2018 Annual Implementation Plan - Information Communication and Technologies & Resourcing

ICT Vision

Our teaching and learning drives the use of technologies in the classroom where we engage students in a rich learning environment that draws upon an international perspective. As a school community we value the safe and ethical use of technologies.

Cleveland District SHS Information Technology Strategic Priorities

The ICT department at Cleveland District State High School will continue to use the whole school, long range plan to guide the use and development of Information Technology through Teaching & Learning, Infrastructure & Support and Digital Resourcing

Teaching & Learning

Providing platforms for both targeted and personalised professional learning which ensure our staff are best placed to integrate meaningful digital technologies into their teaching practices and improve student outcomes.

  1. Build and deliver a culture across the school where pedagogy practice drives technological practice
  2. Drive continued learning and implementation of previously purchased software and hardware to build on teaching practice and to deliver improved student outcomes.
  3. Continue to devise and implement targeted professional online learning to support technological practice
  4. Enhance and broaden the use of blended learning models to improve student outcomes
  5. Enhance digital communication with parents, students and wider community

Infrastructure & Support

Delivering a physical infrastructure and support program which ensure the best possible connectivity and services required to sustain our school in its day-to-day operations, and support our school community.

  1. Continued support of BYOD Programincluding student ICT Equity Program
  2. Source and support the implementation of ICT resources to enhance Teaching & Learning and Digital Resourcing
  3. Provision of quality school wide support

Digital Resourcing

Sourcing and maintaining sustainable quality digital resources which provide equitable and relevant access that suits the needs of the school community and support contemporary learning practices.

  1. Continue school wide delivery of quality digital resources through online/blended learning practices
  2. Implement equitable access to digital resources across the school
  3. Continue rollout of school digital resources to whole of school community
  4. Continue to implement a futures based library and resourcing model within the school

Teaching & Learning

Build and deliver a culture across the school where pedagogy practice drives technological practice

  1. Build and deliver a culture across the school where pedagogy practice drives technological practice

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
Professional Learning and Development through SAMR Model / Develop teacher awareness of SAMR Model. Give teachers knowledge to develop and integrate digital learning experiences that utilise technology to transform learning experiences from substitution to the redefinition.
ICT newsletters to advertise the concept and successes not necessarily the model
Professional Development at departmental meetings around higher level concepts in practice
Celebration of higher level ICT integration / Identification of Augmentation and Modification through school ICT newsletter to be delivered to 100% of staff / Gerard Marsh, / Ongoing – commencing term 1
  1. Drive continued learning and implementation of previously purchased software and hardware to build on teaching practice and to deliver improved student outcomes.

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
Adobe Suite / Continued rollout of Adobe Creative Cloud suite across the school
CFT laptop installations to be pre-installed with suite.
SCCM package delivered to all devices without suite. / 50% teacher participation in pedagogical PD that encompasses Adobe as an ICT Technology.
100% of students requiring Adobe on BYOD serialised on devices. / Gerard Marsh, and Support Staff / Ongoing – commencing term 1
Office 365 / Delivery of Professional Learning around released features of Office 365
Communication through newsletters
PD Opportunities offered to staff on Office365 / 100% all staff accessing email via Office365
100% BYOD students using Outlook / Gerard Marsh / Ongoing – commencing term 1
CSG Print Management / Amendment to Phase 2: Addition to library printer and addition of N block printer
Phase 3: Phase out of standalone printers in administration
Provide HODs withweekly usage reports on print costs
Student management of personal print balances.
Provide shortcut to BYOD of papercut software to assist with managing print balances / 100% HODs and BSM receiving monthly reports
Maximum 2% downtime of printing system
90% of staffrooms managed with print management / Gerard Marsh / Ongoing – commencing Term 1
ClickView / ClickView Online is a 24/7 access where staff and students are able to view video collection owned by school and shared resources from other schools
Enrol new school community into ClickView system
Set up and copy ClickView library from intranet to online version to enhance senior selections of programs and broaden junior program offerings
Educate staff to set up playlists, clips, utilise shared exchange video offerings
Upskill library teacher aide member to manage users in ClickView / 100% of students enrolled in Clickview Online / Gerard Marsh
Sharon Hendy-Moman / Ongoing – commencing term 1
Apple environment / Ensure Apple hardware is supported by technical support staff including:
  • MacBook Air and Pro
  • iMac
/ Staff and students are able to receive support for Apple devices / IT Department / Term 1
Service Level agreement for classroom resources / Investigate feasibility of
Initial conversations with vendor/s to implement the maintenance/renewal of projectors
Call for quotations from vendors
Implementation of program / Investigation of feasibility of and SLA / IT Department / Term 1
Implementation of Incident Management System - Techzone / Continued staff use of TechzoneTicketing system
Run professional development for staff to use ticketing system
Revamp of system to simplify processes / 100% staff accessing IT Department – A6, phone or email / Gerard Marsh / Ongoing – commencing term 1
eBook Platform / Continued rollout of ebook platform:
Successful rollout to Year 7 – 9
Investigate with vendors and school leadership team for Years 10 – 12 rollout / 100% staff with digital texts through Campion platform
100% BYOD computers installed with Campion in Years 7-9 / Sharon Hendy-Moman / Term 1 commence investigation
  1. Continue to devise and implement targeted professional online learning to support technological practice

