September 28, 2012:
To: All CWA Members at Piedmont
Subject: Nominations and Elections for Officers of CWA Local 13345
The By-laws for Piedmont Local 13345 have been approved by the CWA Membership.
Local 13345covers all the Piedmont stations in the Northeast, Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic states,
The Union will be holding elections for Local Officers in November. CWA members who would like to run for Local Office need to submit a nominating petition. The election will be for a 2 year term staring in Jan 2013 and ending in Dec 2014. There will be 11 positions on the Executive Board of the Local Union. The positions and the number of signatures needed to be nominated for the office are listed below. (This is all spelled out in the by-laws which can be viewed at the web-site:
- President (40 signatures)
- Vice-President (40 signatures)
- Secretary-Treasurer (40 Signatures)
- 5 At-Large Representatives - No more than 2 At-Large Representatives Can be from any one Station (20 signatures)
- 3 Area Representatives
- One from CWA District 4: Ohio (8 signatures)
- One from CWA District 1: ME, NH, VT, MA, CT,NY(20 signatures)
- One from CWA District 2-13: PA, MD, WV,VA (20 signatures)
The duties and responsibilities of the officers of the Local Union are spelled out the Local By-Laws and in the Question and Answer section on the other side of this letter.
You can only be nominated for one position on the executive board. You can be both a Local Officer and a Steward or Chief Steward at your station.
Nominating petitions have to be received in the CWA Office by 5 PM EST on Friday October 19th. They can be:
Mailed to:CWA, 9602D Martin Luther King Jr. Hwy., Lanham, MD20706
Faxed to:301-429-2501
E-Mailed to:
After the nominations are submitted, the Election Committee will review the petitions and verify that the adequate number of signatures are on the petition. The members of the Election Committee are:
Marilyn Hall, Chair: SBY
Valaria Anderson: PHL
Brenda E. Braithwaite: PHL
Audrey Lee: HPN
Omar Van Trieste: PHL
Jonathan Vigil: MHT
If you have any questions about the nominating and election process, please e-mail:
Questions and Answers About the Nominating Process
Q: What are the duties and responsibilities of the Local Positions?
A: Duties and Responsibilities of Local Officers
Shall be full-time
Shall preside at meetings of the Local and meetings of the Local Executive Board
Shall be responsible for the conduct of the Local including:
Supervision of all Committees of the Local
Approval of all bills and to countersign checks
Vice President
Shall work under the direction of the Local President
Shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence
Shall maintain a record of the Local membership and shall keep minutes of all Local meetings and meetings of the Local Executive Board
Shall be bonded and shall be custodian of all assets of the Local and shall make a report to each membership meeting
Payment of all bills
Area Representatives and At-Large Representatives
Area Representatives and At-Large Representatives shall perform such duties as assigned the Local President and the Local Executive Board
Area Representatives may call meetings of the area, when necessary and shall preside at meetings of the respective area
Q. What will be the salary of the Local President and will other officers be paid by the Union?
A. The Local Union will have a budget based on the revenue from union dues. The Executive Board of the Local Union decide on the salary of the Local Officer (often lost time wages) and whether there is money to take other officers off the job and for how long?
Q. Will the election be by majority of those voted or by a plurality?
A. The positions of President, Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President and Area Representatives will be decided by a majority of those who vote. If no candidate receives a majority, there will be a run-off of the two candidates who receive the most votes during the month of December. The top 4 vote-getters for At-Large Representative will be elected except that only two can come from the same station.
Q. I work at a small station. How will I get enough signatures to run for office.
A. When you run for Local union office you are willing to be an elected representative for your whole area or the Local at large. This means you will have to reach out to agents at other stations in order to explain why you should be elected to office. You may have to visit agents at near-by stations in order to campaign. If you want the name of a union contact at a near-by station, you can e-mail .