Varicocele Treatment Ebook

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Table Of Contents






Tips And Tricks

First Things First: Why NOT Surgery?

“Primum non nocere.” – “First, do no harm”. – Medical ethics axiom.

While varicocele surgery may seem like a tempting solution to your varicocele problem, consider this analogy: If something goes wrong with your car and it doesn’t drive the way it’s supposed to, you’ll check the tires, the oil, the brakes, the steering fluid and a dozen other things to try and sort out the cause of the problem. You wouldn’t just haul your car in to the nearest shop and pay the mechanic a couple thousand dollars to replace the entire transmission. Yet unfortunately, many doctors routinely ask their patients to take powerful medicationsand undergo serious, invasive and dangerous procedures up to and including surgery prior touncovering and treating the causes of the patient’s distress. And your body is certainly more important and delicate than your car! Of course not all doctors are indiscriminate pill-pushers and not all doctors are looking toput you under the knife just to collect a paycheck. But the utter lack of sound nutritional education in the medical profession and the increasingly more intimate relationship that pharmaceutical companies enjoy with medical, research and government bodies should frankly scare you. However you may feel about this brave new world we live in, there’s a bright side: you now have more power and control over your health than ever in the history of the human race. You have access to the latest information all over the world at your fingertips and it is now commonplacefor a patient who’s done his homework to be better informed thanhis doctor about a particular condition!

Almost 1 in 5 men have a varicocele. Does that mean that every 5th male should undergo surgery? Of course not! The fact is that we live in a society where the go-to solutions formany problems is to treat symptoms via drugs, surgery and other superficial methods rather than fix the causes of these things in the first place.

How does this relate to your varicocele?

The simple fact is that the majority of men with varicoceles live normal lives just like men without varicoceles. However, having a varicocele carries some unpleasant potential problems that may or may not even be related to the actual varicocele. These include:

-Reduced male factor (virility, aggressiveness, zest for life)

-Low libido

-Sexual dysfunction (problems getting and maintaining an erection)

-Impaired sperm count and quality


The first step in naturally treating a varicocele is to determine if you have any of these problems in the first place.

The fact is that the majority of men in the West, even those without varicoceles have these problems to some degree. And it’s really no surprise given our uninformed dietary decisions, lack of effective exercise, chronic stress and exposure to toxins. These toxins include heavy metals, allergens, gut irritants and worst of all, synthetic petroleum-derived estrogen-like chemicals that literally wreak havoc on the male reproductive capacities of not just humans, but scores of mammalian species.

Then apply the Natural Healing Method. Let’s go through each of these potential varicocele-related problems one-by-one. Please take a mental note if any of these apply to you so that you can apply the solutions presented later on.

Male Factor

Male factor is a subjective feeling of power, competence, aggressiveness and active interest in life. It’s perfectly natural for your male factor to fluctuate depending on many things such as age, general health, sleep, stress levels, diet, exercise, relationships and even time of the year and exposure to sunlight. If you’ve observed a low male factor for several consecutive months, this is not normal and requires your attention. The male factor is not to be confused with some sort of macho arrogance, although a high testosterone level does tend to increase confidence and aggressiveness. This is more of a feeling of zest, interest and joyful participation in daily activities. Traumatic events and depression have a lowering effect on male hormones which causes the apathy associated with depression.

Low Libido

Low libido means that you are less interested in sex in general. It’s important to note that a man with low libido may still function normally in the bedroom but it is his desire to seek out a sexual partner and engage in the sex act that is dampened. This also fluctuates based upon many factors but if you notice that your interest in sex has diminished below your usual level for an extended period of time, you may be suffering from low libido.

Sexual Dysfunction

While low libido describes a lack of desire to initiate sex, sexual dysfunction refers to the inability to become sufficiently erect or to maintain an erection long enough to engage in and complete the sex act. For men 50 years of age and younger this should not be a regular concern. Occasionally, every day problems and conflicts intrude into the bedroom and sabotage sex. This is normal. But a healthy man should be fairly responsive in this department most of the time.

Impaired Sperm Count And Quality

Many men find out they have a varicocele because they have trouble conceiving a child with their spouse and assume that the varicocele is responsible and rashly rush off to varicocele surgery. This is utterly crazy for several reasons that we will get into shortly. At this point many men complete a Semen Analysis (SA) and discover that their sperm count and/or quality is poor. Don’t take the Semen Analysis too seriously; it’s a notoriously inaccurate test both because of natural fluctuations in sperm/semen parameters and the nature of the test itself.


