Southwest Texas State University

Staff Council

1993 Annual Report

Major Areas of Staff Council Involvement - The following are several areas the Staff Council have been heavily involved in during the past year.

Survey Hours - The effects of and the preferences related to summer hours were determined by way of a survey of staff members. The results of the survey and a recommendation were forwarded to the President.

Career Ladder/University Longevity - A study was done on the staff compensation policies and recommendations were made. These recommendations were turned down but a committee was formed with staff council representatives to investigate this area further.

Secretarial Reclassification - When the secretarial reclassification issue arose Staff Council was asked to solicit comments and submitted these comments to the Personnel Office. As a result, a committee has been formed to review this matter.

Differential Salaries - In the first joint effort between Faculty Senate and Staff Council, members of each group are looking at the issue of differential salaries and salary compression.

Committees - Staff Council have been asked to have members serve on the following committees:

1.  Recreation Sports Committee

2.  University Council

3.  University Council Executive Committee

4.  Faculty Court

5.  Traffic Policy Review Committee

6.  New Traffic Appeals Committee

7.  Staff Development Committee

8.  UPPS Review

Speakers and Issues Discussed at Staff Council - The following is a list of the topics and speakers who have spoken to Staff Council:

1.  System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - Mr. Rob Moerke and Ms. Mary Cauble

2.  Sexual Harassment - Dr. Jaime Chahin

3.  The Traffic Appeals Process Proposal - Mr. Gordon Thyberg and Mr. Paul Luera

4.  The New Student Center - Mr. Bruce Twenhafel and Mr. Tom Burdenski

5.  The Secretarial Reclassification Issue - Mr. John McBride and Mr. Don Fehlis

Miscellaneous Efforts include:

1.  Having minutes posted through the GPC

2.  Answered questions related to the Wellness Program

3.  Made recommendations to the President on removing names from ballots on voting issues

4.  Investigated the possibility of FICA leveling and found out it was not a cost effective idea

5.  Discussed the possibility of fee waiver for employees' children and found not allowable under state law

Role of Staff Council - Staff Council has established criteria for determining when the Council will serve as a referral body, when the Council will serve primarily as an information gathering body, and when the council will take the steps necessary to make recommendations to the President of SWT.

Appreciation - The Staff Council appreciates the opportunity to address the issues of the Southwest Texas State University staff and looks forward to continued involvement in staff and university issues.