Bible Sword Drills

Bees of the Bible -- Have students stand in a line with closed Bibles in hand. Read the text aloud. The first one to find the verse raises his hand and is asked to read the verse aloud; after which he moves to the head of the line. Then second text is read, and so on… See who can stay at the head of the line the longest.

Genesis 1:22 - Be fruitfulPsalm 27:3 Be confident

Psalm 2:10 - Be wise Psalm 27:14 - Be of good courage

Matthew 5:4 - Be comfortedHaggai 2:4 - Be strong

Psalm 4:4 - Be still Psalm 35:9 - Be joyful

2 Corinthians 6:17 - Be separatePsalm 51:7 - Be clean

Psalm 5:11 - Be joyfulMatthew 14:27 - Be of good cheer

Zephaniah 3:14 - Be gladPsalm 100:4 - Be thankful

Psalm 19:13 - Be uprightZechariah 2:13 - Be silent

Isaiah 4:3 - Be holyRomans 8:6 - Be spiritually minded

Psalm 149:5 Be joyful

Keep Your Seat -- Here is a new twist to having a Sword Drill. Have 2 chairs set up front.
Pick 2 students to start and have them sit in the chairs. Give a reference and whichever one finds it first gets to stay in the chair. Then pick someone else to go next. The object is to see who can keep their seat the longest.
You can combine this game with a lesson by choosing the Bible references along some theme such as verses about prayer, love, forgiveness, etc.

Choose Ye This Day...-- Use this as a Sword drill or simply call on different ones to read the verses as you talk about making choices.

Duet. 30:19 Examples: Mary- Luke 10:42

I Kings 18:21 Joshua- Joshua 24:15

Matthew 27:21Ruth- Ruth 1:16

Solomon- I Kings 3:19
Moses- Hebrews 11:25

Titles of Christ

Isaiah 9:6 Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace

Revelation 1:8 Alpha, Omega, Almighty

1 Peter 5:4 chief ShepherdJohn 8:58 I Am

John 6:35 Bread of life1 Corinthians 2:8 Lord of glory

Psalm 118:22 Head stone of the cornerJohn 14:6 Way, Truth, Life

Luke 1:78 DayspringIsaiah 53:3 Man of sorrows

John 10:7 DoorRevelation 22:16 Root and offspring of David

Isaiah 42:1 Mine electDaniel 9:25 Messiah

Revelation 1:17 First and lastJob 19:25 Redeemer

Matthew 2:6 GovernorJohn 11:25 Resurrection, Life

Hebrews 4:14 High priest, Jesus, Son of God1 Corinthians 10:4 Rock, Christ

Acts 3:14 Holy One, JustActs 4:27 Holy Child

Isaiah 7:14 ImmanuelLuke 2:11 Saviour, Christ the Lord

Isaiah 26:4 Lord JehovahJohn 15:1 True Vine

John 1:29 Lamb of GodLuke 1:32 Son of the Highest

Matthew 1:21 JesusJohn 1:1 Word

Isaiah 33:22 Judge, Lawgiver

1 Timothy 6:15 Potentate, King of kings, Lord of lords

Song of Solomon 2:1 Rose of Sharon, Lily of the valleys