Large Gazehound Racing Association - 200 yard sprints
Feb 25-26, March 4-5, 11-12, 25-26 2017
Open to purebred Afghan Hounds, Basenji, Borzoi, Chart Polski, Cirneco dell’Etna, Greyhounds, Ibizan Hounds, IrishWolfhounds, Italian Greyhounds, Pharaoh Hounds, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Salukis, Scottish Deerhounds, and Sloughi. Azawakhs and Magyar Agar may run provisionally. Galgo Espanol are invited to participate, as well as Silken Windhounds.Hounds must be one year of age or older to be eligible.
Lure: fake fur with squawker and white plastic, or black plastic on snow.
Each hound must have a completed and signed entry form. Those with First Time Entered (FTE) hounds must attach a photocopy of your dog’s registration to your entry form, along with a one-time $2.00 registration fee. If your adopted NGA Greyhound does not have an AKC, ILP, NGA or other registration number, please make sure ALL other information is filled out on the entry form, including ear tattoo numbers, certificate and volume number. HOUNDS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER WITHOUT ACOMPLETED AND SIGNED ENTRY FORM. A completed entry includes the photocopy of the dog’s registration for FTEs!!!
Pre-entries: $10.00 first, second and third hound, $5 per hound thereafter for pre-entries only, same owner same breed. Pre-entries close Thursday before first day of meet at 9:00 pm. Pre-entries may be made by e-mail, or snail mail.
Same-day entries: $15 per dog. Entries close 9:00 am at the race secretary’s table.
Payment preferred through Paypalusing Friends and Family option and address
Contact Dominique de Caprona for snail mail address or email entries to
Inspection and roll call will begin at 10.00 amSaturday and Sunday.
Race meets will be 3 programs, 4 dog races, 200-yard straight sprints on artificial lure.
NOTE: boxed trained breeds will start from boxes, the others will be hand-slipped.
IW will be hand-slipped, the box is too small for them.
Schooling runs will be required for all FTE dogs before they may compete.
All breeds must run with muzzles and racing blankets. FTE dogs may benefit from muzzle training at home before the meet.Ribbons for placements 1 through 5, a special something for the meet winner.Box training available after the meet on Friday and Saturday.
Shade is availableunder the oak trees nor far from the field as long as they have leaves.
Water is available. The race meet building is the garage on site. The track is on a grass field entirely fenced.Light food, coffee and drinks available for a small fee.
Please ask race secretary Dominique de Caprona for directions
The race meets take place on private property, our insurance obligates us to allow only the competitors, their dogs and their helpers to participate.
Strohbehn Veterinary Clinic (Saturday)
430 W S Omaha Bridge Road
Council Bluffs, Iowa
712/366 0556
Animal Emergency Clinic
9664 Mockingbird Drive,
Omaha, Nebraska.
402/339 6232
ACCOMMODATIONS (These allow dogs in the rooms)
All are about 20 min-30 min away from the site but accessible through I29 an I 80
Please double check as conditions may have changed
No pet deposit for the following
Motel 6
3032 S. Expressway, Council Bluffs
Super 8 Motel
2712 S 24th street, Council Bluffs
Pet Deposit $10.- per pet per day for the following
Best Western Crossroads of the Bluffs
2216 27th Ave, Council Bluffs
712/ 322 3150
Quality Inn Metro
3537 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs
Days Inn
3208 South 7th Street, Council Bluffs
712/366 9699
800/329 7466
Hitchcock Nature Center (motor homes) Honey Creek, Iowa 51542, 712.545.3283, about 6 miles from SSARA track
You may camp on the field but there are NO facilities, except water and porter potty.