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
eLearning / Rollout of NEW eTeacher Index
Support staff with access to eLearning Coordinator to develop skills and knowledge in using ICT to further contribute to teaching and learning experiences
Offer staff opportunities to collaborate in digital environments to support learner needs promoting digital citizenship when creating, communicating and collaborating
Assist staff to understand and apply departmental policies when working digitally
Add content online for staff use (with 24/7 access)
Continue to add to eTeacher index video library
Support first year teacher program
Visit departmental meetings to employ targeted departmental SAMR model professional learning
Further eLearning tools (Dropbox, Discussion Boards, Blogs, Wikis)
Assessment tools / Online marking / Targeted PD sessions with staff to facilitate eLearning (eTeacher Index) opportunities; connect with digital resources and tools and collaborate in digital environments / Gerard Marsh / Ongoing – commencing term 1
Professional Learning and Development / Deliver learning opportunities for:
students to become familiar with their BYOD laptop
staff to implement quality programs and augmented concepts in their BYOD use / 100% students offered learning opportunities on BYOD
100% staff offered learning opportunities to make meaningful use of digital technologies / Gerard Marsh, / Ongoing – commencing term 1
  1. Enhance and broaden the use of blended learning models to improve student outcomes

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
Blended presentation and interaction / Activity focused on face-to-face sessions blended with online resources. To provide direction for harnessing the learning and business potential of ICT now and into the future:
Blackboard set up for every subject
ClickView Online for multi-media access
Online collaboration – blogs; verso; discussion forums / 100% of curriculum department delivers content documents via eLearn (Blackboard) / SLT
Classroom Teacher / Commencement term 1
Delivery of Blended Learning Project / Revise whole Blended Learning Project
Build staff confidence in participating in the Blended Learning Project
Participate as a Mentor and as a participant in Blended Learning Project
Offer support and ideas for discussion in Blended Learning Project
Support and Mentor/Manage staff in the project / 20% of staff to be part of the Blended Learning Project in 2018 and to successfully complete a project. / Gerard Marsh / Shane Mason
Classroom Teachers / Ongoing – commencing term 1
DayMap / Assignment submission rollout with PlagScan as honesty and authentic Plagiarism checker
Contact with Macgregor SHS and investigate solution
Contact with PlagScan to attain free licence
Have PlagScan embedded into DayMap
Work with key staff to rollout a test assignment
Collate Data from test assignment
Build business case of PlagScan purchase
Deliver Professional Development for staff use of Assignment submission by DayMap / 100% of non-ib assignments submitted via DayMap by end of 2018 / Gerard Marsh
Sharon Hendy-Moman / Ongoing – commencing term 1
  1. Enhance digital communication with parents, students and wider community

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
QSchools / Improve participation in QSchools smartphone App – Advertising via emails, website, Social Media and Newsletter / 80% take up with parent involvement / Gerard Marsh / Michelle Chell / Ongoing – commencing term 1
Websites For Schools / Professionally develop key staff in the school – Ainsley Young, Rhonda Gibson and Louise Martinuzzo to:
Add of all school dates (important school dates – excursions, sporting events, key school dates) (ongoing throughout the year)
Update content on site – to provide up to date content for departments
Revision of content on site – to provide up to date content for departments / 100% school community confidence in obtaining up-to-date content via school website / Gerard Marsh / Term 1 - 4
Cleveland Techgirlz / Continued support for TechGirlz program at Cleveland District State High School in Consultation with Kirsty Weston and Carrie Johns / Targeting girls in IT – Year 7 – 12 / Gerard Marsh / Carrie Johns / Commencing week 6 term 1. Meet every second week.
DayMap / Continue to working with Tracey Hopper and DayMap to implement rollout of parent portal to align with QParent logins / Rollout plan in place and information sent to parents / Gerard Marsh / Ongoing – aimed for term 4

Infrastructure & Support

Delivering a physical infrastructure and support program which ensure the best possible connectivity and services required to sustain our school in its day-to-day operations, and support our school community.

  1. Continued support of 100% BYOD Program and of ICT Equity Program

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
Rollout of BYOD – 100% school cohort / Rollout BYOD program to school cohort to support student-centred learning to ensure a seamless movement between learning at school and at home:
Class rollout to all Year 7 students to connect and on-board BYOD laptops – Internet; Connection to G:/H: drives; printers
Planning documents – created, implemented and advertised on website
Communication with staff, students and parents via email communication.
Continue to support BYOD for continuing program – Years 8 to 12
1st Level service – Information Technology staff working with connection issues and preparing advice for level 2 incidents to parents
Year 7 Rollout – class by class student up skilling to enable students to access internet and physical resources.
Other years rollout – running lunch time tutorials to up skill students to access school network and internet resources.
Lunchtime staff availability to assist with connectivity issues – commencing in library
ICT Technician in A6 to take on connectivity issues from helpdesk counter.
Continued communication with BYOx (EQ team) to advance student connectivity issues.
Educate and assist parents with/on Microsoft Office Suite through email and phone conversations. / 100% students with BYOD on-boarded / Gerard Marsh /
A6 team / Term 1
Equity Laptop Program / Equity Program for financially disadvantaged students:
Junior students – day loan laptop for junior students at no cost
Senior students – offer take-home program at cost $200 day; extreme hardship DP to waiver fee
Tracking of Equity devices via Oliver LMS / All students offered access to a digital device / Gerard Marsh /
A6 team / BSM / Term 1
  1. Source and support the implementation of ICT resources to enhance Teaching & Learning and Digital Resourcing

