Polymer Processing and Related Operations

Level 2

Awarded by Skills Assurance Services Limited
Accredited from 4 October 2005to 31 October 2010
Group award number: G823 22

This SVQ is based on standards developed by Cogent. Cogent draws its membership from polymer sector.

For further information, please contact the SQA web site.

Structure of the SVQ

The way the SVQ is made up is shown below. The unit title appears in bold and the elements that make up each unit are listed under the unit title.

Mandatory units

Candidates must complete all of these units:

Meet Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements in the Workplace

1Comply with safety , health and environment requirements in the workplace

2Respond to accidents and incidents within the workplace

Establish and Maintain Effective Working Relationships

1Establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues

2Establish and maintain effective working relationships with contacts

Contribute to the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Work

1Plan and organise your own work

2Co-ordinate your work with others

Contribute to the Monitoring and Maintenance of Product Quality

1Implement quality checks

2Identify and respond to quality problems

Optional units

Candidates must also complete 3 of the following units, in addition to the mandatory units:

Prepare Materials for Processing According to Instructions

1Measure out materials in specified quantities

2Prepare materials for process operations

Accept, Verify and Store Materials Required for Process Operations

1Prepare to receive deliveries of materials

2Accept and verify deliveries of materials

3Store materials

Supply Materials Required for Process Operations

1Identify and collect materials required for process operations

2Deliver materials to the designated locations

Prepare to Start Up a Machine-Based Production Process

1Prepare for the production process

2Prepare equipment for the production process

3Select and prepare materials for the production process

Start Up and Maintain a Machine-Based Production Process

1Start up and run the production process

2Monitor and maintain the production process

Shutdown a Machine-Based Production Process

1Prepare for production shutdown

2Shutdown the production process

Select and Prepare Used Products for Processing

1Assess the suitability of used products for processing

2Prepare used products for processing

Prepare to Produce Products by Hand-Based Operations

1Prepare for production

2Select materials required for the production process

Produce Products Using Hand-Based Operations

1Produce products to specification

2Shutdown a hand-based production process

Finish Product

1Finish product

Inspect Products

1Inspect products

Prepare to Configure Processing Equipment

1Organise and prepare the work area

2Prepare the processing equipment

Configure Processing Equipment

1Remove the forming tool and ancillary equipment

2Replace the forming tool and ancillary equipment

3Handover equipment for production

Contribute to the Provision of Ancillary Systems

1Ensure that ancillary systems are ready and available

2Control and regulate the operation of ancillary systems to meet needs

Carry Out Simple Sampling Operations

1Prepare for simple sampling

2Obtain representative sample

3Maintain integrity of sample

Carry Out Simple Testing Operations

1Prepare for simple testing

2Prepare test sampling

3Conduct simple tests

4Record test results

Assess Data and Produce Reports

1Collate and validate data

2Present results

Contribute to the Improvement of Routine Working Practices

1Seek Opportunities to improve routine working practices

2Identify and recommend improvements to routine working practices

Maintain the Condition of Process Equipment

1Remove components from process equipment

2Replace process equipment components

3Establish compliance with specifications for processing

Carry Out Routine Servicing Procedures on Polymer Process Plant and Equipment

1Carry out routine servicing procedures on polymer process plant and equipment

Pick Polymer Stock and Make Up Orders

1Pick items and assemble orders

2Pack and dispatch orders

Plan Polymer Process Activities

1Plan polymer process activities

There may be publications available to support this SVQ. For more information, please contact:

Skills Assurance Services Limited

4 Hollinswood Court

StaffordPark 1



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