Mark T. Morman

Department of Communication

One Bear Place #97368

Baylor University

Waco, Texas 76798

254-710-6914 (office)

254-710-1621 (department)


University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Studies

Interpersonal and Health Communication, August 1998

University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Master's of Art in Communication Studies: Interpersonal and Organizational

Communication, December 1987

Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah

Bachelor's of Science in Communication: Advertising and Public Relations and Interpersonal Communication, June 1986

Summa Cum Laude

Tyler Junior College, Tyler, Texas

Associate of Arts in Communication, May 1984

Magna Cum Laude

Faculty Positions Held:

Baylor University, Department of Communication

Assistant Professor of Communication, August 1998 to June 2005

Associate Professor with Tenure, June 2005 to August 2011

Professor of Communication, August 2011 to the present

Director of Graduate Studies, August 2008 to the present

Johnson County Community College, Department of Speech and Debate

Instructor of Speech Communication: August 1990--July 1998

Southern Utah University, Department of Communication

Associate Director of Forensics/Director of Individual Events and Instructor of Communication: September 1988--August 1990

Tyler Junior College, Department of Speech and Theatre

Instructor of Speech and Assistant Forensics Coach: January 1988--August 1988

University of Kansas, Department of Communication Studies

Graduate Teaching Assistant: August 1986--December 1987


National Communication Association

Western States Communication Association

International Communication Association

Council on Contemporary Families

Teaching Experience/Courses Taught:

Baylor University, Waco, Texas:

Interpersonal Communication (graduate & undergraduate)

Family Communication (graduate & undergraduate)

Communication Theory (graduate)

Small Group Communication

Nonverbal Communication

Organizational Communication

Public Speaking

Baylor In London, Summer Study Abroad Program

Systemic Inquiry

Advanced Small Group Communication

Nonverbal Communication

Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, Kansas:

Public Speaking

Interpersonal Communication

Personal Communication

Leadership Development Seminar

Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah:

Organizational Communication

Communication Theory

Interpersonal Communication

Writing for Communication

Public Speaking

Introduction to Speech Communication

Tyler Junior College, Tyler, Texas:

Business and Professional Speaking

Introduction to Speech Communication

University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas:

Personal Communication

Avila Weekend College, Kansas City, Missouri:

Communication Law

Professional Publications:

Morman, M. T. (2014). Forms of affectionate communication. In C.

Berger & M. Roloff (Eds.), International encyclopedia of interpersonal communication. Boston: Wiley.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (Eds.). (2013). Widening the family circle: New research on

family communication, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Morman, M. T., Schrodt, P. A., & Tornes, M. J. (2013). Self-disclosure meditates the

effects of gender orientation and homophobia on the relationship quality of male

same-sex friendships.Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30, 582-605.

Morman, M. T., & Barrett, E. L. (2012). Turning points of closeness in the

father/daughter relationship. Human Communication, 15, 241-259.

Morman, M. T., & Whitely, M. (2012). An exploratory analysis of critical incidents of

closeness in the mother and son relationship. Journal of Family Communication,

12, 1-18

Pauley, P. M., Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (2011). Expressive writing improves

subjective health among testicular cancer survivors: A pilot study. International

Journal of Men’s Health, 10, 199-219.

Damron, J. C. H., & Morman, M. T. (2011). Attitudes toward interpersonal silence

within dyadic relationships. Human Communication, 14, 183-203.

Green, K. J., Morman, M. T. (2011). The perceived benefits of friends with benefits

relationship. Human Communication, 14, 327-346.

Stevenson, M. E., & Morman, M. T. (2008). Communication expectations with a

future mother-in-law examined via memorable messages. In S. Shapiro (Ed.), Whither thou goest(pp. 227-247). New York: Devora Publishing.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (2008). What does it mean to be a good father? In L. B.

Arnold (Ed.), Family communication: Theory and research (pp. 86-89). New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (2006). Good fathering: Father and son perceptions of what

it means to be a good father. Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and

Practice About Men as Fathers.4, 113-136.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (Eds.). (2006). Widening the family circle: New research on

family communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (2006). The good son: Men’s perceptions of the

characteristics of sonhood. In K. Floyd & M. T. Morman (Eds.), Widening the

Family Circle: New Research on Family Communication(pp. 37-56). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (2005). Fathers’ and sons’ reports of fathers’ affectionate

communication: Implications of a naïve theory of affection. Journal of Social

and Personal Relationships, 22, 99-109.

