Α/Α / conference / PLACE / DATE / MEMBER
of the H.Q.A. / basic conclusions
1 / 8thEuropean Forum
of Quality AssuranceofEUA, ENQA, EURASE, ESU / Sweden
Goteborg / 21-23/11/2013 / Prof K.
Memos / There is a multi-dimensional examination in Europe about the processes and the results of the Quality Assurance of Universities.
There is no homogeneity in the framework of accreditation ofUniversitiesin European countries. The system which is more appropriate and can be a future target for ADIP, is the Irish System.
The aim for the future for HQA is to accredit the Academic Institutes, which are in the position, according to their internal Quality Assurance System, to certify the study programmes of their Schools.
This last process can be implemented by nationalexpertsfrom inside or outside the School programme.
T / 26thConférence ADMEE
“L’évaluation dans un processus de régulation” / Morocco, Maracas, / 15 - 17/1/ 2014 / Prof.g. Stamelos / The basic benefits of this conference are the connection of HQAwith international organizations which deal with evaluation, the participation in working groups and the negotiation of specialized types of evaluation as the one concerning teaching by students.
3 / Congressof Swiss Center of Accreditation in collaboration with Quality Assurance of Higher Education (QAQ): “Transparency for European Higher Education through Public Ensurance Report (EQAREP)” / Switzerland, Zurich / 16 - 17/1/ 2014 / Dr. Ν. Georgiadis / From all the participants of independent agencies of quality assurance from all the countries, there was a high level of sensitivity and attention about the outlooks for a common prototype or a guideline for review reports or, the summaries of quality of academic institutes and universities.
There are countries with different educationenvironment application conditions and needs regarding their national quality framework, making difficult for ENQAto create a prototype model of data quality of European Institutes.
Reviews were presented from European institutesas case studies with good and bad practices, in order to develop a policy of good and approved data of institutes,in a published format, in which will be presented the basic elements of the quality of institutes.
The study is continued by ENQA and the four European Organizations which participate in the funding programme of the European Committee. The presentation and dissemination of the results of this study will take place in a special conference, organized by ENQA on the 22-23/9/2014 in Brussels.
4 / Seminar of European Academy for Taxes, Economics, and Law
“Quality Management and Quality Assurance In Higher Education Institutions” / Germany, Berlin / 6-7/2/2014 / Prof. Μ. Lazaridou / The basic points are the following:
-Spirit of Quality (we all have to work with a spirit of Quality). Guidance is a basic factor. We have to be forward looking and reactive (For example determination of aims and objectives before their evaluation, training and guidance of teachers before their evaluation, formation of education principles before the evaluation of courses)
-What is the vision (expectation in research, education, innovation). How this can be attended? Which is the operational architecture of the Institute/University? The opinionof the involved people is considered during the evaluation of different practices? The innovation index (Self positioning of programmecommittees ) is used to check the improvement and the additional value
-Quality development # Quality assurance. The development of quality drives to the development of the Organization (Strategic Plan). When the application is not appropriate drives to a strategic danger. Thus, the quality assurance level drives to accreditation and danger respectively; the administration of both is relative tothe flexibility of the organization.
-A committee providing the quality, contributes in the Spirit of Quality
-The inspiration is the basic factor in quality and also the reward/funding
-Learning of re-examof quality contributes in the Spirit of Quality
-Quality and participation of all the people which are involved
-SWOT analysis contributes to the improvement of quality although SWOC analysis is better (C: challenges instead of T: threats)
-Measurement of quality based on indicators (national and international). There is a need for comparative indicators for the evaluation of study programmes in similar scientific fields.
-External check of quality
-Evaluation of research results
-Comparative evaluation
5 / Conference of ENQA Member Forum
“The ENQA Strategic Planning 2015-2020 Revision for ESG”” / Russia,
St Petersburg / 24 - 25/4/ 2014 / Prof. Ι. Vlachos / The participation of HQA in this meeting is regarded beneficial due to the various meetings which were taking place in this forumpresenting new criteria and stereotypes which will be adopted from ENQA and a lot of useful thoughts and comments from participants and the organizers of the meeting. These thoughts and opinions are very useful for HQA for its application as a full member of ENQA.
There were private meetings and communication with other members from the agenciesor people of agencies which want to be full members of ENQA where thoughts and advices were exchanged. Prof Vlachos had a meeting with the president of ENQA, Dr Padraig Walsh, and the former president, Achim Hopbach
6 / Seminar “Impact Analysis of External Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutes:Methodology and its relevance for Higher Education Policy” / Germany, Manheim / 19 - 20/5/2014 / Prof. V. Tsiantos / In IMPALA seminar were presented a lot of interesting themes for HQAA. The basic idea/vision was the influence/impact of the external process of evaluation.
  1. The query which was diffused, involved different opinions/ expectations of authorities, about what it is the Quality Assurance
  2. During to the group meetings it was asked as an example “which pose the standards” An answer was “the business line poses the standards”
  3. Also,it was mentioned that the business and the institutes have a different point of view about the quality
  4. Another issue of the seminar was the improvement of the Schools after the evaluation and their accountability

7 / Seminar of ENQA “QA Agencies” / Belgium, Brussels / 2-3/6/2014 / Prof. Ι. VlachosD. Dargenidou / The participation of HQAin this seminar had as a main aim the briefing and update of information for the preparation of the application to ENQA and its success, in order to be a full member. This aim was succeeded, because presentations and meetings in partially groups were enlightening and gave us the opportunity to exchange useful information and guidelines for the outcome of the report.
Additionally, weaknesses were detected which must be confronted in order to avoid negative results, Moreover,HQA is in a better position in many fields in relation to other agencies; HQApresents an organized functionality and effectiveness. Also useful contacts were made with members from otheragencies for future collaboration and opinion exchanges in basic issues.