City of Seattle

Gregory J. Nickels, Mayor

Department of Executive Administration

Fred H. Podesta, Director

November 16, 2007

TO: All Potential Bidders

FROM: Jason L. Edens, Buyer

City of Seattle Purchasing and Contracting

Phone 206-684-0445; Fax 206-233-5155

Email Address:

REFERENCE: Invitation to Bid DIT-2280

A D D E N D U M # 1

Reference is made to Invitation to Bid SPU-2280 dated 11/05/07, Bids due to the City by the date of 11/26/07 at 4:00pm for Battery System Equipment and Related Services for Telephone and Radio Networks

Below are changes to the solicitation. The following addenda shall be made part of the Invitation to Bid. This is a mandatory form.

Delivery Option: The Vendor shall provide a delivery service that will be available for routine orders. The Vendor will pick –up or deliver materials to the City location specified. Delivery shall be FOB destination, freight pre-paid and allowed. Freight shall include all transportation, unloading and inside delivery to the ordering department.

Adequate Inventory and Response Times: The Vendor shall provide a maximum of Eight (8) weeks response time and delivery for equipment and ancillary parts.

Cancellation of Orders: The City may cancel an order prior to shipment without penalty or charge, providing that the Vendor has not incurred any special production costs such as custom fabrication in fulfilling the order. If the City cancels the order after production has begun for a non-standard or custom order, then the Vendor may charge the City a cancellation penalty up to but not to exceed 10% computed on the net contract price of the cancelled purchase item(s).

Permits: All necessary permits required to perform work are to be supplied by the Vendor at no additional cost to the City. The Vendor may request in advance that the City Department cover the expense of any permitting which may arise from construction, spill containment, etc. that would be required of the Vendor. The City Department employee must consent to permit quote in writing prior to delivery and / or work commencing.

In all other respects, the Invitation to Bid remains unchanged. The Proposal due date and time of 11/26/07 at 4:00 pm also remains unchanged.

Company Name ______

Print Name: ______

Authorized Signature: ______Date:______

Purchasing Services Division, 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4112, P.O. Box 94687, Seattle, WA 98124-4687

Tel: (206) 684-0444, Fax: (206) 233-5155, Internet:

An equal-employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. Accommodations for people with disabilities provided on request.