from a curriculum that fosters equal opportunities.

·  Be encouraged to develop a sense of citizenship through learning about their, own religion and culture and through learning about those of others.

·  Be helped to have respect for themselves and their environment and to develop respect for, and responsibility towards others in school and in the wider community.

Jotmans Hall Primary School




The planning of the curriculum, assessment of children’s progress and the recording and reporting of achievements are all inter-dependent. At Jotmans Hall Primary School we believe that these are fundamental in assuring that each pupil has access to a relevant curriculum containing challenging learning activities. The curriculum is planned to cover the National Curriculum Programmes of Study incorporating the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy frameworks, also including elements of a key skills based curriculum.

Assessment may be formative or summative. Assessment is formative to ensure progression is maintained throughout the year. Assessment is summative to inform parents, teachers and Governors of the individual child’s progress through the National Curriculum. Assessment should support and improve the child’s learning. Ongoing formative assessments take place regularly as teachers use elements of Assessment for Learning in their every day practice, including marking work with the children present and discussing the next target for their learning. Summative assessments takes place termly and at the end of the academic year in all year groups. Statutory assessments take place at the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. The Foundation Stage Profile is completed during the Reception year. A range of ongoing records are kept to track children’s progress. These include:

·  APP Grids for reading, writing and maths.

·  Primary Target Tracker and Termly Target Tracker.

·  Inclsion Grids

·  Venn diagrams to identify vulnerable children who are not making expected progress.

·  Teacher Records

·  Assessment column in lesson plans.

These records are used to inform targets for children.

Parents receive Progress Reports at the end of the spring term and End of Year Statements at the end of the summer term.



·  to ensure continuity and progression in teaching and learning

and across the Key Stages.

·  to provide clear learning objectives.

·  to plan for differentiation to meet individual, group and whole class needs.


·  to identify and meet children’s needs as early as possible.

·  to ensure that the National Curriculum is accessible to all children.

·  to ensure that teachers are in a position to identify pupils’ strengths and weaknesses, what they know, understand and can do, and to support any areas of weakness.

·  to ensure that pupils are encouraged to identify their own strengths and areas for development

·  to raise teachers’, pupils’ and parents’ expectations in relation to achievement.

·  to inform planning and future teaching and learning.

·  to support teachers in evaluating the effectiveness of their teaching.

·  to use the principles of Assessment for Learning to support assessment procedures.


·  to provide a clear record of each child’s achievements & attainment in all areas of school life.

·  to provide next step targets.


·  To give information to parents that gives a clear picture of their child’s achievement and attainment and meet statutory requirements.

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995/Disability Equality Scheme

With reference to the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995/Disability Equality Scheme: Jotmans Hall Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for disabled pupils, staff and all those receiving services from the school. All pupils and staff will have an equal opportunity to meet their aspirations, realise their full potential and improve their life chances. The school embraces a culture of inclusion and diversity, in which people feel free to disclose their disability and to participate fully in school life. All reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure the school is as accessible as possible.

Assessment of Special Educational Needs

Early identification of children with special educational needs enables planning for access to the curriculum and assessment. Children with special educational needs, as defined by the Code of Practice, are regularly assessed; their progress is reviewed and reported to parents.

For further information see Inclusion Policy SEN/LDD 2010.


Yearly and termly planning is undertaken jointly by all teachers in different keystages.

Termly and Medium term plans are monitored by The Senior Leadership Team. The planning of blocked sections of work is organised by staff members in phase group teams. This is to ensure that resources will be available when required and that they will not coincide with whole school events e.g. sports days.

Yearly planning is based upon the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies, key skills and the QCA schemes of work, in conjunction with the Programmes of Study and National Curriculum level descriptors. There is an emphasis on topic work in KS1. This progresses to more in-depth study in KS2 when individual subject lessons being delivered. Cross curricular links are identified and subjects are taught together where possible to provide an innovative curriculum.

Termly planning is completed by individual teachers. Using both the scheme of work and the National Curriculum level descriptors, teachers plan a series of learning objectives relating to the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and key skills. The attainment in reaching these objectives is assessed and presented in a summative format using Termly Target Tracker.

Methods of differentiation are recorded on lesson plans.

Daily planning formats and observation lesson plan formats are decided by the Senior Leadership Team. (Appendix 1)

All plans include:

1.  A learning objective for each activity undertaken.

2.  Differentiated work for each group of children.

3.  Formative Assessment column – an identification of future learning needs if there needs to be adjustment to the learning programme or school scheme of work to suit individual pupils.

