National Certificate in Human Services (Level 4) with optional strands in Deaf/hearing Impairment, Intellectual Disability, Physical Disability, and Blind/visual Impairment
/ 4Credits
/ 120This qualification is expiring. The last date to meet the requirements is 31December2011.
The qualification is designed to provide recognition for a base level of competence for the delivery of disability support services in a wide range of support settings. It is for those seeking entry-level employment in the area of disability support and can be gained either through an accredited provider or a work-based training programme.
The qualification is accessible to people employed in different disability support environments. People who meet the optional strand requirements, as part of meeting the Core Elective requirements of the qualification, will be awarded a specialist strand.
This qualification has some unit standards in common with the National Certificate in Support of the Older Person (Level 3) with strands in Community, and Residential [Ref:0729], and the National Certificate in Diversional Therapy (Level 4) [Ref:0727]. This qualification is designed to provide a foundation for people to progress to the National Diploma in Human Services (Level 5) [Ref:0929].
Replacement information
This qualification has been replaced by National Certificate in Community Support Services (Human Services) [Ref: 1396] and National Certificate in Community Support Services (Intellectual Disability) [Ref: 1397].
Core Compulsory
/Core Elective
Set A / Set B / Set C / Set DLevel 1 credits
/ 2 / - / - / 0-3 / -Level 2 credits / 6 / 0-5 / 0-2 / 0-3 / 0-4
Level 3 credits / 25 / 0-28 / - / 0-3 / 0-2
Level 4 credits / 46 / 0-20 / 0-4 / 0-3 / 0-15
Level 5 credits / - / 0-4 / 0-6 / 0-3 / -
Set totals / 79 / 23-41 / 0-6 / 0-3 / 0-16
Minimum totals / 79 / 41
Qualification total / 120
Optional Strand totals
(part of Core Elective credits) /Deaf/hearing Impairment
/Intellectual Disability
/Physical Disability
/Blind/visual Impairment
Level 2 credits / - / 2 / 4 / 3Level 3 credits / 8 / 3 / 5 / 11
Level 4 credits / - / 6 / 6 / -
Totals / 8 / 11 / 15 / 14
Requirements for Award of Qualification
Award of NQF Qualifications
Credit gained for a standard may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.
Unit standards and achievement standards that are equivalent in outcome are mutually exclusive for the purpose of award. The table of mutually exclusive standards is provided in section 7 of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Rules and Procedures publications available at
Reviewed standards that continue to recognise the same overall outcome are registered as new versions and retain their identification number (ID). Any version of a standard with the same Id may be used to meet qualification requirements that list the ID and/or that specify the past or current classification of the standard.
Summary of Requirements
Core Compulsory standards
Core Elective – A minimum of 41 credits as specified
The following strands are optional
Deaf/hearing Impairment Optional Strand
Intellectual Disability Optional Strand
Physical Disability Optional Strand
Blind/visual Impairment Optional Strand
Detailed Requirements
The following standards are required
Community and Social Services > Community Support > Community Support Services
ID / Title / Level / Credit1836 / Recognise indicators and describe responses to suspected abuse of people using health or disability services / 3 / 4
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Empowering People with Disabilities
ID / Title / Level / Credit1809 / Interact in a supportive way with family or whānau who have a member with a disability / 3 / 5
1810 / Explain resources and support agencies for families or whānau who have a member with a disability / 3 / 2
1814 / Implement practical ways of increasing social status of people with disabilities / 4 / 4
1816 / Identify and discuss values, attitudes and current issues in the field of disabilities / 4 / 4
1818 / Demonstrate understanding of the importance of friendships in peoples' lives for disability support / 3 / 3
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Practical and Professional Skills for Disability Support
ID / Title / Level / Credit1831 / Develop a support network with a person with a disability / 4 / 4
1834 / Describe the concept of advocacy and the components of effective advocacy / 3 / 3
16872 / Demonstrate an understanding of individual planning processes for a person with a disability / 4 / 4
16963 / Demonstrate knowledge and management of epileptic seizures for disability support / 2 / 2
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Services, Resources and Communication for Disability Support
ID / Title / Level / Credit1817 / Relate the provision of services to human needs and development for disability support / 4 / 6
1826 / Demonstrate knowledge of supportive needs-based services for people with disabilities / 3 / 3
1828 / Identify services available to people with disabilities / 3 / 4
16874 / Demonstrate an ability to support a person with a communication impairment / 4 / 5
Community and Social Services > Social Services > Professional Development of Social Service Workers
ID / Title / Level / Credit7916 / Demonstrate knowledge of social service ethics / 4 / 3
Community and Social Services > Social Services > Provide Social Services
ID / Title / Level / Credit7926 / Explain Te Tiriti o Waitangi for social service purposes / 4 / 6
7954 / Contribute to a noho marae within social service work / 4 / 6
Core Generic > Core Generic > Self-Management
ID / Title / Level / Credit12349 / Demonstrate time management / 2 / 3
Health > Health Studies > Core Health
ID / Title / Level / Credit6400 / Manage first aid in emergency situations / 3 / 2
6401 / Provide first aid / 2 / 1
6402 / Provide resuscitation level 2 / 1 / 1
Health > Occupational Health and Safety > Occupational Health and Safety Practice
ID / Title / Level / Credit497 / Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements / 1 / 3
Māori > Hauora > Kaupapa Hauora
ID / Title / Level / Credit15309 / Demonstrate knowledge of a kaupapa Māori model of Hauora / 3 / 3
Core Elective
A minimum of 41 credits
From the following sets
Set A
Set B
Set C
Set D
Set A
A minimum of 23 credits
Community and Social Services > Community Support > Human Services
