DFWL Notice of Minutes

Meeting Date: 1/4/2014 Location: Coppell YMCA

Member organizations in attendance: Coppell, Plano West, Keller, Hebron, Southlake, Lovejoy, Parish, Frisco, St. Mark’s, Hillcrest, Plano, Allen, Flower Mound, Highland Park, Lake Cities, McKinney, and Prosper.

Meeting was called to order by Commissioner, Mike Cook @ 9:06 a.m.

Commissioner’s report: Mike Cook-Next meetings will be coaches/officials training session on January 18th and the scheduling meeting on January 25th (NOTE: both may take place on January 18th). The scheduling committee for DFWL will meet next week. Dan Miller of the officials organization returned the exceptions to the (THSLL and NCAA) rules he merged into one document, but Mike would like the executive group or committee to review. There was a meeting by e-vote yesterday regarding eligibility. 22 votes were returned and the majority ruled not to revisit the eligibility rule. Only 4 votes out of the 22 came back as a “yes” to revisit the language. Eligibility rule clarification: If you live in ISD, you have to play for that ISD home program. Discussed “good faith” between programs and asked that they work together, in that the programs/organizations must refund money and open said registration (if currently closed) to allow those players to register.

Treasurer’s report: Tracey Perry-Mike Cook sent out “bare bones” budget without tournaments for every program to review. This revised budget was walked thru based on #’s everyone has provided for team count. Mike Cook is putting together an agreement together with the officials on what we will pay them per team. Mike Cook stated he was to meet with Tim Cagney of the officials organization this next week. Question: What is US Lacrosse’s responsibility on training officials? None that we know of. DFWL could ask for US Lacrosse to help with grant money available? A line item was added for CPA expenses. Conclusion: Bare bones budget left $5600 deficit. Sponsorships or tournaments are needed to cover this deficit or we will raise fall dues by $25. There was a motion from Frisco to approve proposed budget and Highland Park was the 2nd to motion. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED

$3525 was spent to pay Pratt Law Firm and $10 was also spent for cashier’s check.

Secretary’s report: Robin Barron-Minutes have been typed from the last meeting.

Play Up discussion by Marc Hubbard, Gino S. and Mike Cook: Conclusion: There MUST be a waiver in place, and agreed to by the parents of the player playing up, the coaches, and the program. DFWL has not practical capability to assess every individual player and must rely entirely on the program, and parents, of the player looking to play up and that they must understand and accept all risks associated with having the player play up. Mike Cook and Mar Hubbard to revisit the language, but DFWL does not encourage players to play up, and would like to allow player parents and organizations to decide.

Mike Cook proposed that we add to our officers someone to represent the North, South and West regions. Conclusion: Any item up for discussion should be voted on by all member programs.

DFWL needs to form by-laws committee and we will use Daryl Pratt for by-laws. Marc Hubbard may know someone as well that could help us draft these.

Mike Cook spoke about the DFWL shorts Team Lax is putting together for us. Needs every program’s logo.

Lacrosse Balls: Each program needs to order their own cases of the new (NOCSAE stamped) required balls for games.

Question was asked about when committee’s will be formed? Mike Cook asked that we send him suggestions and volunteers, if willing.

Rostering with DFWL needs to be set up on League Athletics.

At the scheduling meeting, we need to schedule games within our district, especially for bantam level.

There was a comment made that we need to have roll called at every meeting. A sign in sheet was in place and has been in place at every meeting.

Motion to adjourn @ 11:40 a.m.

Minutes typed by Robin Barron, Secretary for DFWL/rb