Morman, M. T. (2004). Men’s talk, by Jennifer Coats: A Review. Journal of Language

and Social Psychology, 23, 225-230.

Floyd, K. & Morman, M.T. (2003). Human affection exchange II. Affectionate

communication in father-son relationships. Journal of Social Psychology, 143,


Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (2002). A “changing culture of fatherhood”: Effects on

closeness, affection, and satisfaction in men’s relationships with their fathers and

their sons. Western Journal of Communication66, 395-411.

Morman, M. T. (2002). Promoting the testicular self-exam as a preventative health care

strategy for men: Do diagrams make a difference? International Journal of Men’s

Health. 1, 63-78.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M.T. (2001). Human affection exchange III: Discriminative

parental solicitude in men’s affectionate communication with their biological and

nonbiological sons. Communication Quarterly 49, 310-327.

Morman, M.T. (2000). The influence of fear appeals, message design, and masculinity

on men’s motivation to perform the testicular self-exam. Journal of Applied

CommunicationResearch, 28, 91-116.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M.T. (2000). Affection received from fathers as a predictor of

men’s affection with their own sons: Tests of the modeling and compensation

hypotheses. Communication Monographs,67, 347-361.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M.T. (2000). Reacting to verbal expressions of affection in same-

sex interaction. Southern Communication Journal, 65, 287-299.

Morman, M.T., & Floyd, K. (1999). Affectionate communication between fathers and

young adult sons: Forms, antecedents, and relational outcomes. Communication

Studies, 50, 294-309.

Morman, M.T., & Floyd, K. (1998). “I love you, man”: Overt expressions of affection in

male-male interaction. Sex Roles, 38, 871-881.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M.T. (1998). The measurement of affectionate communication.

Communication Quarterly, 46, 144-162.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M.T. (1997). Affectionate communication in nonromantic

relationships: Influences of communicator, relational, and contextual factors.

Western Journal of Communication, 61, 279-298.

Koeppel, L., & Morman, M.T. (1991). Oral interp events and arguments: Forensic

discourse or aesthetic entertainment? National Forensic Journal, 9, 141-153.

Competitively Selected ConferencePapers:

Croom, A., & Morman, M. T. (2015). Memorable messages of closeness in

grandfather/granddaughter relationships. Paper to be presented to the annual

meeting of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.

Adamson, A., & Morman, M. T. (2013). Relationship Quality and its Association with

Job Satisfaction, Quality of Work Life, and Mental Health of First-Responders. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Washington, D.C.

Morman, M. T., Schrodt, P. A., & Tornes, M. J. (2012). Self-disclosure meditates the

effects of gender orientation and homophobia on the relationship quality of male

same-sex friendships. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the

National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (Top Four Paper,

Interpersonal Communication Division)

Tornes, M. J., & Morman, M. T. (2011). The interpersonal quality of long-distance and

geographically close male same-sex friendships. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.

Morman, M. T. (2011). Critical incidents of closeness in the mother-son

relationship. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.

Morman, M. T. (2011). Understudied family discourses in our communities: Looking

back and ahead. A panel discussion presented to the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association, Monterey, CA.

Morman, M. T. (2011). Communication and contemporary masculinity: Implications for

interpersonal relationships.A panel discussion presented to the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association, Monterey, CA.

Morman, M. T., & Damron, J. C. H. (2010). Attitudes toward interpersonal silence

within dyadic relationships. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the

National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.

Morman, M. T. (2010). New graduate student orientation in the terminal MA

program. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Southern States

Communication Association, Memphis, TN.

Morman, M. T., & Green, K. J. (2009). The perceived benefits of the friends with

benefits relationship. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the National

Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Pauley, P. M., Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (2009). Expressive writing improves

subjective health among testicular cancer survivors: A randomized controlled

trial. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the International Communication

Association, Chicago, IL.

Whiteley, M., & Morman, M. T. (2009). Turning points of closeness in the mother-son

relationship. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Western States

Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ.

Morman, M. T., & Herrick, P. (2008). Turning points of closeness in the sibling

relationship. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the National

Communication Association, San Diego, CA.

Stevenson, M. E., & Morman, M. T. (2008). Communication expectations with a future

mother-in-law examined via memorable messages. Paper presented to the annual

meeting of the Western States Communication Association, Denver, CO.

Morman, M. T. (2007). Memorable messages of fraternity hazing. Paper presented to the

annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago.

Morman, M. T., & Barrett, E. L. (2007). Turning points of closeness in the father-

daughter relationship. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Western

States Communication Association, Seattle, WA.

