Coat of Arms
In medieval times the coat of arms was placed on banners and shields to signify a knight’s allegiance. On it was a representation of their lord’s heritage, values, and accomplishments. It was used to identify friends and foes in battle. Here is how you should create your coat of arms:
Part I (60 points)
*Choose two animals that you believe symbolize your personality
*Choose at least two colors that represent your identity
*Choose two other symbols (charges) to represent your experiences
*Create two of your own symbols
You need to have a total of 6 symbols on the shield. You should also use at least two symbolic colors in the background of the shield.
You may put together your symbols in a variety of ways. This is your chance to be creative! You may draw, cut pictures from magazines, and print pictures from the computer. But this project is in COLOR. It is a major grade that should reflect thought. Pencil coat of arms will not be accepted. Your name should not be on the shield.
You also need to create a personal motto. This can be original or a known proverb.
Part II (40 points)
You will write a paper detailing your choices for your coat of arms. This paper will be two paragraphs. It needs to be either typed or written in ink.
The first paragraph will explain your choice of animals, charges, and color. Each symbol should have a clear and thorough reason for why it is on your shield. The second paragraph will explain your original symbols and motto.
This paper should be free of spelling and grammar errors. If you are not typing it and using spell and grammar check, I would suggest writing a rough draft and showing it to me during class.
You will have three days in class to complete this project.