Final Exam Review_ Fall 2013

Scientific Method

1. Independent Variable
2. Dependent Variable
3. Constants
4. Control group
5. What are the steps of the scientific method, in order?
6. Give 3 examples of independent variables (things scientists could test)
7. Give 3 examples of dependent variables (things scientists can measure).


8. Abiotic
9. Biotic
10. Climax community
11. Primary succession
12. Secondary succession
13. Thigmotropism
14. Phototropism
15. Gravitropism
16. Ecosystem
17. Population
18. Niche
19. Biomagnification
20. Trophic Level
21. Commensalism
22. Parasitism
23. Mutualism
24. Predator
25. Prey
26. Decomposer
27. Interspecific Competition
28. Intraspecific Competition
29. What are three examples of abiotic factors?
30. What are three examples of biotic factors?
31. After what three major events does secondary succession happen?
32. What must be NOT be present initially order for primary succession to take place?
33. What does the climax community of the tundra look like?
34. What does the climax community of the deciduous forest look like?
35. What does the climax community of the tropical rain forest look like?
36. Why are lichens so important for succession?
37. From where do producers obtain their energy?
38. In a food web, which organisms have the highest biomass? Which have the most energy?
39. Which organisms bring carbon from the atmosphere into the food chain?
40. How can humans help decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere>
41. How do energy and nutrients differ in moving through an ecosystem?


42. Monomer
43. Polymer
44. Protein
45. Carbohydrate
46. Lipid
47. Enzyme
48. Substrate
49. Active site
50. Adhesion
51. Cohesion
52. Surface Tension
53. Fill in the chart.
Monomer / Function / Example
54. Draw/describe an enzyme substrate complex. Label the enzyme, substrate, active site, products.
55. Enzymes (increase/decrease) circle one the rate of a reaction. How do they do that?

Cell Structure

56. Prokaryote
57. Eukaryote
58. What are the three parts of the cell theory?
59. Fill in the chart.
Organelle / Function
Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi body
Cell wall
Cell membrane

Cell Transport

60. Diffusion
61. Osmosis
62. Facilitated diffusion
63. Passive transport
64. Active transport
65. Dynamic equilibrium
66. Selectively permeable
67. Solute
68. Carrier protein
69. Phospholipid
70. Hypotonic solution
71. Hypertonic solution
72. Isotonic solution
73. Draw the phospholipid bilayer. Label the phospholipid heads, tails, and proteins.
74. Fill in the chart.
Definition / Direction of water movement / Example
Hypertonic solution
Hypotonic solution
Isotonic solution
75. What factors affect the rate of a reaction?
76. What factors limit the size of a cell?
77. Fill in the chart
Movement / Requires protein? / Requires energy?
diffusion / high --> low
facilitated diffusion
active transport
78. Mitosis
79. Centromere
80. Centriole
81. Chromosome
82. Sister chromatids
83. Interphase
84. Cytokinesis
85. Mitosis produces ______(#) cells.
86. If a cell has 14 chromosomes before S phase (replication), how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have?

Cellular Respiration/ Photosynthesis

87. ATP
88. Cellular respiration
89. Photosynthesis
90. Aerobic respiration
91. Fermentation
92. What organelle is required for cellular respiration? For photosynthesis?
93. What type of cellular respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen?
94. What are the two types of fermentation?
95. What are the reactants in photosynthesis? ______, ______The products? ______, ______
96. What are the reactants in cellular respiration? ______, ______The products? ______, ______