Terms Chapters 21-23

James G. Blaine Pan-American Conference Venezuelan boundary dispute

Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst yellow journalism

Alfred Mahan Samoan crisis of 1889 Hawaiian Revolution of 1893

Cuban revolt of 1895 General Weyler DeLome letter

The Maine Theodore Roosevelt George Dewey

Battle of Manila Bay Emilio Aguinaldo Admiral Cervera

Battle of Santiage William Shafter Rough Riders

San Juan Hill Nelson Miles Treaty of Paris of 1899

Anit-imperialist League White Man’s Burden William Jennings Bryan

Insular cases Leonard Wood Walter Reed

Teller Amendment Platt Amendment Elihu Root

William Taft John Hay Open Door Notes

Boxer Rebellion Thomas Platt Election of 1900

Tennis Cabinet Big Stick Policy Stewardship theory

Roosevelt Corollary The Oregon Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

Philippe Bunau-Varilla Panamian Revolution Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

William Gorgas George Goethals Columbian Treaty 1821

Venezuelan intervention Dominican intervention Alaskan Boundary dispute

Algerciras Conference Hague Conference Russo-Japanese War

Portsmouth Conference Japanese school incident Gentlemen’s Agreement

Great White Fleet Root-Takahira Agreement Thorstein Veblen

Jacob Riis Theodore Dreiser Jack London

Muckrakers Lincoln Steffens Ida Tarbell

David Philips Ray Stannard Baker John Spargo

initiative referendum recall

Oregon System Australian ballot 16th Amendment

17th Amendment 18th Amendment 19th Amendment

“suffragists” city-manager system Charles Evans Hughes

WCTU Square Deal Anathrcite Coal Strike 1902

Elikns Act 1903 Judge Landis Hepburn Act 1906

Northern Securities Case Upton Sinclair Meat Inspection Act

Pure Food and Drug Act Desert Land Act Carey Act

Gifford Pinchot Newlands Act Panic of 1907

Aldridge-Vreeland Act Joseph Cannon Payne-Aldridge Tariff

Ballinger-Pinchot Affair Cannonism Insurgent’s revolt

Mann-Elkins Act New Nationalism New Freedom

Pujo Committee Standard Oil breakup Canadian Reciprocity Treaty

Dollar Diplomacy Robert LaFollette Old Guard

Progressive Party Taft-Roosevelt split Woodrow Wilson

Bull Moose campaign Herbert Croly Conciliation treaties

Edward House Underwood Tariff Bill Louis Brandeis

Federal Reserve Act Federal Trade Commission Act Clayton Anti-trust Act

Federal Farm Loan Act Congressional elections of 1914 LaFollette Seamen’s Act

Workingmen’s Compensation Act Adamson Act Jones Act

Central powers Allied powers Herbert Hoover

Edith Cavell munitions trade strict accountability

The Lusitania The Arabic preparedness

National Defense Act (1916) Naval Act (1916) Sussex ultimatum

Election of 1916 Charles Evans Hughes "He Kept Us Out of War"

unrestricted submarine warfare contraband continuous voyage

Russian Revolution armed merchantmen Zimmerman Note

overt acts Fourteen Points League of Nations

self-determination War Industries Board Bernard Baruch

National War Labor Board IWW Fuel Administration

Food Administration Emergency Fleet Corporation William McAdoo

Liberty loan drives George Creel Creel Committee

Committee on Public Information Espionage Act 1917 Sedition Act 1918

Eugene Debs censorship AEF

John Pershing selective service law Chateau- Thierry

Belleau Wood Battles of the Marne Meuse-Argonne offensive

armistice influenza epidemic trench warfare

October appeal Henry Cabot Lodge Big Four

Clemenceau irreconcilables a little group of willful men

Pueblo Speech Lodge reservations Article X

solemn referendum reparations Red Scare

A. Mitchell Palmer