ID / Title / Level / Credit16870 / Demonstrate knowledge of causes and associated conditions related to intellectual disability / 3 / 3
16871 / Demonstrate knowledge of causes and common effects of physical disability / 3 / 3
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Empowering People with Disabilities
ID / Title / Level / Credit1811 / Demonstrate knowledge of the implications for a sibling when a family/whanau member has a disability / 3 / 3
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Practical and Professional Skills for Disability Support
ID / Title / Level / Credit1819 / Describe how low vision affects the individual and his/her interaction with the environment / 3 / 3
1820 / Demonstrate the skills required to assist a person with blindness or vision impairment to travel / 2 / 3
1821 / Demonstrate knowledge of hearing impairment and communication with people with hearing impairment / 3 / 4
1822 / Demonstrate knowledge of deafness and communication with Deaf people / 3 / 4
1830 / Prepare for and participate in an individual's planning meeting or hui for disability support / 5 / 4
1835 / Advocate in partnership with a disadvantaged individual or group for disability support / 4 / 4
1838 / Teach to enhance independence and community participation of a person with a disability / 4 / 6
1841 / Create and implement a leisure plan for a person with a disability / 4 / 4
16869 / Demonstrate the effect blindness may have on an individual and his/her lifestyle / 3 / 4
16873 / Demonstrate an understanding of supporting a person with challenging behaviour / 4 / 6
16962 / Demonstrate knowledge of safe health practice in disability support / 2 / 2
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Services, Resources and Communication for Disability Support
ID / Title / Level / Credit1825 / Use hearing aids and assistive devices to communicate with a Deafblind person / 3 / 4
Set B
A maximum of 1 standard
Community and Social Services > Social Services > Professional Development of Social Service Workers
ID / Title / Level / Credit7918 / Implement a self care plan for social service work / 5 / 6
Core Generic > Core Generic > Self-Management
ID / Title / Level / Credit12355 / Demonstrate knowledge of stress and ways of dealing with it / 2 / 2
Māori > Hauora > Tikanga Hauora
ID / Title / Level / Credit15308 / Apply stress management techniques in a Hauora context / 4 / 4
Set C
A maximum of 3 credits
Field / Subfield / DomainComputing and Information Technology / Computing / Generic Computing
Set D
The balance of credits, if required, to achieve
A minimum of 41 credits
May come from the following
Community and Social Services > Community Support > Community Support Services
ID / Title / Level / Credit5012 / Demonstrate musculo-skeletal care and handle people safely in a health or disability setting / 3 / 5
Community and Social Services > Social Services > Provide Social Services
ID / Title / Level / Credit7953 / Use Te Reo and waiata in social service work / 4 / 9
Humanities > Communication Skills > Interpersonal Communications
ID / Title / Level / Credit1304 / Communicate with people from other cultures / 2 / 2
Humanities > Health and Physical Education > Health Education
ID / Title / Level / Credit14257 / Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of issues related to sexuality / 2 / 2
Māori > Hauora > Kaupapa Hauora
ID / Title / Level / Credit15299 / Describe the principles and key concepts of Hauora based on a Māori world view / 4 / 6
Deaf/hearing Impairment Optional Strand
The following standards are required
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Practical and Professional Skills for Disability Support
ID / Title / Level / Credit1821 / Demonstrate knowledge of hearing impairment and communication with people with hearing impairment / 3 / 4
1822 / Demonstrate knowledge of deafness and communication with Deaf people / 3 / 4
Intellectual Disability Optional Strand
The following standards are required
Community and Social Services > Community Support > Human Services
ID / Title / Level / Credit16870 / Demonstrate knowledge of causes and associated conditions related to intellectual disability / 3 / 3
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Practical and Professional Skills for Disability Support
ID / Title / Level / Credit16873 / Demonstrate an understanding of supporting a person with challenging behaviour / 4 / 6
Humanities > Health and Physical Education > Health Education
ID / Title / Level / Credit14257 / Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of issues related to sexuality / 2 / 2
Physical Disability Optional Strand
The following standards are required
Community and Social Services > Community Support > Community Support Services
ID / Title / Level / Credit5012 / Demonstrate musculo-skeletal care and handle people safely in a health or disability setting / 3 / 5
Community and Social Services > Community Support > Human Services
ID / Title / Level / Credit16871 / Demonstrate knowledge of causes and common effects of physical disability / 3 / 3
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Practical and Professional Skills for Disability Support
ID / Title / Level / Credit16873 / Demonstrate an understanding of supporting a person with challenging behaviour / 4 / 6
16962 / Demonstrate knowledge of safe health practice in disability support / 2 / 2
Humanities > Health and Physical Education > Health Education
ID / Title / Level / Credit14257 / Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of issues related to sexuality / 2 / 2
Blind/visual Impairment Optional Strand
The following standards are required
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Practical and Professional Skills for Disability Support
ID / Title / Level / Credit1819 / Describe how low vision affects the individual and his/her interaction with the environment / 3 / 3
1820 / Demonstrate the skills required to assist a person with blindness or vision impairment to travel / 2 / 3
16869 / Demonstrate the effect blindness may have on an individual and his/her lifestyle / 3 / 4
Community and Social Services > Human Services > Services, Resources and Communication for Disability Support
ID / Title / Level / Credit1825 / Use hearing aids and assistive devices to communicate with a Deafblind person / 3 / 4
Transition Arrangements
Version 5
Version 5 was issued to indicate that this qualification is expiring.
