PO Box 1004
Whitney Point, NY 13862
Web: WWW.RidgeRidersWP.org

2016-2018 Officers Board of Directors Trail Captains

Judi Whittaker, President Rob Canfield (2017-19 Northwest - Perry Marsh

Jack Canfield, 1st Vice-President Scott Whittaker (2017-19) North Central – Captain needed

Mike Blance, Treasurer Perry Marsh (2016-18) Southeast – Eric Johnson

Joel Munson, Secretary Ryan Johnson (2016-18) Southwest - Matt Lane

Marty Brown, Groomer Manager Matt Lane (2016-18) Northeast – Captain needed

Sue Marsh, Membership Manager

Meeting Highlights:

-  The 2008 Tucker has been traded for a New Holland Tractor with Soucy Tracks

1.)  Meeting Called to order:

The Club’s SEPTEMBER Meeting was held at the Club’s Groomer barn in Lisle. It was called to order at 7:31 pm by President Judi Whittaker.

New Business:

Joel Munson made a motion to spend up to $500 for 2 signs to be
placed on our trails in memorial of Ned Sturdevant.

Rob Canfield seconded this motion

There was no discussion

A vote was called and this motion passed unanimously.

2.)  Secretary’s Report – Joel Munson – May’s Meeting minutes were passed around for review.

a.  A motion was made to accept the minutes by Perry Marsh.

b.  It was seconded by Josh Braman

c.  There was no discussion.

d.  The club voted on this motion, and it passed.

3.)  Treasurer’s Report – Judi Whittaker/Joel Munson - (General Fund, Building Fund, Groomer Fund) Joel Munson gave the following treasurer’s report:

a.  No motion was made to accept as Eric Johnson brought up that the parliamentarian at the Forum stated that the minutes and treasurers reports didn’t need to have this done. The Club is taking this procedural change under review.

b.  No second

c.  There was no discussion. No vote.

Comments: The only 30% check outstanding, is for Cortland.

Next Trail Grant income will be 70% checks from Broome,
Chenango, Cortland, and Tioga which should arrived in the
January to February timeframe.

Ending Checking account balance: $

Deposits: $

Transfers $

Debts: $

Some of the SUMMER expenses are as follows:

5/1 – Onondaga Snowmobile Ass – Super Raffle

5/5 – Scott Whittaker – Fuel

5/8 – Eric Johnson – Trail Work

5/16 – Jack Canfield

6/6 – NYSEG

6/19 – USPS Postage

6/20 – Judi Whittaker

7/17 – Joel Munson Office Supplies, print cartridges

7/18 – Bulk Sign Order 7/27 – Herb Underwood

8/25 - Mountain Grooming – New Holland

Building Expenses – None!

4.)  NYSSA Report – Judi Whittaker.

a.  There is a new DEC officer for Region 7.

b.  Total Registrations for the year 2016-17 were 107,772

c.  The Total accident count for the 2016-17 Season is:

-  172 Accidents

-  25 Fatalities ( not know if these were on NYS Trails of not)

-  7 of the 25 were related to Alcohol

-  15 of the 25 were speed related

-  Not sure if multiple factors were considered.

d.  The 2018 NYSSA forum will be held in Niagara Falls, NY from 4/20 -> 4/22/2017.

5.)  CCSF Report – Eric Johnson

a.  Meeting to be held next week.

6.)  Upcoming Club Events Report

a.  Blizzard of Bucks Ticket Sales as of tonight are 315! Ticket Sales are going very well with less than 100 left. Get yours now!

b.  The Blizzard of Buck 2017 event will be held on September 30th, 2017.

-  A $500 prize was be awarded on 7/1(Drawing 6/24)

-  Prizes #36-40, $150 each, were awarded on 8/1(Drawing 7/25)

-  Prizes #31-35, $100 each, were picked at this meeting Drawing 9/6)

c.  The proposed date for Take a Friend Snowmobiling is February 24th.

d.  It was suggested that we do a Hot Dog Roast as an even (Don David)

e.  A landowner’s recognition event is needed. We will revisit this in the spring.

7.)  Old Business (Action Items/Open Issues from last meeting
a. Future Club Purchases – nothing

b.  Building Committee Report/Presentation, Chairman: Marty

i.  Marty to investigate getting well drilled at our groomer barn – no update

ii. Judi is got a price from Robinson Design for a sign on the front of the groomer barn - over $600

iii.  The rock has been set at the groomer barn. Painting and Etching are delayed until spring.

iv.  Marty Brown has contacted, via e-mail. Scott Freeman about Land Plan and is waiting on a response. No update

C. Club Merchandise – Sue Marsh

Ridge Rider logo wear with the new logo is available for sale. Please contact Sue. All prices on the logo wear are suggested donation prices

D.  Landowner Update (Judi Whittaker) – DONE!

Judi completed this effort. THANKS Judi!

E. Membership Report – Sue Marsh

Member count as of this meeting: 75 - as of 9/09/2017

F.  BOD meeting

There are no BOD meetings scheduled at this time.

G.  Map Project

We need a club member to set up and lead this effort

H.  Covered Bridge Project – Sue brought up she would like to put lights on the Covered bridge. The club discussed it and authorizer her to purchase lights with a cost not to exceed $200. – no update

I.  Youth Safety Classes

Investigating 2, one in early December, one is early January


Jack continues to update these websites as new information becomes available.

K. Snow Phone – Joel

Joel suspended the snow phone for the summer.

L.  Grooming/Equipment Report: Marty Brown

Trickle chargers have been purchased and are being used.

a.  2008 Tucker – traded for 2013 New Holland with Soucy tracks

i.  Needs brush guards, and different hitch - pindl

b.  SureTrac – Ready

New lighting has been installed.

Has Hydro Leak

Lug Bolts Checked

Needs to have a mirror replaced

c.  1994 Tucker – Ready

Need to have cleats repaired or replaced.

Needs to be greased

Broken mirror needs to be replaced.

d.  2006 Ranger

e.  2004 Ranger

f.  Ranger 6 wheeler

AI: Joel to investigate getting 4K winches (steel Cable), mounts for Rangers

8. NEW Business:

g.  It was suggested that we do some sort of a landowner appreciation event

9. Trail Captains Reports – 16-17 Season

Trails issues: None at this time.111

Stan Maslin is the new NYS DOT Contact.

All Trail Captains are asked to start work on a 2 year plan for their trails. What work needs to be done to maintain present trails, what needs to be done to improve trails, and what changes need to be made.

Hold - Marty is investigating having the Ridge Riders have their own grooming course

AI 13-02-03: Joel to work on getting records and consolidating equipment at grooming barn. - Perry has submitted Sure-trak Records no update

All hours worked have to be put in the state system within 60 days of occurrence. Otherwise, they will not be allowed.

IN GENERAL, Make sure all work parties have the permission of the landowners.

a.  Perry Marsh (Northwest) – Attended

This year projects:

i.  1 bridge

ii. Rick Barrows Sluice - Tom is about done on this project.

b.  ??????? - Area (North Central) (Trail Captain Replacement needed)

i.  Bridge behind Ned’s House

ii. New trail past the Whitney Point School is needed,

c.  ??????? - Smithville Flats Area ( northeast) ( Trail Captain Replacement needed)

d.  Matt Lane - South West

i.  Sluice

ii.  Bridge Check

e.  Eric Johnson- South East

Jim Reppard is brush hogging

10. Next meeting will be held:

Day: Wednesday, Oct 4th, 2017

Where: Sparkey’s in the Oakland Hotel Whitney Point

Time: 7:30 pm

11.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

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