
Use the following link:

to answer questions about the Ancient Greek Olympics. Go to ACTIVITIES AT THE BOTTOM. To advance the cartoon find the highlighted yellow caption.

_____/ 10 Points

1) Where did the ancient Olympics take place?

2) How long did a Greek Olympian have to swear to Zeus that they had been training for in order to enter the Olympics?

3) On the first day of the ancient Olympics who competed?

4) Women were not allowed to view the ancient Olympics usually. Women were only allowed to compete in what event in the Olympics and why?

5) What did ancient long jumpers use to help them compete and why?

6) Part of the reason there were Olympic Games was to compete against other city-states and prove who was best without having to fight a war. However, one event was great training for soldiers and proved which city-state had good soldiers. Which event was the best for training soldiers?

7) What was the event the “pankration?”

8) What does “pankration” mean in English?

9) What made the last Olympic running event so challenging for the participants?

10) What were Olympic winners given in Greece?


Use the following link:

to answer questions about the Ancient Greek Theatre. Go to ACTIVITIES AT THE BOTTOM. To advance the cartoon find the highlighted yellow caption. Be sure

to click on all arrows.

_____/ 10 Points

1) What does “acropolis” mean and why was it important to the ancient Greeks?

2) Who were most of the front rows reserved for in the theatres?

3) Which Greek playwright developed scenery?

4) What was the crane called in Greek that was used to hoist up actors? (EXTRA CREDIT if you can think of an English word that comes from that word).

5) The Greeks did many things to honor their gods. Which god was honored by having theatre and what was he/she the god of?

6) What was the purpose/function of the chorus in ancient Greek plays? Can you think of who in a movie would serve the same function of the chorus?

7) Where did the Greek chorus perform?

8) Who played all the roles in Greek theatre?

9) What were the 2 popular types of plays developed by the Greeks?

10) What was the competition of plays in Athens called and how long did it last?