Revised by Muhammad: 8/19/2017

Sparkman High School

School Counseling Department

Counselor Recommendation Request Packet 2017/17


If you are applying to any college or scholarship program which requires a counselor recommendation, please use the following procedures to ensure that all required forms and letters of recommendation are completed and sent electronically or mailed in accordance with the deadlines set by the college or scholarship provider.

Please indicate on the Counselor Recommendation Request form if the recommendation is an online submission or hard copy. If hard copy (this is very rare), print the form, complete your portion (student name, address, etc.), and attach it to the Recommendation Request form.

Step 1. Read all instructions before doing anything! There are 2 parts of this application.

Step 2. Know the deadlines set by the colleges and scholarship providers.

Step 3. Complete the Recommendation Request Form and the Student Self-Assessment Form completely. Your recommendation will not be the best possible letter written for you without this portion of the packet being completed in its entirety. If you do not answer the questions in your packet, we have a standard form letter we will send to meet your deadline, but we do not recommend it. If colleges ask for letters of recommendation, it is because they want to know more about you than your grades and test scores.

Step 5. Give the Parent Rating Form to your parent/guardian to complete. **Note: These forms are extremely helpful in writing a recommendation, but will not delay submission if not turned in.**

Step 6. Turn in this form to the counseling office 10 business days in advance of your deadline.



Revised by Muhammad: 8/19/2017

Student Name: ID #:

Email address: Cell Phone:

Revised by Muhammad: 8/19/2017

Part 1. Use table below to indicate exactly what you are requesting.

postmarked date
(PM) or
received by date (Rx) / Have you emailed
a link to the recommendation form to your counselor?
If no, do this immediately. / If the
college’s form is paper, is it attached? Attach the form and provide a mailing address.
Rx / Yes No / Yes
Rx / Yes No / Yes
Rx / Yes No / Yes
Rx / Yes No / Yes
Rx / Yes No / Yes

Revised by Muhammad: 8/19/2017

Part 2. Complete the Student Self-Assessment Form and turn it in with your list of colleges needing recommendations.



Revised by Muhammad: 8/19/2017

Student Name:

ID #:

Revised by Muhammad: 8/19/2017

In-School Activity (Sport, club, organization, etc.) / Grades Participated / Position Held, honors won, or
letters earned / Describe your involvement
9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Out of School Activity / Grades Participated / Position Held, honors won, or
letters earned / Describe your involvement
9 / 10 / 11 / 12

Revised by Muhammad: 8/19/2017

The questions below are the kinds of things colleges want to know about their applicants. Please attach additional pages if needed.

1) What are your two most significant activities? What have they meant to you?

2) A leader is someone who influences others. Tell of a time or event that best describes your leadership skills.

3) Which subjects do you hope to study in college? Detail any learning you have pursued in these subjects outside of the classroom (volunteer work, reading, a summer program, job shadowing, etc.)

4) Describe your hobbies and why you do them. For example: “I have my own web design company.” “I am a member of a garage band.” “I have been studying Indian dance since I was five.” “I spend my weekends rebuilding my car.”

5) How have you spent each summer in high school?

6) Who has made the most significant impact in your life? How has this person influenced you?

7) Describe any special circumstances or obstacles that have influenced you or affected your grades. What did you do and what did you learn?

8) What do you see yourself doing:

In 5 years:

In 10 years:

9) List any other honors and awards you have received you have not yet mentioned.

10) What has been your greatest contribution to your school community? Or, if there was one thing you would want to be remembered for, what would it be?

11) Include here anything else about yourself that would help your counselor get to know you better.



(Our preference is that you complete this electronically and email to your student’s counselor.

Otherwise, please number your responses and answer on a separate sheet of paper).

Student Name: Parent Name:

Parent cell #/ email:

Thank you for answering these questions. We know your son/daughter in the context of the school, but your insights from home can really lend substance and life to a description of your child’s personality and character.

1. Briefly describe your son/daughter, including outstanding or unusual qualities (personal stories and anecdotes are very helpful).

2. List any events or experiences you feel have significantly influenced him/her.

3. What do you hope your child will gain from his/her college experience?

4. Does your child’s academic record accurately reflect his or her academic ability? If no, please explain.

5. In what areas has your child shown the most development and growth during high school?

6. Please share an anecdote that demonstrates one of your student’s most distinguishing qualities. Please be as specific as possible. How does this anecdote reflect the kind of person your child is now?

7. What has been your child’s most challenging experience (in or out of school)?

8. Please relate a favorite recent memory/anecdote/story which best describes your child.

9. Is there anything else your child’s college counselor should know about your child or your family?