Task 1

What is Discourse Analysis? Tell your partner what you believe it involves.

Task 2.

How many of the following terms do you know? Can you provide a definition? How do they relate to discourse analysis?

Conjunction / Field
Anaphoric Reference / Tenor
Cataphoric Reference / Mode
Exophoric Reference / Lexical repetition
Ellipsis / Substitution
Lexical Sets / Elegant Repetition

Task 3

Read the following two texts . What are they about? What type of texts are they? i.e. Writing Genre?

Text 1

The best way to program is to think and write in a notation as abstract as possible. If this general rule is followed, the programs that are produced are likely to be successful and to achieve the results that you hope for. Beware, however, of the temptation to run before you can walk! Such over-ambition can only lead to disaster of one form of another. On the other hand, the spirit of experimentation should never be entirely quashed. Without it we would never have achieved those few things of which we can be truly proud- the work of a da Vinci, the great city in the jungle Angkor Wat, the first steps on the Moon or the eternal Pyramids.

Text 2

The twins knew more about falconry than I would ever know and I was solely in need to their help. Without them I was going to have problems handling the falcon- it had talons like needles- and I had nothing with me to protect my hands. I wished I hadn´t left my gloves in the house. By one- thirty I had driven the twelve miles to San Luis Obispo and I was still circling through the downtown area, trying to orient myself and get a feel for the place. ´I decided to park my car outside a small hotel with a broken neon sign which flashed ´Well….´At unpredictable intervals and gave a greenish cast to the faces of people on the sidewalk. I looked around me carefully before opening the door and getting out. The first thing I noticed once I was out was that the temperature must have been well below freezing.

Source: Tribble, Writing , OUP 1996

Task 4

Below is a short text from a children´s encyclopedia. Sort the sentences into their correct order. What linguistic and non-linguistic clues did you use to help you do the task?

a)  Two years later his father took him to play at concerts in the great cities of Europe.

b)  Mozart wrote church music, opera and nearly 50 symphonies.

c)  The Austrian composer Mozart was a musical genius.

d)  He worked hard but earned little money and died very poor at the age of 35

e)  He began writing music at the age of 5

Source: S Thornburry. Beyond the Sentenc. Macmillan 2005

Discourse Analysis

Coherence and Cohesion

Discourse Topic Discourse Type

The ´what´______the ´how´______


Social Relationship Making sense of the text Shared Knowledge

Between the reader and the ______

Writer the ´who´______culture specific

Exophoric reference

Grammatical Devices: Lexical Devices

______-lexical repetition

Clausal -synonyms

Verbal -antonyms

Nominal Cohesion -hyponyms

______How the text -word families

Clausal Hangs together -general word

Verbal -lexical sets



Temporal Rhetorical Devices

Adversative -Questions and Answers

Addition -Parallelism






Task 5

Read the text on your booklet and look for Lexical , grammatical and rethorical devices.