Some men have been told by their doctors that they’re infertile and won’t be able to conceive. Rarely this is indeed the case, but often it’s a fatalistic diagnosis that may or may not be accurate.

The Natural Healing Method

Whatever problems you may be experiencing may be due to your varicocele or may have nothing to do with it at all. That’s what we’re going to find out using the Natural Healing Method. The method is a safe, logical way to assess your health in any given area and improve it. Here’s how it works:

  1. Observe
  2. Test
  3. Make A Change
  4. Re-test

It’s super-basic and super-powerful. Let’s apply this method to each category of varicocele-related problems:

Male Factor

As I mentioned before, a great variety of things can influence male factor but let’s focus on the main contributors: male androgenic hormones. The most important among these are testosterone and luteinizing hormone. A decrease or lack of these hormones will greatly impact a man’s life in every key area including concentration, sexual interest, athletic performance, muscle growth, assertiveness and more. But how you feel doesn’t always reflect your physiological state and for this reason it’s necessary to apply the Natural Healing Method:

  1. Observe – You’ve observed a decreased male factor
  2. Test – At this point, it’s important to do a blood test to check for several things: Vitamin D levels, total testosterone, free testosterone, luteinizing hormone, fasting blood glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol levels. I’ll explain the significance of each of these below.
  3. Make A Change – Once you’ve established your baseline levels it’s time to increase your male factor. This is done with diet, exercise and supplementation, all of which we’ll discuss in detail soon.
  4. Re-Test: A few months after making your change, it’s time to re-test and see if your change has had any positive effect. You may notice something it before you go and get tested but just keep one thing in mind: how you feel doesn’t always reflect the reality of your body’s state of health so testing is a must.

A Note About Testing

Making more than one change at a time can complicate things. If, for example, you discover you have a low sperm count and start supplementing your diet with Brazil nuts (a rich source of selenium) and zinc simultaneously and then re-test and get a better result, how do you know if it was the Brazil nuts, the zinc, both or neither that had the effect? The truth is that unless you test things one at a time, you’ll just be guessing at what worked and what didn’t. If you’re impatient and start making a host of changes, I don’t blame you because you want to improve your health as quickly and as efficiently as possible but it’s not necessarily the best way to determine what’s working and what isn’t.


An intelligent supplementation plan can do wonders for your mind and body but it’s also easy to get carried away. For this reason, please do your homework before taking any supplement and please always observe these two rules of thumb:

  1. Cycle all of your supplements in 30 day increments (or as per indicated recommendations)
  2. Be aware of interactions supplements may have with one another and with other medicines you may be taking

Now let’s take a look at some supplementsthat can be of help to men with varicoceles:


Maca is a medicinal herb native to Peru. The Incas of Peru consumed Maca and believed that it enhanced sexual prowess. Studies have indeed shown that Maca extracts stimulate libido and improve sperm production, sperm motility and semen volume. Not only is this a highly nutrient-dense food, this is a remarkably safe herb to consume.


Research carried out in Russia and Bulgaria indicates that tribulus increases testosterone and DHEA, two powerful male hormones that positively affect sexual behavior.

Horny Goat Weed

This herb, native to southern China, has been shown to stimulate pathways similar to those of Viagra, including increasing nitric oxide levels which relaxes smooth muscle and facilitates erection, making it a popular ingredient in sexual potency formulations.


Ginseng is fairly cheap and generally beneficial to overall health. For varicocele sufferers, taking ginseng may help to strengthen libido. This has actually been verified by numerous studies. However, you may have to take ginseng for several weeks before you see results.

Fish Oil

Besides being an incredibly potent anti-inflammatory compound that helps counteract the many assaults on health produced by our modern lifestyles, fish oil also increases sex drive by elevating dopamine levels. This neurotransmitter is associated with being “in the mood”. Be sure to get a high quality fish oil that has been tested to contain negligible PCB and mercury levels.


Studies have shown that depressed individuals who consumed probiotics experienced an improvement in mood comparable to using an anti-depressant! The fact is that the standard Western diet is extremely lacking in helpful bacteria. The human gut is supposed to be populated with beneficial bacteria! The metabolic activity performed by gut flora can be likened to an organ! In fact, we already know that the gut is likely the most important organ in its influence on obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Restoring appropriate levels of microbiota in the stomach by eating fermented and raw foods also often fixes digestive issues related with gut permeability and gets more mileage out of the food you consume because of improved nutrient absorption. A few excellent fermented foods are kimchee (Korean spicy cabbage), sauerkraut, kombucha and kefir.

