Part 2 Essay Rubric forPride and Prejudice



______Idea Development:

*Writing is clear, well supported and detailed. (10-9)

*Writing is somewhat clear, but not very detailed. (8-7)

*Writing is not detailed; uses little to no examples. The writing may use repetition instead of details. (6-4)

*Writing is loosely developed. Very few details provided. Very general. (3-0)


*The order, presentation, or internal structure of this piece is compelling and guides the reader through the text. (5-4)

*The organizational structure allows the reader to move through the text without too much trouble. It may have some topics or ideas out of sync. (3-2)

*The organization seems fine in some areas, but author may have poor organization structure within some paragraphs. (1-0)


*The writer’s energy for the subject drives the writing making it lively, expressive, and engaging. Voice sounds like the characters. (10-9)

*The writer seems sincere and communicates effectively; however, there are troubled spots where the writer loses the character’s voice. (8-7)

*The writer’s voice may seem inconsistent or unable to develop a clear connection with the text or reader. At times, the writer may capture the audience, but it is not consistent throughout the passage. (6-4)

*The writer seems distanced from the topic, audience, or both. Text lacks energy and spirit. (3-0)

______Word Choice:

*Precise, vivid, natural language paints a strong, clear, complete picture. (10-9)

*Routine, workable language that gets the job done. Uses some of the language the character would use. (8-7)

*Word choice is simplistic or flowery. The writer may use slang or word choice that changes the voice of the paper at times. The language sounds very little like the character. (6-4)

*Limited vocabulary or simply does not speak to the intended audience. The language does not sound like the character and is often inappropriate for the character’s voice or time period. (3-0)

______Sentence Fluency:

*Easy flow and rhythm combined with sentence sense…makes it fun to read. Includes a nice variety of sentences. (5-4)

*Steady flow. Some sentence variety. (3-2)

*Somewhat choppy sentences. A little variety, but overall simplistic sentences, fragment, or run-ons are found in a few areas of the essay. (1-0)


*Very few errors that are minor in nature.(5-4)

*Errors are enough to distract the reader, though not detract from the understanding of the text (3-2)

*Errors are distracting to the reader, confuse reader, appears to be a rough draft rather than a final (1-0)


* The student has followed all requirements on the assignment. Student has a minimum of 1 ½ pages of writing. (5-4)

*May not have followed all requirements. (3-2)

*Student obviously did not follow requirements. The final is either much too long or much too short. (1-0)

Please note…There will be no grade given to anyone who plagiarizes. Plagiarism is not tolerated. The grade will turn into a zero for the essay if plagiarism was found.

Total Grade: ______/50