Present:Mrs How, Mrs J Adams, Ms J Purdie, Mr W Reynolds, Mrs L:Peoples, Mrs L Prentice, Mrs G Mortimer,

1.Previous Minutes:

Read and approved

2.Matters Arising

Ms Purdie informed Council members that the school prom was going ahead at the same venue.

3.Promoting Positive Behaviour

Mrs Peoples updated members that the PPB Group were revisiting the PPB policy in the school. Mrs Peoples said that the PPB were working hand in hand with the Rights Respecting School Group. She said a survey had been issued and the results showed that everyone (staff, pupils and parents) were looking for the same outcome of consistency.

Mrs Peoples said they had made a change to lunchtime detention by centralising it and PTs were taking the detention and pupils had to complete a reflection sheet. Mrs Peoples said they were going to re-launch the lunchtime detention with information sheets being displayed in each class.

Mrs Adams asked about the demerit system. Mrs Peoples told the members that when pupils reached 7 demerits a letter was sent to parents to make them aware of the situation. Mrs Adams stated that she thought this was too long before alerting the parents. Ms Purdie suggested a review of the demerits in order to engage parents earlier.

4S6 Last Day

Ms Purdie informed the council that she was looking for suggestions for the S6 last day events. Ms Purdie stated that she was aware that the incidents with shaving foam had been increasing over the last 3 years. Mr Reynolds suggested PTs should man an entrance or stairway during changes of periods and that classroom teachers should ensure that S1-S5 pupils stayed in class.

Ms Purdie said the Mrs van de Gevel was working with S6 pupils trying to arrange a day of events that they can undertake on their last day. She alsosaid that she would be writing to S6 parents to ask for their cooperation at this time.


Mrs How informed the Parent Council that she was standing down as Chair of the Parent Council. Mrs How’s last meeting will be at the Parent Council AGM in September where the Council will select a new Chair.