

Chapters 17-21

To Kill A Mockingbird: Trial Study Guide

The Ewells v. Tom Robinson

Lawyer for the Ewells: ______

Lawyer for Tom Robinson: ______

Name of the Judge: ______

Where is the trial taking place (building and town): ______

When is the trial taking place (season and year): ______

With what crime is Tom Robinson being charged (doing what to whom): ______

Who are the four witness called to the stand: ______


On what date did the supposed incident occur (date and year): ______

What did Bob Ewell tell Heck Tate had happened: ______

What did Heck Tate do when Bob Ewell fetched him: ______

Why does Heck Tate say they didn’t call a doctor? ______

Indicate on the figure the injuries on Mayella

that Heck Tate describes (use arrows

and descriptions):


Describe what we learn about the Ewell’s lifestyle (how and where they live): ______

To whom do the red geranium belong? Why are they so out of place? What might they symbolize? ______

How many Ewell children are there? ______

Who is the oldest? ______

What are their parents like? ______

How does Scout come to see Mayella? What does she eventually think about how Mayella must feel? ______


What is Bob’s general attitude when he is on the stand?


What did Bob see when he came back from chopping up kindling (be specific): ______

According to Bob, how was the furniture arranged in the room in his house when he came back? ______

Why didn’t Bob chase after the man who had hurt Mayella? ______

What is Bob’s answer when Atticus asks if during all that running Bob ran for a doctor?


Does Bob agree with Heck Tate’s description of Mayella’s injuries: ______

Why does Atticus ask Bob Ewell to write his name? ______

What does the audience see about Bob Ewell when Mr. Gilmer asks if he’s ambidextrous?


At this point, how does Jem feel about the trial? ______

How does Scout feel?



What’s so special about Mayella’s appearance? ______

How does Jem react when Mayella starts crying about being scared of Atticus? ______

What does Mayella say she asked Tom to come inside the fence to do?


What does Mayella say happened when she went in the house to get the nickel for Tom?


Why does Mayella think Atticus is mocking her (two ways): ______

What picture does Atticus try to paint of Bob Ewell? ______

How does Mayella react when Atticus asks if this is the first time she asked Tom to come inside the fence? ______

How does Mayella describe how Tom attacked her? ______

What does Scout realize about Tom when Atticus has him stand up? ______


Atticus beings to ask Mayella a series of questions that she doesn’t answer. What does Atticus want her to admit? ______


How old is Tom? ______

Is he married? ______

Does he have children? If so, how many? ______

Describe how Tom has previously been in trouble with the law: ______

For whom does Tom work and what does he do? ______

What is Tom’s answer to how many times he went inside the Ewell’s fence?


Did Tom accept money for his labors? ______

What did Tom think was odd about the Ewell home the day the incident happened? ______

What did Mayella do for the children that day? ______

How does Mayella get Tom inside the house? What does she ask him to do? ______

How does Tom Robinson explain what happened inside the house that day? ______

What were Tom’s intentions when trying to get away from Mayella? ______

Who was Bob Ewell yelling at? ______

Why did Tom run away if he hadn’t done anything wrong? ______

Why does Mr. Gilmer bring up the disorderly conduct charge again? ______

Why did Tom say he wanted to help Mayella? ______

List the main differences between the Ewells’ testimonies (Bob’s and Mayella’s) and Tom’s:

Question / Ewells’ Answer (Bob or Mayella) / Tom’s answer
Had Tom ever come inside the fence before?
What did Mayella ask him to come inside the fence and do on the day in question?
How did Tom get inside the house?
What happened when Tom was inside the house?
Who was Bob Ewell yelling at?
Why did Tom run away?
Who harmed Mayella Ewell?


List five main points Atticus makes about the trial in his closing speech:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

5.  ______

Who does Atticus think harmed Mayella Ewell? Why? ______

How does Jem feel about the trial and verdict now? ______

How does Reverend Sykes feel about the trial and verdict? ______

What impression does Scout get? ______

What is the verdict in the trial of the Ewells v. Tom Robinson? ______

How does Jem react? ______

How does Atticus react? ______

How do the Negroes react? ______