SWANSEA UNIVERSITY – Document Ref: H&S/P11 Issue 001

Health and Safety Policy Arrangements

Display Screen Equipment

Relevant Legislation

Health and Safety at Work Act

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations

Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations


Swansea University recognises that the prolonged and frequent use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) can result in a range of symptoms related to the visual system and working posture.

The University will reduce risks to the lowest level that is reasonably practicable by:

·  ensuring the suitability of display screen equipment workstations

·  providing variety in the work routine of users so as to avoid prolonged fixed postures and/or repetition leading to limb disorders and/or pain.

·  providing eye and eye sight tests, and where appropriate, corrective spectacles for users of display screen equipment so as to minimise visual fatigue

·  providing appropriate information and training to users of display screen equipment.


Definition of a DSE user

This policy only applies to users of DSE. A user is a member of staff who habitually uses DSE as a significant part of their work. Staff that occasionally use DSE are not covered by this policy other than the requirements relating to the equipment.

Line managers/supervisors/School Safety Officers are responsible for identifying users in their management areas.

Personnel Department will provide information to management areas on new recruits who are identified from their job descriptions as users. Personnel Department will also inform the Occupational Health Department of new users.

Risk Assessment

A suitable and sufficient analysis of the DSE workstations utilised by users will be undertaken for the purpose of assessing the health and safety risks to which those persons are exposed in consequence of that use. This may be by self-assessment or by a trained assessor dependent on the circumstances.

Minimum Workstation Requirements

Minimum workstation requirements will be considered as part of the risk assessment and consideration will be given to the actual equipment, work environment and computer/user interface.

Daily Work Routine of DSE Users

Every reasonable effort will be made to plan the activities of users so that appropriate breaks or changes of activity interrupt their daily work routine on display screen equipment.

Provision of Eye/Eyesight Testing and Corrective Spectacles

Initial eyesight screening will be carried out by the Occupational Health Department. If issues are found then users will be referred to an ophthalmic optician. Users or those who are to become users of display screen equipment will be entitled to an eye and eyesight test by the ophthalmic optician.

The cost will be paid for by the employing department of the University. If the optician prescribes corrective spectacles for an employee specifically for display screen equipment work, then the department will pay the minimum cost of obtaining suitable lenses and a standard frame. If staff wish to choose spectacles exceeding the allowed cost then they must pay the difference.

The University will specify that a particular company or professional provides such tests and any spectacles that may be required. In order to facilitate billing a purchase order must be raised prior to making an appointment. Staff may have their eye examination carried out by their own optician if they prefer but this must be cleared with the Occupational Health Department before booking an appointment. In the latter case staff must make the initial payment for the test themselves, obtain a receipt and claim back the cost via their department.

Information and Training

All users, or those who are to become users of display screen equipment will be provided with appropriate information and training relating to the use of their workstation.


Records will be kept of:

·  workstation risk assessments undertaken

·  provision of eye/eyesight tests

·  provision of corrective spectacles

·  information and training provided.

Further Information

If you are a DSE user and you think you have problems connected with your work please talk to your manager or supervisor. The Occupational Health Department encourages early reporting of health concerns so staff can get the treatment they need to return or stay in work.

For further information please refer to:

Swansea University Safety Intranet Site http://www.swansea.ac.uk/safety

Safe Working Guidelines

Quality Control Data: Document H&S/P11
Issue / Author / Date
001 Draft A / GJ/CA / 06/03/2008
001 / GJ/CA / 17/07/2008