CLERK. Sue Thomas. 1 Argal View, Treverva, Penryn, Cornwall. TR10 9BL. Tel 01326 340576 email

Minutes of the meeting held 14th January 2014 at the Methodist New Room, Ponsanooth.

The clerk apologized to Cllr. Ackroyd for omitting his name from those present at the December meeting.

162/14 Present were Cllr. B. Inns, as requested temporary Chairman, Cllr. Mrs. M. Manetta, Cllr. C. Smith, Cllr. A. Pearson, Cllr. C. Daly, Cllr. C. Trewern, Cllr. D. Ackroyd and Cllr. Mrs. S. Thompson.

Members of the public were also present.

163/14 Apologies and reasons for absence were received and accepted from, Cllr. Mrs. M. Ferris due to illness and Cllr. B. Bradley who is out of the County.

164/14 Declarations of Interests were received from Cllr. Daly, Cllr. Pearson and Cllr. Smith from the PPFA and Cllr. Mrs. Thompson from the Pre school.

165/14 Mrs Wendy Graham, member of the public spoke on behalf of the Post Office and as an employee of the General Store/Post Office regarding the devastation due to flooding just before Christmas, sewage water flooded the shop and Michelle Firmingers place of business and her home has been lost. Mrs Firminger is now in rented accommodation and trying to sort temporary facilities to endeavor to build her trade back up. The Post Office who promised help have informed her the time period for a porta cabin will be approx 8 weeks. This is a facility which is of great importance to the community. All this devastation was due to excessive water flowing down the main road and drains in the vicinity unable to cope, due to debris and blockages. The Council reconstructed the bridge on the main road but omitted the storm water outlet which previously existed, which adds to instead of easing the problems. Residents felt that debris and waste which is dug out of the drains should not be piled up next to it, instead it should be taken away.

Members of the public requested that Cllr. M. Keogh and a representative from Highways should explain to the whole parish why routine sweeping of the road through and within the Parish, is not being done.

Mrs Firminger has lost her home and business with no reassurance that this will not happen again.

It was requested that the clerk should contact Cllr. Keogh and ask that he and a Highways representative should contact Mrs Firminger regarding this matter.

Regarding traffic issues through the village, members of the public enquired why no form of calming or crossing is seriously being looked into.

Members of the Council assured the residents this is an ongoing issue which is being dealt with and they will be kept informed.

The Parish Council commiserates with Mrs. Firminger over the loss of her living and her home and assured her the Council will do all in its power to assist.

It was also brought to the attention of the Council that, the reason the drains in question appeared to be satisfactory on the latest inspection is because residents were attending these drains at twelve and one o’clock in the morning clearing and cleaning to avoid a repeat flood.

166/14 The PPFA report regarding the proposed pre school building and changing room/toilets was revisited and the issue of the s106 for education was again raised, again it was suggested that there should be two buildings butt together, from the same supplier, however after lengthy discussion the Chairman moved to the nest item.

167/14 Report from the Police PCSO. The suggestion of moving traffic prior to a diversion was raised and having no reply from the Police regarding the leaflet/flyer it was suggested perhaps the PCSO could take a contact number of a member of the Council who could then request removal of cars from St Michaels Road, should the need arise. Cllr. Mrs. Manetta offered her contact number

168/14 To sign as a true record the minutes of the meeting December 10th 2013.

Proposed by Cllr. Smith seconded by Cllr. Manetta.

169/14 Following further discussions regarding the proposed building on the playing field. It was decided that there should be a designated meeting for the PPFA committee, representatives from the Pre School and the full Parish Council, to allow final decisions to be made as to one/two building and any other issues involved. The Date for this specific meeting will be 4th March at the Methodist New Room, Ponsanooth at 7.30pm.

170/14 the clerk was requested to find out if it is possible for a contractor to do a one off clean of the drains and the approximate cost.

171/14 Planning Application. PA13/11574 33a Trevonnen Road TR3 7AZ Ponsanooth. Prideaux Developments.

One four bedroom dwelling with green play area.

Cllr. Smith requested it be minuted that he wanted no house to be built and the green area to be kept.

The full Council felt there was no regulation to refuse the dwelling however the Council felt the green area should be kept therefore opposed the erection of the house. The Council has no wish to adopt the green area.

172/14 Payments due;

S.Thomas reimbursements Postage£32.15, Mileage14.40, Shredder£26.99, AOL £22.00 Office Allowance £60.00 Total£155.54

Mr Payne £160.00

Proposed By Cllr. Manetta seconded by Cllr. Trewern.

Traffic Issues and the drains to be added to every agenda.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm