The Gatehouse, High Street, Chepstow
Tel 01291 626370 Email
16th April 2008
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Planning and Administration Committee of Chepstow Town Council to be held in the Council Chamber, The Gatehouse, High Street, Chepstow on Wednesday 23rd April 2008 at 6.15 pm
for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Copies of the Planning Applications will be available for inspection 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the Council meeting, or at any time by appointment.
Yours faithfully
Sandra Bushell
157. / Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda.158. / Minutes
To approve the Minutes of the Planning and Administration Committee Meeting held on 9th April 2008 (Attached).
159. / Matters Arising.
To report matters arising from the minutes, not on the Agenda: for information only.
160. / Monmouthshire County Council Planning Decisions.
To note the decisions of Monmouthshire County Council, detailed in the attached
161. / Planning Applications.
To consider the following planning applications:-
Land adj. Tymperleys Welsh St, Chepstow / Date:- 10/04/08
Type:- FULL / Applicant: Levers Howes Ltd
Parish:- St Kingsmark
Proposal:- Erection of one dwelling. Amendment: The garage has been detached to avoid the existing beech tree.
9-10 St Mary Street Chepstow / Date:- 04/04/08
Type:- LISTED / Applicant: J D Wetherspoon plc
Parish:- St Mary’s
Proposal:- New flue for fireplace to be positioned on the internal floor of one of the rooms at the site. 2 no. 150mm diameter holes to be cut in wall to run ducts in existing chimney flue. This will be a removable structure and will not compromise the integrity of the existing building. When JD Wetherspoon vacate the premises the flue and all duct work will be removed and the building will be able to go back to it's original structure.
Chepstow Conservative Club, Moor Street Chepstow / Date:- 04/04/08
Type:- FULL / Applicant: Chepstow Cons. Club
Parish:- St Mary’s
Proposal:- Single storey extension to create skittle alley + external smoking shelter.
8 Mount Way
Chepstow / Date:- 03/04/08
Type:- FULL / Applicant: Mr & Mrs G Williams
Parish:- St Mary’s
Proposal:- Demolish ex garage + rebuild as wider two storey extension to give garage/breakfast/master bed/ensuite - enlarge porch.
The Mount, Mount Way, Welsh Street, Chepstow / Date:- 04/04/08
Type:- FULL / Applicant: Chepstow Cons. Club
Parish:- St Mary’s
Proposal:- Replacement roof over single storey wing.
Thornwell Farm Chepstow / Date:- 11/04/08
Type:- FULL / Applicant: George Wimpey SW
Parish:- Thornwell
Proposal:- Removal of Condition 7 (works to listed farmhouse) of planning permission M/12039 (DC/2005/00932).
162. / Correspondence
(a) / Monmouthshire County Council – Street Naming and Numbering
To note that following a conversion to 4 No. apartments and the development of a further 20 new apartments the official address of The Mount, Welsh Street, Chepstow will now be 1-24 The Mount, Mount Way, Chepstow NP16 5UJ.
163. / Items for Next Meeting
164. / Delegation of Powers
To delegate authority to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning and Administration Committee, where possible, to make recommendations in respect of urgent matters arising prior to the next meeting of the Planning and Administration Committee.
165. / Date of Next Meeting.
To be confirmed at the Annual Meeting of Council.
To: Cllrs Mrs H Beach, Mrs P Birchall, Mrs V Crump, D Dovey, Mrs Y Havard,
N Heywood, H Hodges, Mrs J Robbins.
For Information: Cllrs T Dorel, P Hobson, Mrs J Sullivan, A Watts.