Morman, M.T., (2006). (Re)creating connections between family and interpersonal

communication. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the National

Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.

Masowich, M., & Morman, M. T. (2006). Competition, cooperation, and femininity: An

exploratory examination of current perspectives on women in sports. Paper

presented to the annual meeting of the Western States Communication

Association, Palm Springs, CA.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (2005). The correlates of communication and relational

satisfaction of father-son relationships. Paper presented to the annual meeting of

the National Communication Association, Boston, MA.

Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (2005). The Good Son: Men’s perceptions of the

characteristics of sonhood. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Western

States Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (2003). Fathers’ and sons’ reports of fathers’ affectionate

communication: Implications of a naïve theory of affection. Paper presented to

the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Miami Beach, FL.

Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (2002). Good fathering: Men’s perceptions of quality

fatherhood behaviors. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the National

Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (2001). Discriminative parental solicitude in men’s

affectionate communication with their biological and nonbiological sons. Paper

presented to the annual meeting of the National Communication Association,

Atlanta, GA.

Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (2001). A “changing culture of fatherhood”: Effects on

closeness, affection, and satisfaction in men’s relationships with their fathers and

their sons. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the International

Communication Association, Washington D.C.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (2000). Affection received from fathers as a predictor of

men’s affection with their own sons: Test of the modeling and compensation

hypotheses. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the National

Communication Association, Seattle, WA. (Top Four Paper in Family

Communication Division).

Morman, M. T. (2000). Diagrams, message design, and masculinity: Promoting the

testicular self-examination as a preventative health care strategy for men. Paper

presented to annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication,

Language, and Gender, Milwaukee, WI.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (2000). Predictors of father-son affection and the modeling

and compensation hypotheses. Paper presented to the International Conference

on Personal Relationships 2000, Brisbane, Australia.

Morman, M. T. (2000). Masculinity, message design, and managed care: Promoting the

testicular self-exam as a preventative health care strategy for men. Paper

presented to the Communication in the Age of Managed Care conference, Texas

A & M University, College Station, TX.

Morman, M. T. (2000). Messages promoting breast and testicular cancer self-

examination within the relational dyad. Paper presented to the Women’s Health

2000 Conference, California State University, Sacramento, CA.

Morman, M. T. (1999). Empathy, intimacy, and the motivation to perform cancer self-

examinations. Paper presented to annual meeting of the National Communication

Association, Chicago, IL.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (1999). Affectionate same-sex touch: Understanding the

influence of homophobia on observer’s perceptions. Paper presented to the

annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Francisco,


Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (1999). Reacting to verbal expressions of affection in same-

sex interaction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western

Communication Association, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (1998). Affectionate communication between fathers and

adult sons: Forms, antecedents, and relational outcomes. Paper presented at the

annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New York City, NY.

Morman, M. T. (1998). The influence of fear appeals, message design, and masculinity

on men’s motivation to perform the testicular self-exam. Paper presented at the

annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New York City, NY.

(Top Student Paper)

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (1997). The measurement of affectionate communication.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.

Floyd, K., & Morman, M. T. (1997). Affectionate communication in nonromantic

relationships: Influences of communicator, relational, and contextual factors.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication

Association, Chicago, IL

Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (1996). Same sex attraction in friendships. Paper presented

at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.

Morman, M. T., & Floyd, K. (1996). “I love you, man”: Overt expressions of affection in

male-male interaction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Network on Personal Relationships, Seattle, WA.

Perkins, S. J., & Morman, M. T. (1995). Just war stories: Moral justification for and

against the Persian Gulf War. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

Western States Communication Association, Portland, OR.

Morman, M. T., & Reynolds, L. (1993). The prophet from Plano: Ross Perot and the

American jeremiad. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Miami Beach, FL.

Perkins, S. J., & Morman, M. T. (1991). Just war rhetoric--President Bush and the Gulf

War. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Atlanta, GA.

Morman, M. T. (1991). Stage fright on paper: The fear of writing as another form of

communication apprehension. Paper presented at the National Conference on the

Freshman Year Experience, Kansas City, MO.

Morman, M. T. (1991). Peer collaboration in the public speaking course: A peer group

approach for practice and preparation. Paper presented at the Kansas City

Regional Council of Higher Education Conference on Teaching Successes, Avila

College, Kansas City, MO.

Koeppel, L., & Morman, M. T. (1990). Oral interp events and arguments: Forensic

discourse or aesthetic entertainment? Paper presented at the annual meeting of

the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Morman, M. T. (1990). On the fear, commitment, and motivation of writing: How do we

get our students involved in the process? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association, Sacramento, CA.

