2013 State Convention—Boise, ID
“Applied Proper Training Equals Preparedness”
April 12-14, 2013
Owyhee Plaza at 1109 Main Street (Group Meetings & Hospitality Room)
Safari Inn at 1070 Grove Street (sleeping rooms)
Welcome to the Convention
Our National Representative is Dr. Joanne Wilson from Baltimore, MD.
The Treasure ValleyChapter is the host of this convention.
NFB-Idaho President,Elsie Dickerson, will be staying in the room adjoining the HospitalityRoom in the Owyhee Plaza.
Registration will be open Thursday from 6:45—8:00 PM, Friday 7:45 AM—Noon and Saturday 7:45—8:30 AM. Committee Members: Harry Gawith – Chair, Susan Bradley, Katy Pirnie
The Hospitality Suite is in the Owyhee Plazaon the second floor.
Come to the Hospitality Suite for food, and to socialize and build new relationships.Hospitality Committee Members: Susan Bradley, Mary Ellen Halverson and Dana Ard – Co-Chairs, Alorah and Adam Neibaur
Many people are involved in the planning and completion of the convention. We want to thank everyone who has contributed to our convention.
Thank you to those who helped to obtain door prizesand auction items,etc. Be sure to label in Braille and print each door prizeitem with a description and the donors name and chapter. Please take your door prizes to Susan Fordand the auction items to Gus Tropea as soon as possible.
Door Prize Committee Members: Susan Ford – Chair, Heidi Kneip, Stacy Smith, Angie Mangum
Auction Committee Members: Gus Tropea – Chair, Dave Jolley, Larry Bateman
If you would like the agenda recorded, bring your recording device and meet at the Hospitality Suite at 7:00 PM Thursday evening or 1:00 PM Friday afternoon.
Have a Great Convention!
Friday April 12, 20113
7:45 AM—NoonRegistration will be open
8:30 AM—10:00 AM
NFB of Idaho Board Meeting and Breakfast
Opening Prayer— Vel Slotten
Constitution Changes
Jason Bernert will be giving chair massages on Friday and Saturday for $10. (Part of itwill go to the State Affiliate.)
10:00 AM—6:30 PM Hospitality Room will be open
10:00 AM--2:00PMTechnology FairAmbassador Room &
Embassy Room
Laine Amoureux – Chair
Karl Smith – Axis Technology Ambassador Room
Braille displays, Note Takers, Victor Stream & other technology
Aileen Zaken - Leading Edge Vision – Ambassador Room
CCTV, Zoom Text and other assistive technology
Michael Hooks- Next Level Assistvie Technology
Joseph McDaniel - Freedom Scientific - MAGIC Magnification Sales Team Embassy Room
Boundless Assistive Technology– with representatives from Humanware to show the new Stream and the Trekker Breeze
AT Guys – Glucose Meters, Pen-friend and other daily living technology
Lunch on Your Own(Hospitatlity Room offers complimentary sandwiches.)
12:00 – 3:00 PM for those of you who choose not to attend any of the classes there will be board games set up for your enjoyment. Ivory Room
You will want to wear appropriate clothing for the classes with physical activities.
10:30 AM - 11:00AMKarl Smith - Accessible Rowing Machine Presentation
Ambassador Room
11:00 AM—12:00 PMHome Land Security by Mary Marsh Regency Room
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM“Goal Ball” by blind veteran, Colby Morgan
Ranier Room
12:00 PM– 1:00 PM “Energy Medicine”byVickie Bateman Regency Room Pure Essential Oils
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Repeat of “Energy Medicine” Class Regency Room
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM “Beginners Zumba“ by Jerry Allen Ranier Room
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM “Strength and Stabilization” by Merepeace Regency Room
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM “Positive Energy” by Grace Jacobson Ranier Room
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM “Choose to Lose with Carb Cycling” by Susan Bradley
Ranier Room
3:00 PM
Division Meetings
Senior Division Meeting Ivory Room
Parents Group Division Meeting RegencyRoom
(both blind parents & parents of blind children)
Student Division Meeting Ambassador Room
Ham Radio Meeting Cameo Room
4:00 PMResolutions Committee Meeting –Committee Members: Sandy Streeter– Chair, Lynn Kneip, Mike Gibson, Ramona Walhof, Earl Hoover Embassy Room
We need to vacate the Ranier and Regency Rooms by 5 p.m.