Lesson planning is monitored by the Senior Leadership Team through planning monitoring and through lesson observations (Appendix 2)


Strategies for Assessment

Various strategies are employed for assessment including:

·  Standard Attainment Tests and Single Level Test Papers

·  Teacher prepared tests

·  Practical work

·  The marking of pupil’s work

·  Pupil observation by Class Teacher and LSA

·  The use of questioning

·  The principles of Assessment for Learning


Pupil’s Work / Oral Evidence / ICT Evidence


Artefacts /
Big Write
Newspaper articles
short answer questions
Multiple choice questions
Cloze procedure /
Role play
Pupil presentations
Debates / Photographs
Video clips
Pupil folders on network

Guidelines for Assessment

Assessment strategies are used for informing future teaching and learning:

·  By using elements of the principles of Assessment for Learning in order that children are familiar with their next steps and targets.

·  By making observations of the child in class and at play. These observations can be recorded by the Class Teacher or LSA. The recording of these observations are made at the teacher’s discretion.

·  By using appropriate questioning techniques, which include open ended and closed questions, when teaching the whole class, a group of children or an individual pupil.

·  By using teacher prepared tests in the areas of spelling and mental arithmetic and other subjects.

·  By using teacher assessment and statutory Standard Assessment Tests at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2.

·  By using the Foundation Stage Profile in the Reception year.

·  APP Grids in reading, writing and maths.

·  Big Write Success Criteria.

·  Maths Targets.

·  To ensure consistency in teacher assessment, planning is undertaken collaboratively between teachers working with similar age groups during standardisation meetings.

·  Teachers should use the National Curriculum Programmes of Study, key skills and the Primary Framework to plan objectives for teaching and pupil assessment.

·  Marking and Feedback

See Literacy and Numeracy Policy and Foundation Subject Policies.

Record Keeping

Formative Records

The main process for formative assessment will be marking, observations of children and feedback supported by the principles of Assessment for Learning. Daily and weekly record sheets may be used by class teachers, especially for those children who require extra reinforcement or extension activities, in order to successfully reach a learning objective. Teachers complete the assessment column in the lesson plans as well as their individual record books.

Targets are set each term for individual children in KS1 and KS2 and are reviewed in consultation with pupils.

Target Tracker software, APP grids, Big Write assessments and Maths layered targets are used to support teachers in setting termly targets for individual or groups of children.

Summative Records

Throughout the year there are set assessment weeks when a summative record of the children’s attainment and achievement are collated.

All results put into termly target tracker. A copy of the results are kept by each Class Teacher and the Senior Leadership Team.

There results are then analysed to identify focus groups within the school.

The results of various other groups e.g. FSM are also analyzed using SEF outcomes A2.2.

The Class Teachers then use this information to inform their Inclusion Grids.

The Pupil Progress Reports records the achievement of each pupil:

·  has not made expected level of progress

·  has made expected level of progress

·  has exceeded expected level of progress

The End of Year Statement records the attainment of each pupil:

·  Below average

·  Average

·  Above average.

Summative assessment procedures for the Foundation Stage

Ongoing, informal and formal assessments are made using the criteria in the Foundation Stage Profile (FSP).

Summative assessments are made termly. Evidence will be obtained throughout the year for individual pupils in a variety of ways, including photographs and observations by the Class Teacher and LSA.

Evidence and data is input onto Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Target Tracker:

·  Autumn term (first half) on entry assessment

·  Spring term FSP

·  Summer term FSP

Summative assessment procedures for Years 1- 6

The Senior Leadership Team decide the assessment cycle for each academic year. (Appendix 3)

Ongoing, informal and formal assessments are made with reference to the National Curriculum.

Summative assessments – writing.

The Big Write success criteria and APP grids are used as a guide for assessments.

Teachers hold standardisation meetings to ensure that assessments are consistent throughout the school.

The Literacy Manager monitors Big Write books, Writing and Grammar books throughout the year. (Appendix Four)

Summative assessments are made termly. Data is input onto Termly Target Tracker.

Summative assessments – Numeracy.

Summative assessments are carried out each term using a variety of methods including practical tasks and tests.

Numeracy APP grids are used as a guide for assessments.

The Maths Co-ordinator monitors maths books each term to ensure that assessments are consistent throughout the school. (Appendix 4)

Summative assessments are to be made termly. Data is input onto Termly Target Tracker.

Summative termly assessments- speaking and listening, reading and science.

Summative assessments are to be made termly. Data is input onto Termly Target Tracker.

Summative assessments are analysed termly, by all staff and are used to:

·  Identify those children whose attainment and achievement is slow moving either from the Foundation Stage or end of Year 2. Venn Diagrams are employed and children who are not making progress are identified as ‘Vulnerable’.

·  Identify the attainment and achievement of specific groups of children who have a range of needs. SEF outcomes (Appendix 5)

Summative assessments are used to: