Agenda – CERP#7 Meeting, ETSI Sophia Antipolis FRANCE 8 October 2008

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Agenda for CERP#7

7th CERP Meeting, ETSI Sophia Antipolis, 8 October 2008


8 October 2008

The CERP#7 meeting will be held at ETSI, 650 Route des Lucioles 06921 Sophia Antipolis FRANCE
Meeting room MOZART in the ETSI Einstein Building.
on Wednesday 8 October from 09h00 to 17h00.

Public document storage location

CERP7_Agenda.doc (the current document)

CERP participant internal documents will be stored at this url

8 October 2008

09:00 Welcome and introductions

CERP7_Agenda.doc (the current document)

CERP6 Attendee list

√ Participants self introduction

√ Proposed agenda timing for approval, breaks, coffee, taxi


Cluster of European Research Projects on the Internet Of Things

And also propose the names offered by Harald who is absent

CERP-IoT Cluster of European Research Projects on the Internet Of Things

ONE Internet and Objects for Networking and Enterprise Integration

I-O-I Internet Objects Integration

I-ONE Internet, Objects, Networking Technologies for Enterprise Integration

EI-IT Enterprise Integration and Internet of Things

PEIRIoT Projects on Enterprise Integration Research and Internet of Things

Todo Ask Harald Sundmaeker for the free tools to generate logos

Sort out these agenda items:

·  √ CERP Secretary, EC presentations and follow-up

o  √ ICT 2008 November discussion

·  √ CERP Coordinator introduction (as given at CE RFID conference)

·  √ CERP/IoT Scoping discussion & way forward (Anthony Furness)


·  CERP Project updates

o  News from the supporting actions GRIFS, √ CASAGRAS and √ CE RFID

§  Present projects news: √ BRIDGE ,
Todo CuteLoop (Harald absent)

§  Todo AITPL Cluster news (Markus)

o  √ Full PEARS Feasibility presentation (Humberto)

o  Todo Full EU-IFM Presentation (if present)

o  Todo Perhaps HYDRA candidate Project introduction (Patrick)

o  Todo Prime-Life participation?

o  Todo, see TXT EI Cluster information

After 2nd DVD: we have now

·  √ CERP DVD v3,
The 3rd version of the DVD on RFID and the Internet Of Things made available for the 6,7 October IoF/IoT Nice conference is available only in a web version:

·  √ CERP Poster (ok)
√ CERP booklet, (ok)
Todo CERP Calendar (Harald, Emilie, Neeli) check:
CERP mailing list members updates if needed,
Todo Add ETP EPoSS Alessandro Bassi in the cerp mailing list

·  √ News from RFID in China with CESI guest and short presentation

·  √ Report about "Recycling et biodegradability in the context of RFID" by Franck Le Gall from Inno

·  CERP Events & Calendar

o  EU-US Symposium feedback (EC),

o  √ 19 Sep 2008 CE RFID Closing conference summary,
CE RIFD Book (Birgit?)

o  28-30 September Future Internet Symposium Vienna reporting (Neeli)

o  1-2 October Juan-Les-Pins EPoSS reporting (Patrick, Alessandro)

o  6-7 October IoT/FI Nice Conference debriefing

o  9-10 December FIA Madrid introduction (Sergio) - Euractiv activities ?

·  AOB

o  CERP standard survey for GRIFS project reporting (Patrick)

o  Lunch and Coffe Breaks,

o  Action follow-up

Previous CERP#6 review and minutes approval

CERP6_Minutes_20080610 V2.doc

European Commission CERP presentations


CERP Website handover

ICT 2008 Event in LYON

February 2009 in Budapest, ICT Work Program infoday

Exact date: 22 January 2009

Website: Budapest:

CERP#8 meeting in Denmark, Second half of February University of Alborg, visit of Lab to sync with Neeli Prasad (ASPIRE)

CERP Scope: to Internet Of Things

change RFID in CERP name, new name e.g; Cluster of European .. Projects

Research Agenda:

EC/EPoSS pas workshop, report produced, task is to maintain a research agenda

New ICT Work Program planned after January 2009

30 pages to 2 paragraphs (2 to 5 pages), need a live document produced by CERP for the EC

EPoSS, BRIDGE and SToP projects have a booth in ICT 2008

Ask if there could be space for CERP “booth” space there, ?drop brochures poster. Higher level of representation needed for ICT 2008 event.

Like: ICT research for… level

Request is to have an updated version of that document for Lyon ICT 2008 in November, to be distributed

DG INFSO produce annual activity report, with 2 or 3 pages to summarize each Cluster activities done, need one for CERP and AITPL. EC CERP Secretary produce it to include 2008 report, milestone is January 2009, should be completed in coming months.

EC news from our CERP Secretary Manuel Mateo (Peter Friess and Florent Frederix). EC general information, Calendar of events

Internet Of Things and CERP on RFID


CERP Coordinator presentation as provided on 19 September

Keynote_Guillemin_02 v3_cerp7.ppt

CERP scoping discussions

·  RFID CERP CERP Scoping discussion to report your views in next coming events.htm

·  CASAGRAS Interim Report - final.pdf (Anthony Furness)

·  futint-3-internet-of-things_en.pdf (EC)

·  CERP6 Internet-of-Things_in_2020_EC-EPoSS_Workshop_Report_2008_v1-1.pdf (EPoSS)

·  IoT Madrid FIA.pdf

·  1 TXT Position CERP.doc + The TXT FI concept.ppt CERP project evaluation matrix.xls

·  BLED IoThings_Issue_Paper Final.doc

Presentations of the CERP Projects updates - present

AMI-4-SME, Harald Sundmaeker ?Closed

ASPIRE, John Soldatos

BRIDGE, Henri Barthel

CASAGRAS,Ian Smith (abs), Anthony Furness

CE-RFID,Gerd Wolfram, Birgit Gampl ?Closing

CuteLoop, Harald Sundmaeker

Dynamite, Kenneth Holmberg

EU-IFM, Inge Meister, John Verity (abs)

EURIDICE, Paolo Paganelli

GRIFS, Stephane Pique

Indisputable Key,Richard Uusijärvi

iSURF,Asuman Dogac

LEAPFROG, Lutz Walter

PEARS Feasibility, Humberto Moran

SMART, Kostas Thiveos

SMMART, Jean-Louis Boucon (abs)?Closing

StoLPaN, András Vilmos

SToP, Harald Vogt (abs)

TraSer, Zsolt Kemeny

AITPL Cluster news, Markus Rabe

EPoSS, Alessandro Bassi

Closed projects

CoBIS, Stephan Haller

PRIME, Marit Hansen

PROMISE,Dimitris Kiritsis