2014 YouthSpark Grant Program
Today's youth face an opportunity divide–a gap between those who have access to the skills and training they need to be successful, and those who do not. With more than 75 million unemployed youth around the world, we must work together to close this divide in order to secure the future of our youth, and of our global economy.
Microsoft YouthSpark is a company-wide global initiative to empower 300 million youth over three years. In its first year Microsoft YouthSpark has created new opportunities for more than 103 million young people through programs and partnerships with over 180youth-serving nonprofits in over 100 countries around the world. Although there is much still to do, we're inspired by what we've seen: young people taking the lead in changing not only their lives but the lives of others around them, making a real impact in their local communities and on the global stage.
Microsoft Silicon Valley’s 2014 YouthSpark Grants Program will offer general operating support to 3 – 5 organizations working to empower youth through technology. The organizations’ programming should address employment and employability issues facing our region’s youth. Organizations offering programming to Santa Clara and San Mateo County youth in the fields of digital literacy, entrepreneurship, job readiness, STEM education and youth development, among others, are invited to form cohorts of 3 – 5 similarly-focused organizations and apply for funding.
Throughout the grant period, organizations will participate in 5 Community of Learning sessions (2 sessions in Year 1, 3 sessions in Year 2). These sessions will serve as a forum for partners to discuss commonly faced issues and opportunities, as well as to provide support throughout the grant period. The agenda and topics for these sessions will be set by the grantee community at the first Community of Learning session in June 2014.
Grantees may also receive supplemental support from Microsoft Silicon Valley in the form of in-kind gifts. Specific Microsoft support will be tailored to each grantee’s specific needs. Potential in-kind support includesinvitations to volunteer and nonprofit fairs held at Microsoft’s Silicon Valley campuses, on-site event opportunities at Microsoft Silicon Valley facilities, and PR/marketing support.
Proposals will be reviewed based on organization alignment with the YouthSpark program, level of service to underserved populations, cohort cohesion, and quality of proposal, among other factors.
Request for Engagement SessionFebruary 19
Accepting ApplicationsFebruary 24 – April 4
Grant ReviewApril 7 – May 16
Grant Recommendations MadeMay 19 – May 30
First Cohort Learning SessionJune 1 – June 13
-Applicant must be a 501(c)(3) public charity
-Applicant organizations must be currently operating programming that serves San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.
-Organization will receive $15,000 per year over a two year grant period ($30,000 total) in general operating support.
-Only one cohort of organizations will be selected for funding, but organizations may apply as part of up to three (3) different cohorts.
-Microsoft YouthSpark national partner organizations are encouraged to apply, but will not have any advantage over other applicant organizations.
-Funds will not be granted specifically for endowments, annual fund drives, coverage of operating deficits, debt service, political or partisan activities, religious activities, research organizations, or works in which there is no clear public benefit and/or charitable intent.
-Incomplete applications or applications from organizations not part of a cohort will not be considered.
-Questions can be directed to Julie Hopper, corporate philanthropy manager, at or 650.450.5538.
-In an effort to decrease paper usage, only electronic submissions will be considered. Please submit one electronic copy of your final application to with subject title “2014 MSV Grants Program.” A signed copy of the application and supporting documents must be submitted as PDF file(s).
-If awarded a grant, the funds will be disbursed through two payments (May 2014 and January 2015) from the Microsoft Youth Impact corporate advised fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation.
-Recommended organizations must sign a grant agreement with the community foundation in order to receive grant funding.
-A final report accounting for the use of grant funds is required at the end of the two-year funding period.
2014 YouthSpark Grants Program
Proposal for Funding
Organization Name:
Fiscal Agent’s Name and Contact information (if appropriate):
Please include links to all of your organization’s social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Name and title of primary contact for proposal:
Phone: E-mail:
Tax ID Number (Organization or Fiscal Sponsor):
Focus Area:
Total number served by organization last fiscal year:
Total number served by organization last fiscal year in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties:
Total number expected to be served by organization this fiscal year:
Total number expected to be served by organization this fiscal year in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties:
The 2014 Microsoft Silicon Valley YouthSpark Grants Program is administered by
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Fiscal Year Calendar (e.g. Jan 1 – Dec 31)
Total organization budget for current fiscal year:
Organization’s net income for last fiscal year (use minus sign to denote deficit):
Organization’s net income for two years prior (use minus sign to denote deficit):
Cash reserve at the close of last fiscal year:
The proposal narrative should answer the questions below and should be no longer than 3 pages.
- What is your organization’s mission statement?
- Provide a brief history and description of your organization. Please include staff size and community partnerships.
- What are your organization’s core programs and services?
- Provide a description of the need, problem, or opportunity addressed by your organization.
- Describe the demographic population that will be served by your organization. Please provide specifics (number to be served, percentage of low-income or people of color, youth, etc.) as available, and include your organization’s impact in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.
- How doesyour organization empower youth through technology?
- Describe how you will use the grant funds. Please detail the impact this grant will have on your organization and constituency served.
- Does your organization have a dedicated marketing/outreach/PR position? Would your organization be will to coordinate with Microsoft on joint PR opportunities, including promoting this grant?
In addition to the narrative, please submit the following attachments:
Attachment A: Organization’s operating budget for current fiscal year.
Attachment B: Organization’s most recent audited financial report or balance sheet and Profit &Loss (P&L) for last completed fiscal year.
Attachment C: Board of directors list that includes members’ professional affiliations.
Attachment D: List of current corporate partners and major donors.
Attachment E: Name and short biography of the appointed cohort participant from your organization.
Attachment F: Cohort Details (use worksheet provided)
Applications must be submitted by April 4, 2014.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
To the best of my knowledge, the foregoing information is true.Signature of Chief Executive (or equivalent) / Date Signed
Print Name and Title
Attachment F
Please complete the below worksheet for all proposed cohorts.
- List the organizations in this cohort:
Cohort Participants
Organization #1 / Your organization name
Organization #2
Organization #3
Organization #4
Organization #5
- Explain how participating in this cohort would benefit your organization.
- Describe skills or best practices your organization would bring to this learning cohort.
- Provide 2 - 3 potential topics you would like to discuss in these cohort meetings.
- Describe how this cohort could make collective impact in the field.
COHORT 2 DETAILS (if applicable):
- List the organizations in this cohort:
Cohort Participants
Organization #1 / Your organization name
Organization #2
Organization #3
Organization #4
Organization #5
- Explain how participating in this cohort would benefit your organization.
- Describe skills or best practices your organization would bring to this learning cohort.
- Provide 2 - 3 potential topics you would like to discuss in these cohort meetings.
- Describe how this cohort could make collective impact in the field.
COHORT 3 DETAILS (if applicable):
- List the organizations in this cohort:
Cohort Participants
Organization #1 / Your organization name
Organization #2
Organization #3
Organization #4
Organization #5
- Explain how participating in this cohort would benefit your organization.
- Describe skills or best practices your organization would bring to this learning cohort.
- Provide 2 - 3 potential topics you would like to discuss in these cohort meetings.
- Describe how this cohort could make collective impact in the field.
The 2014 Microsoft Silicon Valley YouthSpark Grants Program is administered by
Silicon Valley Community Foundation