KY Contract ExpSmryUniverse


The KY Contract Exp Smry Universe providesa more efficient and user friendly access to expenditure data against eMARS contract documents (Purchase Orders, Contracts and Master Agreements) summarized by Fiscal Year, Budget Fiscal Year and Accounting Period at various document component levels (i.e. header, vendor, commodity, or accounting).

Key Properties of this Universe:

  • The expenditure data included is specifically ‘Cash Expenditures’ (derived from Posting Codes that use the Posting Classification Code = 10). ‘Accrued Expenditures’ are not included. The expenditure data will be displayed in the Accounting Period where the “Cash Expenditure” occurred.
  • Data is refreshed by Accounting Period on a monthly basis.
  • The data only includes contract documents that have cash expenditures.

Class Structure

For efficient and quick response times and general ease of use, the KY Contract Exp Smry Universe consists of the following four classes that mirror the document structure in eMARS:

  • Header – This class contains information related to the header of each contract document with the data summarized by the following fields: FY, BFY, Period, Document Code, Document Department Code, and Document ID. Detail items from the header are included as well for document identification and to aid the user with additional information. These detail items include the following fields: Document Name, Document Description, Cited Authority, and Procurement Type ID. Also included are items related to each specific document version. These detail items are the Document Version Number, Document Record Date, Effective Date, Effective End Date, Effective End Date of Last Renewal Period, and historical Document Description, and historical Document Name.

When should you use it?

If you needed to see what documents had the highest amount of cash expenditures on them from your department you could use this class to retrieve a list of contracts and the cash expenditures against them.

  • Vendor–Vendor information related to each contract is contained in this class. This data is summarized by the following fields: FY, BFY, Period, Document Code, Document Department Code, Document ID, and Vendor Line Number. This class contains additional fields related to contract vendors including the following fields: Vendor Customer Code and Vendor Customer Legal Name.

When should you use it?

This class can be used to review the amount of cash expenditures that has been spent on each contract with a particular vendor. This could be expanded to review the cash expenditures for each contract a department has with a vendor.

  • Commodity–This class contains specific commodity data related to each contract. This data is summarized by the following fields:FY, BFY, Period, Document Code, Document Department Code, Document ID, Vendor Line Number, and Commodity Line Number. It also includes commodity specific details to help you see what cash expenditures are going against each commodity line on a contract. The detail fields are as follows: Commodity Code, Commodity Description, Commodity Line Description, Service Start Date, Service End Date, Unit of Measure, Unit Price, and Quantity.

When should you use it?

The Commodity Class can be used whenever you wanted to review the cash expenditures on a contract for a specific commodity item. It could also be used to review what commodity items have the highest cash expenditures against them on a contract.

  • Accounting–This class contain each of the fields related to the accounting for each contract. This data is summarized by the following fields: FY, BFY, Period, Document Code, Document Department Code, Document ID, Vendor Line Number, and Commodity Line Number. This class is best used whenever you want to see the detail of the contract cash expenditure broken down by specific accounting elements. The detail fields for this include but are not limited to the following: Fund, Sub Fund, Department, Unit, Object, BSA, Major Program, Program, etc.

When should you use it?

The accounting class could be used to determine what funds have had cash expended against them for a particular contract or review the total cash expenditures against a group of contracts.

TIP! For the most efficient queries and fastest response times, pull objects from the same class when possible. For example, don’t pull the Contract document identifier objects from the Header class and then Accounting Objects from the Accounting class when all of the objects are available within the Accounting class.

Significant Objects

While most of the objects in the KY Contract Exp Smry Universe are similar to objects found in other infoAdvantage universes, there are a few objects that are significant and unique to this universe:

  • Cash Expenditure– This is a sum of cash expenditures against a contract from the accounting journal. These are entries that come from the accounting journal with a closing classification of 10 and reference a contract document.
  • Adjusting Cash Expenditures – This is a placeholder for future functionality.
  • Net Cash Expenditures – Equals Cash Expenditures minus Adjusting Cash Expenditures.

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