The Owyhee Plaza has another group that will be using the rooms Friday
evening, so please show your courtesy to others. Thank you.
Dinner on your own
7:00PMHawaiin AdventureCameo Room
You will find a Boarding Pass in your registration packet. You must be in your seats by 7:15PM with your boarding pass. Please join us for an exciting activity. Youwon’t want to miss out! You may wear Hawaiin attire if you choose, A few SURPRISEitems will be auctioned during this event and there will be CASHdoor prizes. ALOHA!
6:30 – 8:30 PM Hospitality Room will be closed.
10:00PMHospitality Room is closed for the evening.
Saturday April 13, 2013
Regency Room
7:30 AM—8:30 AMHospitality Room is open
8:00 AM—8:45 AMRegistration is open
General Session - Regency Room
8:45AMCall to Order—Elsie Dickerson, President NFB of Idaho
Invocation—Dave Jolley
8:50AMWelcome by Dana Ard
Boise Choristers (including Dana Ard) will be performing
9:15AMNational Report—Dr. Joanne Wilson
9:40 AMConstitution changes?
9:55AM“How to Interest Potential New Members” by Gus Tropea
10:15AMWashington Seminar Report by Earl Hoover
10:35 AMA Veteran Tribute
10:45 AM A Veterans Perspective by Dr. Angela Longboat
11:30 AM ScripTalk by Sandy Streeter
12 Noon Lunch on your own
Meeting for the scholarship committee and applicants
Committee members are: Vickie Bateman - Chair, Larry Dickerson, Carla Teczon,Jan Gawith, Susan Bradley Embassy Room
2:00PMIdaho Presidential Report—Elsie H. Dickerson
2:30PMMember discussion
2:50 PM”Adversity with a Positive Attitude” by Wanda Jolley
3:15 PM“NFB Philosophy in Real Life” by Mary Ellen Halverson
3:45 PMUtah Senior Division by Milt Taylor
4:00 PMKindle Activity by Susan Bradley
4:20 PM“Preparedness” by Larry Dickerson
4:40 PMFinal Door Prize of the General Session and Adjournment
Saturday Evening April 13, 2013
Banquet 6:30 PM
“Applied Proper Training Equals Preparedness”
Mistress of Ceremonies—Dana Ard – Treasure Valley Chapter
Introduction of Banquet Table—Elsie & Larry Dickerson, Dana Ard, Dr. Joanne and Harold Wilson, Mary Ellen and Ray Halverson
Invocation and blessing on the food: Lynn Kneip
Banquet Meal
Banquet Address—Dr. Joanne Wilson
The 2013 Scholarship Class—Vickie Bateman
PAC Plan—Jan Gawith
Presentation and Closing Remarks—Elsie Dickerson
Live Auction will continue immediately following the Banquet
NFB Pledge
I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation and to abide by its Constitution.
Sunday April 14, 2013
Business Meeting
8:00AM—8:45 AMHospitality Room open
We will have a special guest at our Business Meeting.
8:30AM Breakfast and Business MeetingRegency Room
Call to Order—Elsie Dickerson, NFBI President
Invocation and Blessing on the food—Kevin Pirnie
Treasurer’s Report—Harry Gawith
Committees, Chapter and Division Reports:
Resolutions Committee Report, Sandy Streeter
Senior Division Report, President Vel Slotten
Parents Division Report Sylvia Bernert
Student Division Report, President Mikaela Stevens
Panhandle Chapter Report, President Russell Smith
Gateway Chapter Report, President Larry Dickerson
Treasure Valley Chapter Report, PresidentDana Ard,
Snake River Valley Chapter Report, President Vickie Bateman
Central Idaho Chapter Report, President Chris Jones
Idaho Phone Chapter Report, President Breck Erickson
New Business
Report of the Nominating Committee
Election of Officers,Board Members and Convention Delegates:
Offices currently held arePresident -Elsie Dickerson, 1st Vice Pres.-Wanda Jolley, 2nd Vice Pres. - Vickie Bateman, Secretary - Dana Ard, Treasurer - Harry Gawith, Board Members currently held by Mary Ellen Halverson, Ramona Walhof and Gus Tropea
Brief Board Meeting following adjournment
“We hope the coming year will be a happy, healthy and safe year for you.”