Mavani 1

Hamid Mavani

Bayan Claremont

Islamic Graduate School

Claremont School of Theology

Claremont, California



Ph.D. Islamic Studies

McGill University, Institute of Islamic Studies2005

Montreal, Quebec

Attended religious seminaries in Qum, Mashhad, and Isfahan(Iran);1992 – 2004

Bahrain;Cairo (Egypt), Damascus (Syria); and Najaf (Iraq)

for a total of four years.


M.A. Islamic Studies

McGill University, Institute of Islamic Studies1992

Montreal, Quebec

University of Toronto, Dept. of Middle East and Islamic Studies1987

Toronto, Ontario

Special Student

Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting

University of Alberta1984

Edmonton, Alberta


Associate ProfessorBayan Claremont2016 – present

Islamic Graduate School

Claremont School of Theology

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Religion2005 – 2016

Claremont Graduate University

Religious DirectorIslamic Cultural Center of Northern California2001 – 2004

Religious Director and Instructor

Adjunct ProfessorGraduate Theological Union2002 – 2003

Starr King School for the Ministry



Islamic Legal Methodology (Usūl al-Fiqh): A New Perspective, co-authored with

Ahmad Kazemi Moussavi, Herndon, VA: IIIT. 2018

  • Received praise for the book from Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Mohammad Hashim

Kamali,and Mohsen Kadivar.

Religious Authority and Political Thought in Twelver Shi‘ism: From Ali to

Post-Khomeini, New York and London: Routledge, June 2013 (hardcover). 2013

  • Paperback version released in August 2015.
  • Book reviewed in AAR Journal, 82/4 (December 2014), 1170-73; Islam and

Muslim-Christian Relations, 26/3 (2015), 381-82; Muslim World, 105/3 (July 2015),

422-23; Journal of International and Global Studies, 7/2 (November 2015), 168-70;

and AJISS, 32/2 (Spring 2015), 114-16.

Book (Translation)

Mohsen Kadivar, Mojazat-e murtad va azadi-ye madhhab(Apostasy, Blasphemy, 2018

& Religious Freedom in Islam: A Critique Based on Demonstrative Jurisprudence),

(in progress; under contract with the Center for Islam and Religious Freedom [CIRF])

  • Received a grant of $20,000 from CIRF to translate the whole work).

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

“Sunni-Shi’i Rapprochement: Internal Contradictions,” The American Journal of 2016

Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS), 33/1 (Winter 2016): 133-47.

“Two Shi‘i Jurisprudential Methodologies to Address Medical and Bioethical 2014

Challenges: Traditional Ijtihad and Foundational Ijtihad,” Journal of Religious

Ethics, 42/2 (June 2014): 263-84.

“Khomeini’s Concept of Governance of the Jurisconsult (wilayat al-faqih) Revisited: 2013

The Aftermath of Iran’s 2009 Presidential Election, The Middle East Journal, 67/2

(Spring 2013): 207-28.

“Tension between the Qur’an and Hadith: The Case of Offensive Jihad,”Journal of 2011

Shi‘a Islamic Studies, 4/4 (Autumn 2011): 397-414.

“Ayatullah Khomeini’s Concept of Governance (wilayat al-faqih) and the Classical 2011

Shi‘i Doctrine of Imamate,” Middle Eastern Studies, 47/5 (September 2011): 807-24.

“The Case for Secularity in Islam,”Journal of Islamic Law and Culture, 13/1 2011

(April 2011): 34-46.

“Ijtihad in Contemporary Shi‘ism: Transition from Individual-oriented to Society-2010

oriented,” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS), 27/3

(Summer 2010): 24-52.

“Paradigm Shift in Twelver Shi‘i Legal Theory (usul al-fiqh): Ayatullah Yusef 2009

Saanei.” Muslim World, 99 (April 2009): 335-55.

Book Chapters

“A New Reading on Authority (wilayah): Ayatollah Muhammad Mehdi Shamsuddin,” 2017

Democratic Movements: Reading Democratic Texts, ed. Xavier Márquez, London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.

“Structural Ijtihad: A Radical Paradigm Shift in Shiʻi Legal Theory,”2018

(to be published in an edited volume by IIIT).

“God’s Deputy: Islam and Transhumanism,” in Transhumanism and the Body: 2014

The World Religions Speak, eds. Calvin Mercer and Derek Maher, 67-83, New York:

Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

“Islam for Healthcare Specialists,” in World Religions in Healthcare, 2009

eds. Siroj Sorajjakool, Mark Carr, and Julius Nam, 95-112, New York:

Routledge, 2009.

“Analysis of Khomeini’s Proofs for al-Wilaya al-Mutlaqa (Comprehensive 2001

Authority) of the Jurist,” in The Most Learned of the Shi‘a: The Institution of the Marja‘

al-Taqlid, ed. Linda S. Walbridge, 183-201, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Encyclopedia Entries

Ijtihad,” in Encyclopedia of Islamic Bioethics (part of Oxford Islamic Studies Online),

ed. Ayman Shabana (submitted – forthcoming).

“Transhumanism,”in Encyclopedia of Islamic Bioethics (part of Oxford Islamic

Studies Online), ed. Ayman Shabana (submitted – forthcoming).

“Shari‘a,” in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies,

ed. Nancy Naples (submitted – forthcoming).

Book Reviews

Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition by Ayesha S. Chaudhry, American 2015

Journal of the Islamic Social Sciences(AJISS), 32/2 (Spring 2015): 132-35.

Al-Kafi, Book 1 (Intellect & Foolishness) by Shaykh Abu Ja‘far Muhammad b. 2014

Ya‘qub al-Kulayni with translation and commentary under the direction of

Shaykh Rizwan Arastu, Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies, 7/2 (Spring 2014): 231-34.

Shi‘ism and the Democratisation Process in Iran by Ibrahim Moussawi,Middle East 2012

Journal, 66/4 (Autumn 2012): 736-37.

PUBLICATIONS (un-refereed)

Abdolali Bazargan, In the Presence of the Sublime Qur’an(Dar Mahzar-e Qur’an-e2016

Hakim), translated from the Persian by Mohammad Fani and Amir Douraghy, edited

with an introduction, annotations, and a glossary by Hamid Mavani.

Ayatullah Salehi Najafabadi, Jihad in Islam, translated from Persian by Hamid 2012

Mavani, Montreal: Organization for the Advancement of Islamic Knowledge, 2012.

Ayatullah Salehi Najafabadi, Religious Extremism: Intellectual and Doctrinal 2009

Deviance in Islam,translated from Persian by Hamid Mavani, Montreal: Organization

for the Advancement of Islamic Knowledge, 2009.

Abu Mikhnaf. Maqtal al-Husayn, translated from Arabic by Hamid Mavani,2001

Middlesex, UK: Shia Ithnasheri Community of Middlesex, 2001.

Ayatullahs Ruhullah Khumayni, Gulpaygani, and Araki. A Guide to Islamic Medical 1998

Ethics, translated from Persian by Hamid Mavani, Montreal: Organization for the

Advancement of Islamic Knowledge, 1998.

Ayatullah Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani, Contemporary Legal Rulings in Shiʻi 1996

Law, translated from Arabic by Hamid Mavani, Montreal: Organization for the

Advancement of Islamic Knowledge, 1996.