Juanita Creswell

Midway High School

Department of Mathematics

Algebra 2Semester



Name: Juanita Creswell
Phone: 376-5645


Course Objectives: A course in algebraic functions, their properties and uses-equations, inequalities, graphs, systems of linear and nonlinear equations and inequalities, rational expressions and equations, exponential and logarithmic functions and trigonometry. Applications will be related to real word situations in all areas.

Learning Outcomes:Students will demonstrate the ability to:

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

Model with mathematics.

Use appropriate tools strategically.

Attend to precision.

Look for and make use of structure.

Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Prerequisites for the course: Algebra 1 and Geometry

Course Topics:

First Nine Weeks

Unit 1 – Functions

Relations and Functions

Composite Functions (all types)

Tables to Functions (calculator)

Inverse Relations and Functions

Unit 2 - Linear Systems

Graphing Systems of Equations

Solving Systems Algebraically (Substitution)/Nonlinear

Solving Systems Algebraically (Elimination)

Systems with Three Variables (applications)

Systems of Inequalities

Unit 3 – Polynomials

Operations with Exponents

Polynomial Addition/Subtraction

Polynomial Multiplication

Factor by GCF & Grouping

Factor Quadratic Polynomials

Factor Special Binomials

Unit 4 – Radical Functions

Simplifying Radicals

Addition and Subtraction of Radicals

Multiplication of Radicals

Division of Radicals

Rational Exponents

Radical Equations

Complex Numbers

Divide/Multiply Complex Numbers

Unit 5 – Quadratic Equations

Solve by Factoring

Solve by the Quadratic Formula

Graphing Quadratic Equations

Writing Quadratic Equations

Unit 6 – Polynomial Functions

Long Division

Synthetic Division

Rational Root Theorem/Remainder Theorem

Polynomial Equations Finding Roots

Writing Polynomial Equations

Unit 7 – Rational Expressions

Simplifying Rational Expressions

Multiplying Rational Expressions

Dividing Rational Expressions

Add/Subtract Rational Expressions

Solving Rational Equations (Linear & Quadratic)

Rate of Work

Second Nine Weeks

Unit 8 – Exponential Equations

Exponential Equations


Logarithmic Inverses

Properties of Logarithms

Logarithmic Equations

Exponential Equations require Logarithms

Natural Logarithms

Money Applications

Unit 9 – Sequences and Series

Arithmetic Sequences/Mean

Geometric Sequences/Mean

Arithmetic Series/Summation Notation

Geometric Series

Infinite Geometric Series

Unit 10 – Graphing Parent Functions

Graphing Linear Equations

Graphing Quadratic Equations

Graphing Radical Functions

Graphing Radical Functions

Graphing Rational Functions

Graphing Exponential/Logarithmic Equations

These sections will include Intercepts, Domain and Range, Increasing & Decreasing Intervals, Maximum and Minimums, Symmetry, Average rate of change, End behavior, Transformations, Zeros, and Even and Odd Functions.

Unit 11 – Trigonometric Functions and Graphs

Trigonometric Ratios

Inverse Trigonometric Ratios

Degrees and Radians

Unit Circle

Know Trig Identities

Unit 12 – Probability/Statistics

Using All (linear,exp.,quad) Models with Scatter Plots

Standard Deviation

Normal Distribution


Multiplying Probabilities

Adding Probabilities

Conditional Probability

Samples and Surveys


Textbook:Algebra 2 by Charles, Hall, Kenndy, Bellman, Bradd, Handlin, Murphy, and Wiggins; 2012, Pearson/Prentice Hall; ISBN #978-0-13-253150-4.

Supplementary Materials:A scientific calculator is required. It must have logarithmic and exponential capabilities. A graphing calculator is encouraged.


Grading scale:A: 93-100; B: 85-82; C: 75-83; D: 70-74; F: Below 70.

Grades will be determined as follows:

Tests: 60%

Quizzes/Other: 20%

Homework: 20%

Tests will usually be given at the end of each chapter. Mid-chapter tests may also be given. Quizzes may be given throughout each chapter. Included in the quiz category is other. Other may include projects, grades given for taking notes or working on assignments in class, etc. Homework will be due at the end of each chapter and will be turned in the day that the Chapter Test is scheduled.

Online Gradebook:

Grades will be posted on

Make- Up Work:

The student is excused for the day(s) of the absence, not the material covered in the class. Therefore it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher for make-up work. If absence is excused, all missed class work or tests may be made up provided the student makes the request immediately upon returning to each class/classes, and provided class time is not taken from other students. The number of days missed is the number of days the student will be given to complete the make-up work. (For example, a student who misses Monday and Tuesday and returns Wednesday will turn in the work due on Monday and Tuesday at the beginning of class on Friday.) Exceptions to this provision must be approved by the principal in advance.

Math Fee (Optional)

The math department collects a $3 math fee. This fee is optional and will be used toward classroom materials that may be needed throughout the year. This includes cleaning supplies, batteries, paper, pencils, etc.

Calculator Rental Program:

MHS offers a calculator rental program that enables students to rent a calculator to use for the current school year. The rental is $30 per year. The student will receive a

TI-83+ or a TI-84+ calculator to use during the school year. Students will then return the calculator at the end of the rental period. If a student rents four times, they will receive a new TI-84+ calculator at the end of their fourth rental upon returning the rented calculator. If interested, a calculator rental form will be provided to the student.


Free after school tutoring will be offered after school from 3:30-4:30 on certain days throughout the school year. These days have not been determined.


The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus as long as the students are notified.