Magnesium (Improves Sleep)

Magnesium helps calm nerves and relax muscles. When you are engaging your muscles in your daily activities (especially if you are an athlete), calcium accumulates in your cells to help your muscles contract. The residual muscular tension may interfere with your sleep. Magnesium helps push calcium out of the cells which in turn helps muscles relax. The majority of the population is magnesium deficient. For improved sleep, take 200mg before bed.


Both carnitine and acetyl-l-carnitine improve erectile function and sperm parameters. This is one of the few supplements that was studied specifically in varicocele patients, resulting in increased sperm production and quality.


L-arginine is an amino acid that causes dilation of the blood vessels. This allows for more nitric oxide production, leading to firmer erections. This is a safe supplement to take and definitely a good one to experiment with to see if it works for you.


Yohimbe is an African plant with potent physiological effects which has been used in Africa long before the introduction of Viagra and similar drugs. The main ingredient in yohimbe (yohimbine hydrochloride) allows more nitric oxide to be released, resulting in harder, firmer erections.

I’ve listed yohimbe for the sake of completeness but it has rather strong side effects and I suggest experimenting with safer supplements prior to trying this one. Some of these side effects include palpitations, anxiousness, nervousness, trouble sleeping, etc.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D3 is primarily synthesized by the body during exposure to sunlight (UVB rays). It acts as a powerful steroid in the body and regulates many things including musculoskeletal health, immune health and testosterone production in the leydig cells. In fact, studies have shown that a high vitamin D level is correlated with a high testosterone level and vice versa. The majority of Americans, even those living in subtropical climates such as that of sunny Miami, Florida are vitamin D deficient. Getting Vitamin D levels up to about 50ng/mL can have a powerful impact on your energy levels, mood, immunity and testosterone.

I was personally shocked to discover that I was severely Vitamin D deficient even though I spent at least an hour in the sunlight every day in Northern California. Once I corrected this deficiency I began seeing a significant jolt in my sex drive, alertness, mood and athletic performance. This is perhaps the most important supplement on the list, as our species evolved with abundant exposure to sunlight and it has a profound impact on our general health.


Zinc is an essential trace element. Zinc is intimately connected with testosterone levels and studies have shown that even moderate zinc deficiency impacts testosterone concentrations. Zinc has been shown to increase both the volume of semen and motility of sperm in men. However, zinc is toxic in large quantities and should be obtained from food rather than supplements whenever possible. The best sources of zinc are meats, pumpkin seeds and seafood, oysters being particularly high in zinc.

Upon noticing the first symptoms of a cold, I always take 30mg of Zinc and 6000IU of vitamin D. Zinc has been proven to reduce the severity and duration of a cold (hence the popularity of zinc lozenges and zinc nasal sprays) and this combination has kept me cold and flu-free while everybody around me was dropping like flies!


Semen contains large amounts of lecithin and supplementation with lecithin has been shown to increase semen volume and prostate secretions, leading to a more voluminous ejaculate. The pleasure of male orgasm is directly related to semen volume. In this case, more is better. Additionally, lecithin has powerful benefits for the liver and may help to decrease the rate of aging.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that supports men’s sexual health by altering carbohydrate metabolism and helping to regulate blood sugar levels, which have a considerable impact on sex drive.


Selenium is a trace element that is mostly obtained from meat and nuts. Optimizing your selenium levels can have a multiplicative effect on your sperm count and testosterone levels. That’s powerful! The best natural source of selenium is Brazil nuts. Too much selenium is bad for you so keep it to just to just 2 to 5 brazil nuts a day (less if you’re taking a multivitamin with selenium) and take days off sometimes. This little tweak should have a noticeable effect on semen volume within a week or so.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin found most plentifully in dark, leafy greens such as kale, collard greens, spinach and broccoli. Vitamin K is essential to building strong bones, plays a vital role in blood clotting and helps prevent cardiovascular disease. However, a 2007 study published in the journal of vascular research found that varicosis may be attributable to a lack of vitamin K, which is not surprising since most of us grew up eating candy instead of dark, leafy greens. Vitamin K supplementation is unnecessary; simply include more dark greens into your diet.