End of Term Chairman’s Report May 2015 – April 2016

The Parish Council has continued to endeavour to serve and meet the needs of the community over the last year, working with Stockton Borough Council, Police, Development Services & Agencies, Industrialists, Local Amenities and Residents. I would like to offer sincerest thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to all residents, volunteers and services.

·  The tightening of funding budgets by SBC continues to cause concern for the community at large and less police presence, road repairs etc has been noticeable

·  The new unsubsidised bus service with Stagecarriage introduced last year is used well and has continued, although some times service is reduced

·  The Wind Turbine Project has started development and is expected to be commissioned by September 2016, with a Liaison Committee having been set up Feb 2016 to try and ensure the smooth operation and flow of information of the Project with residents involvement.

·  The industrial estate continues to ensure a healthy employment area, however the announcement of the close of Metabrasive furnaces in May 2016 is a milestone in the history of the village as its founding roots, They will continue to operate, but be Sales and Distribution only

·  The Vicarage has been converted to a Residential Childrens Care Facility for 5 residents plus staff and opened in March 2016, with entrance / exit issues having been addressed by lowering the wall and setting back the gate

·  To date there has been no Full planning applications for Jasper Grove area (54 dwellings)

·  Although Full Planning application by Signet Planning was approved and due to start 2015 for 39 dwellings on the Allotment Site, due to the housing partners withdrawal, the development is now on hold and the allotment holders have been given another ‘season’ of use

·  Outline Planning permission was applied for 20 dwellings on the Workingmans Club Site and refused in April 2015 but the decision was overturned in May 2015 and the land has since been sold, but no application for Full Planning Permission has been submitted to date

·  Installation of new street lighting has been completed.

·  Wm Cassidi School continues to provide excellent Standards of Primary & Junior Education

·  The Community Centre is to be renamed The Village Hall and a ‘Friends of Group’ has been formed to encourage and support social inclusion for all. A Playgroup and Fitness Group has started also a very successful afternoon get together -Tea & Tonic, with gratitude to TVRCC -Janice McColme for funding, support, and Karl and Mary for Minibus transport for older or disabled residents. Sadly TVRCC have been hit by funding cuts and Karl and Mary finish in May

·  Crime reports show a very low number of incidents in the area

·  Speeding issues in Whitton and Stillington area are ongoing and continue to be a major issue

·  The new seat installed in Chapel Gardens is being well used to enjoy the view and is a complimented success

·  The National Road Race Championships is due to include our Parish in June 2016 and plans are well underway to dress the part of the route going through our Parish, giving us a national media cover opportunity to ‘Fly our Colours’

Summary .

During the next 12 months there will be important proposals which are ongoing, I would like to reassure all residents that this Parish Council will continue to address any issues without prejudice and with due care and diligence, mindful of the views of the Residents of the Parish.

I would like to thank all the Parish councillors for their hard work, attendance, support, advice and the benefit of their experience during my term as Chairman, with special thanks to The Parish Clerk for her continued active input with such devoted efficiency and dedication.

Judith M Turner 3rd. May 2016