Liceo Scientifico “Renato Caccioppoli” – Napoli

Programma di inglese svolto in II I – anno scolastico 2014/2015

Dal libro di testo: Grammar in Progress di Laura Bonci e Sarah M. Howell , Zanichelli editore
Revisione dei tempi verbali e delle strutture linguistiche di base (esercizi vari).

Dallibroditesto: Advantage 2di Steve Elsworth et al., Pearson/Longman editore
Revision Unit: present tenses – future tenses – past tenses – present perfect simple – adverbs – free time activities

Unit 1: present perfect simple – for/since – present perfect simple vs. past simple – degree adverbs – describing places – describing where you live

Unit 2: present perfect continuous – rooms and furniture – asking and offering help

Unit 3: Infinitive of purpose – if+ imperative – defining relative clauses – parts of the body – injuries and illnesses – making suggestions and giving reasons – talking about health – discussing TV programmes

Unit 4: ought to/had better – past, present and future obligation, have to – non-defining relative clauses – clothes and styles – giving advice – talking about obligation – asking for and giving permission – buying clothes – talking about shopping habits

Unit 5: the passive (present and past simple) – by – reflexive pronouns – TV and cinema – talking about films

Unit 6: adjectives ending in –ed and –ing – second conditional – conditionals (all forms) – second conditional for advice – talking about possibilities – asking for and giving advice

Unit 7: past perfect simple – past perfect simple and past simple – past narrative tenses – phrasal verbs

Inoltre: concordanzadei tempi (past perfect simple and future in the past) – some, any, no, ever and compounds - comparatives and superlatives of adjectives, adverbs and nouns

Delle suddette unità sono stati svolti i dialoghi, la maggior parte degli esercizi e alcune letture.

Conversazione con l’insegnantemadrelingua

Glistudentihannoapprofondito con l’insegnantemadrelinguaiseguentiargomenti:
house and furniture – food – health – clothes – shopping – environment – personal experiences – invitations/offers/abilities/advice – making choices/decisions/connections – adjectives – simple past – past continuous – present perfect – present perfect continuous – first conditional – modal verbs – future plans

Napoli, 29 maggio 2015

Paola Benchi