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
Purchase learning materials – software and hardware to support learning / Assess materials as they become available with Heads of Department as they are related.
Discuss with DP as to whether we can financially support the purchase of materials.
Ensure that training is shared for all staff members. / Investigation of shared costs for all software and hardware purchased across the school / Gerard Marsh
Sharon Hendy-Moman / Ongoing – commencing term 1
Support staff development in new purchases / Training materials will be developed
Wiki-how developed and added to repository
Advertised materials across the staff – emails and newsletter
Professional Development at a department / staff level as required / 100% staff access to support materials / Gerard Marsh
Sharon Hendy-Moman / Ongoing – commencing term 1
  1. Provision of quality school wide support

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
Supportive Professional Development and Professional Learning Opportunities / Further develop necessary wiki-hows as required
Addition of software to eTeacher Index
Departmental faculty meeting professional learning and development as required
Communication through newsletter and emails to staff. / 100% teachers supported across the school / Gerard Marsh
Sharon Hendy-Moman / Ongoing – commencing term 1
ICT Help Desk / Providing training to support staff as it arises – in line with pd requirements
Full school support across the school with Techzone portal
Training of staff (touch base) during staff meeting of TechZone
Timely and necessary repairs and support by support staff
Rollout of Techzone Staff User Manual / All teachers have access to quality ICT support / Gerard Marsh A6 staff / Ongoing – commencing term 1
Enhancing Teachers access to key teaching and learning resources when and where appropriate, regardless of location / Access to real time student and class performance data; Increased system functionality to monitor and track student performance across cohorts and year levels.
Professional Development targeted to upskill staff on eBusiness opportunities provided by:
Learning Place
OnePortal / 100% staff utilising a variety of eBusiness products – Class Dashboard, Timetable, Online Databases, Virtual Classrooms and Courses, edStudios, Learning Pathways, CPR, Web Conferences, Library Services / Gerard Marsh / Ongoing – commencing term 1

Digital Resourcing

Sourcing and maintaining sustainable quality digital resources which provide equitable and relevant access that suits the needs of the school community and support contemporary learning practices.

  1. Continue school wide delivery of quality digital resources through online/blended learning practices

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
Accessing 24/7 learning / Whole school commitment to 24/7 learning
Encouraging staff use of blackboard online learning classrooms
Working with staff – one-on-one, staff and faculty meetings
Ensuring that all students have access to online learning classrooms through library support structure
Analysis of data received from EQ blackboard team
Library being a school point of contact along with A6 for ICT issues for students / 100% creation of Learning Place resource for student use / Gerard Marsh / Sharon Hendy-Moman / Ongoing – commencing term 1
Funding of External Software / Devise a team that analyses departmental software according to access, bandwidth, and speed and device requirements as well as against other available software. / 100% of future software purchased to go through analysis process / Sharon Hendy-Moman/
Gerard Marsh / Ongoing – commencing term 3
  1. Implement equitable access to digital resources across the school

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
Ensure that all students are supported / Library to provide a base for students to drop in for support
Maintenance of all school ICT laboratories in a good working order for all classes
Support and advocate for laptop equity program for access to disadvantaged students
Rollout out of Year 7 on-boarding class by class at the start of the year
Provide student BYOD Tutorials / 100% of student access to devices and software with financial SRS / Gerard Marsh / Sharon Hendy-Moman / Ongoing – commencing term 1
  1. Continue rollout of school digital resources to whole of school community

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?
Roll out digital textbooks years 7 to 9
Campion / Consultation with Campion regarding implementation timeline
Email – parents and students, social media campaign, classroom visits for year 7 group, BSM text messages for SRS deadline payments / 100% student access for all SRS payment students. / Sharon Hendy-Moman and Library Staff / Term 1
Library Management System (Oliver) / Change culture to ensure the school library system is the student’s most powerful learning resource
Ensure learning resources can be discovered by teaching staff to support their lesson planning and shared across departments
Offer a fully web-based product and mobile app for 24/7 student/teacher access
Review splash page / Rollout product to new staff at PD
Parent information evenings – Parent BOOTCAMP / Sharon Hendy-Moman
Sharon Hendy-Moman
Sharon Hendy-Moman / Term 1
Term 2
Term 1
  1. Continue to implement a futures based library and resourcing model within the school

Key Activities / How we are going to do it / Target / Who is responsible? / When we are going to do it?