My Will and Wishes: Letter of Wishes
1 / Name2 / Birth Date
3 / Address
4. / My Will / Approximate date signed
Original / Where?
Copy / Where?
5 / My Wishes / Location of any notes I wish to leave, inc details of passwords and usernames for computers and accounts (investment, bank, social media etc)
6 / My Papers / Location of any important documents
7 / Next of Kin / Name
8. / Special Friend / Name
9. / End of life care / See NHS Choices
Instructions / Where?
Documents / Where?
10. / Initial contacts / Family / Friends
11. / My body
Bury or Cremate
Embalm / Yes /No
Dress me / I would like to be wearing:
With me / Anything I would like with me(good luck charms, trinkets etc)
Organs / Choose to donate some / all / no organs
12. / Transport / Black Hearse, Horse Carriage, motorbike, friend’s car etc (add sample picture and supplier if available)
13. / Casket / Your coffin preference: eg wood, wood effect, natural eco-friendly, simple, luxury (add sample picture and supplier if available)
14. / Carried by / Paid bearers or friends/family?
15. / Service / Style (Religious, secular, DIY, informal, etc)
Dress / (eg to wear black, your favourite colours etc)
Timing / (Service followed by burial, private cremation followed by public service, Life Celebration after quiet cremation?)
Where / (Church, Burial ground, crematorium?)
Celebrant / (Priest, friend, non-religious celebrant, family member?)
Music / (Hymns, songs, organ music, solos, musical works: list performer and piece of music, with links, as clearly as possible)
Invite / (List general groups, eg Book Club friends, colleagues from workplace)
Order of Service / Style (religious, formal, natural, DIY etc: sample images and links if possible)
Flowers / Colour and style, sample images and links)
Readings / Author, source
Poems, Quotes / Author, source
Speakers / (Anyone who wants to? Just the celebrant?)
Prayers / Any specific
15. / Wake/Party / (Village hall, club, hotel etc: name and location)
16. / My Life / Details of Your Life, including:
Birth / Circumstances, place etc
Early memories
Groups, club
17 / I am proud of: / Achievements
18 / People / Influences on me
19 / Photographs / My favourite picture of me (digital or paper copy)
My favourite place (where, why, picture?)
20. / Resting place
Burial Ground
Ashes / (Interred, scattered, where?)
21. / Mementos / What would you like people to remember you by? Jewellery, plant seeds etc
22. / Memorial / Stone memorial, Bench, tree etc, and wording? Where?
(Remember to update this regularly, we can send you reminders if you wish)
My Will and 2013