Funded Scholarly Research:

$13,000 Baylor University (2008--2009) FRIP grant (Faculty Research Investment Program) for the study: Expressive writing improves subjective health among testicular cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial.

Summer Sabbatical for Research (2004) for the purposes of constructing a book prospectus (later published by Sage Publishing): Under-Studied Family Relationships: A Sourcebook (20% of regular faculty fall/spring semester contract pay)

Summer Sabbatical for Research (2002) for the study:Good Fathering: An Investigation

of Communication Skills Needed for Effective Fathering.(20% of regular faculty fall/spring semester contract pay)

Selected National Media Exposure:

Chicago Tribune, June 16, 2013

SiriusXM-DoctorRadio Ch. 81, March 8, 2013

KLOVE Radio, February 28, 2013

Daily Mail, London, February 25, 2013

KLIF Radio, Dallas, February 20, 2013

Sports Illustrated, March 15, 2010 edition

National Public Radio, WHYY, Philadelphia, February 27, 2009

The Spokane Spokesman & Review, July 26, 2009

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 9, 2008

The Denver Post, May 22, 2005

Seattle Post Inquirer, July 11, 2005

Research Interests:

The expression of affection and intimacy in interpersonal relationships

Family Communication (father-son relationships)

Masculinity, communication, and men’s friendships

Men’s health communication related issues

The effects of persuasive messages in health communication related contexts


Service Recognition Award, Interpersonal Communication Division, NCA, 2013

Top Four Paper Award, Interpersonal Communication Division, National

Communication Association, November 2012

Service Award, Family Communication Division, NCA, 2007

Golden Key Honor Society, Honorary Membership, March 2003, Baylor

University Chapter

Mortar Board Circle of Achievement Award for Faculty, November 2002, Baylor

University Chapter

Teacher of the Month—April 2002, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Baylor


Top Four Paper Award, Family Communication Division, National

Communication Association, Seattle, November 2000

Top Dissertation Award , Joint Health Communication Divisions of the

International Communication Association and the National

Communication Association, 1998

Top Student Paper Award, Health Communication Division, National

Communication Association, New York City, November 1998

Burlington Northern Santa Fe Faculty Achievement Award in Teaching, Campus-

wide award recipient, Johnson County Community College, April 1998

Paragon Award for Outstanding Advisors, Phi Theta Kappa, April 1995

Outstanding Teacher and Mentor Recognition Award, The University of Kansas

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Lawrence, Kansas, November 1994

Honorary Professor of the Arts, Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia, 1994

Phi Theta Kappa Kansas Region Advisor of the Year, 1994

Phi Theta Kappa Horizon Award for Chapter Advisors, 1994

Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award in Teaching, Communication

Division, Johnson County Community College, November 1993

Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award In Teaching, Communication

Division, Johnson County Community College, November 1992

Professor of the Year--Finalist, Southern Utah University, 1990

Outstanding Campus Contributor of the Year--Finalist, So. Utah University, 1989

Outstanding New Instructor--E.C. Buehler Award, University of Kansas

Department of Communication Studies, 1986-1987

Communication Department Student of the Year, Southern Utah University,


Personality of the Year, Southern Utah University Awards, 1985-1986

Outstanding Southern Utah University Forensics Team Member, 1986

Outstanding Southern Utah University Forensics Team Member, 1985

Tyler Jr. College Outstanding Student of the Year--Watson W. Wise Award, 1984

Who's Who Among American Junior and Community Colleges, 1984

The National Dean's List, 1984

Selected Professional Service:

Immediate Past Chair, Interpersonal Communication Division, NCA, 2014

Chair, Interpersonal Communication Division, NCA 2013

Pre-Conference Program Planner, NCA, 2009

Chair, Interpersonal Communication Interest Group, WSCA, 2008

Chair, Family Communication Division, NCA, 2007

Vice Chair, Family Communication Division, NCA, 2006

Editorial Board, Communication Monographs, 2012-present

Editorial Board, Journal of Family Communication, 2005-2011

Editorial Board, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2006-2011

Editorial Advisory Board, McGraw Hill Publishers, Interpersonal

Communication, The Whole Story (2009), by Kory Floyd

Health Communication Consultant, Lance Armstrong Foundation, 1998--2000

Multiple opportunities of service as panel chair, panel respondent, paper reader


Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer:

Communication Theory

Human Communication Research