This qualification has been replaced by the National Certificate in Community Support Services (Human Services) [Ref:1396] and the National Certificate in Community Support Services (Intellectual Disability) [Ref:1397].
For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.
Previous versions of the qualification
Version 4 was revised and issued in order to correct errors in the qualification rules and allow all existing candidates to complete. The structure of the Core Elective was altered, to set the minimum credit requirements from HumanServices standards, and to clarify the balance of credits rules.
Changes to structure and content
- Core Elective split into four sets to clarify the rules. The total elective credit requirements have not changed (41 credits) but are no longer expressed with a balance rule. The total for the qualification remains 120 credits.
- All candidates must gain 23 credits fromHumanServices standards in the Core Elective (Set A). Previously, this requirement was 15 credits from Core Elective 1 for people working towards a strand and 25 credits for people not working towards a strand.
- Sets B, C, and D replace the requirements of Core Elective 2.
- Standard 7953 included in Set D, as it is not a stress management standard (this was an error in one of the Core Elective 2 rules in version 3).
- Title of standard 15299 updated.
- Prerequisite diagram updated to include standard 1822.
- Purpose edited and special note added.
People currently working towards version 3 of this qualification may either complete the requirements of that version or transfer their results to this version of the qualification. Due to the errors in Version 3, some candidates will need to transfer to version 4in order to be awarded the qualification.
If you appear to be disadvantaged by these transition arrangements please contact theCommunity Support Services Industry Training Organisation (CSSITO) at the address below. The CSSITO will address all appeals on a case-by-case basis.
This revision was undertaken in order to allow existing candidates to complete. The qualification and its component standards are currently under review. Please contact the CSSITO for further information regarding the review.
This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards – see table below.
Credit for / Exempt from503 / 12349
1832 and 1833 / 16873
1842 and 1843 / 16874
Version 3 was issued to take account of the review of Social Services standards. The changes included updating titles, levels, and credits of reviewed standards; the core compulsory credits were increased from 76 to 79; and the transition information relating to the National Certificate in Human Services (Level 4) [Ref: 0095] was updated.
Version 2 was issued to correct errors in the summary of credits by level table for the Intellectual Disability and Physical Disability Strands. Reference to the new National Diploma in Human Services (Level 5) [Ref:0929] was also included in the purpose statement, and the names of standard setting bodies were updated.
Version 1 was issued to replace the National Certificate in Human Services (Level 4) [Ref:0095] following its review. The changes included restructuring the qualification into core compulsory and core elective sections, and adding optional strands as reflected by the updated title. The minimum credit total increased from 106 to 120.
The last date for award of the National Certificate in Human Services (Level 4) [Ref:0095] was 31December2003.
NQF Registration Information
/Last Date for Award
Registration / 1 / February 2000 / December 2005Revision / 2 / February 2002 / December 2005
Revision / 3 / January 2003 / December 2008
Revision / 4 / April 2006 / December 2011
Review / 5 / July 2008 / December 2011
Standard Setting Body
Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation Limited
PO Box 25 255
Telephone03 371 9295
Other standard setting bodies whose standards are included in the qualification
New Zealand Industry Training Organisation
Te Kaiawhina Ahumahi Social Services Industry Training Organisation Inc
The certificate will display the logos of NZQA, the Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation and the accredited organisation.
This qualification is classified according to the NQF classification system and the NewZealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED) system as specified below.
NQF Classification / NZSCEDCode / Description / Code / Description
112 / Community and Social Services > Human Services / 090511 / Society and Culture > Human Welfare Studies and Services > Community Client Care
Quality Management Systems
Providers and Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by a recognised Quality Assurance Body before they can register credits from assessment against standards. Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Accreditation requirements and the moderation system are outlined in the associated Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) for each standard.
Prerequisite Diagram
Community Support Services Industry Training Organisation LimitedSSB Code 101814 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018