123 LOOK@ME Learning Center
2964 County Rd F
Eau Claire, WI 54703-6896
June 2015
123 LOOK@ME Learning Center is licensed by the State of Wisconsin. The Department of Children and Families is the monitoring entity. The facility is owned and operated by Janet Govin as a Group Child Care Center. She will be an on site Director and Teacher, and will also manage the day-to-day operations. 123 LOOK@ME Learning Center is licensed to care for no more than 35 children at any one time. We will serve children ages 6 weeks-11 years. There are no expectations that a child must be toilet trained or walking. We are inspected regularly to ensure that we meet licensing standards. Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises of the center, indoors or outside.
We are open Monday through Friday, 5:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m., January through December. No service will be provided on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. No fees will be charged for these holidays. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, we will be closed the previous Friday. If a holiday falls on a Sunday, we will be closed the Monday following. If the center should lose the use of heat, water or electricity before the center opensfamilies will be notified by 5:00 a.m. by phone and e-mail, and will be asked to not bring their child due to an emergency.
We will post the following items for review at the front entrance on the family information board: license certificate, the results of our most recent licensing monitoring visit, as well as notice of any enforcement action, stipulations, conditions, exceptions to the license or exemptions. That,along with a copy of the licensing regulations, the weekly menu, and family notices will be kept at the front desk office area.
We accept full and part time enrollment. We charge by the day or ½ day and do have an hourly rate of $8.00 per hour for under 4 hours per day.
To protect each family's confidentiality, 123 LOOK@ME Learning Center will not share information about a child or a child's family with anyone who is not authorized to receive this information.
As a childcare center, all staff are mandated reporters and will be required to report any suspected abuse or neglect to the county’s Child Protective Services (CPS) office. We must notify the proper authorities if we suspect that any child is being improperly treated.
Administrative Structure and Delegation of Authority
Administrator and Program Director
Lead Teachers
Assistant Teachers
On-site Cook
Practicing UW and Technical College Students
The following items must be completed and returned to the center by the first day of attendance.
- Form DCF-62, "Child Care Enrollment"
- Form DCF-44, "Heath History and Emergency Care Plan with sunscreen brand name and ingredient strength included, as well as insect repellent when necessary.
- Form DCF-F-CFS0061-E “Intake for Child Under 2 Years-Child Care Centers
Additional forms due on the 1st day only when applicable are:
- Form DCF-104, “Alternate Arrival/Release Agreement"
- Form DCF-56, "Child Care Center Transportation Permission"
The Director will inform families when updates are needed, giving 30 days advance notice to submit updated forms.
Due, completed, within 30 days after child starts attending:
- Form DPH-4192, "Day Care Immunization Record" or an electronic record of
Due, signed by medical professional, within 90 days after child begins attending:
- Form DCF-60, "Child Health Report"
Families interested in enrolling children at 123 Look@Me Learning Center llc must meet with Ms. Govin in person to discuss their child's specific needs and to review program policies.
All children will be enrolled for a trial period of 2 weeks. During the trial period, either the program or family may terminate childcare without advanced notice. A contract will be written and signed by all parties.
Items provided by family
Baby Wipes
Lotions including sunscreen and insect repellent-must contain label with child’s name
Tooth Brush labeled
Favorite small Pillow and/orsmall Blanket, one small fitted sheet for 2” folding mats
Full change of seasonal clothing including underwear and socks
Items provided by center
Labeled Floor Mat for their use only
Family members are welcome and encouraged to visit, observe, and request a conference at any time during the hours of operation unless prohibited by a court order. If so, a copy of the order must be on file at the center.
There will a pet fish on the premises. If any new pets will be added in the future, a notice will be sent to each individual family and will also be posted to inform everyone in advance, including whether or not children will have access to the pet(s). Any allergies children may have will be taken into consideration.
123 LOOK@ME Learning Center is covered by liability insurance in the amounts required by DCF. Child records will be placed in a file in the office area, and the medical logs are located in the upper cabinets of each room.
It is our philosophy to work as a team with our families.
We will encourage children to be safe, respectful and responsible individuals.
123 LOOK@ME Learning Center does not discriminate and we will never refuse to enroll a child on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, family’s political persuasion, national origin, handicap, ancestry or sexual orientation. We willtake any steps required to ensure that no individual with a disability is excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise treated differently due to the absence of auxiliary aids and services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Family members and authorized adults are required to bring children into the building. You will sign the children in at the beginning of the day (documenting arrival time) and sign them out at the end of the day (documenting departure time). Staff will also take daily attendance to know the names and number of children at the center at all times.It is our policy to call families on the telephone if they are scheduled to arrive but do not come within 30 minutes of that specified time, if we have not been notified of the child’s impending absence. We are required to attempt to contact the family to determine the child’s whereabouts, and will leave messages on an answering machine, voicemail, or with an emergency contact person.
Parents who need transportation for their children can contract with transportation vendors that serve the community. The transportation company driver or designated adult is required to escort the children into the building upon arrival. If a child, who is scheduled to arrive at the center via transportation other than the family, does not arrive within 20 minutes of the specified time on the written agreement, the director will call the family to inform them that the child has not arrived. Families who wish to allow a school-age child to leave or arrive at the center unescorted must provide written authorization for this activity by completing the DCF 104 form entitled Alternate Arrival/Release Agreement.
School-age children who leave thecenter unescorted must be traveling to home, school or another activity where adult supervision is present.
It is important that we communicate daily concerning the progress, needs and interests of each child. If there are issues or concerns that need to be discussed, families should arrange with us a convenient time to talk on the phone, in person, by e-mail, etc. To foster communication on a regular basis, 123 LOOK@ME Learning Center providesbi-annual conferences, seasonal newsletters, weekly information on the bulletin boards, and we are always available for daily conversations.
A discharge may be initiated by the family, mutual decision, center administrator. Families must give two-week’s written notice of intent to withdraw the child. Each family is required to have remitted funds to cover that notice period and those funds will be used to pay for the final two week’s of attendance.
A child may be discharged, by Ms. Govin, either with notice or immediately, as will be determined for reasons such as, but not limited to the following statements.
Documented continued failure to pay fees on time is grounds for immediate verbal termination without advance notice and your deposit money will be used to pay amounts due.
A lack of familial cooperation is essential and without that teamwork, or any initial documented divulgence of pertinent information concerning the health and welfare of the child is grounds for immediate verbal discharge.
Violent or aggressive behavior on the part of the family or child is also grounds for immediate verbal termination.
The inability of the childcare program to meet the needs of the child may become evident, after consulting with outside agencies. The staff will consult with the family verbally, and make a joint decision, addressing any concerns of how problems might be solved before ending the care arrangement in writing. The family will be given a written referral to other community resources.
If there is repeated failure to pick up the child at the scheduled time, a 2 week written termination notice will be initiated by the center and the deposit money will be used to pay any amounts due.
Failure to complete and return required forms makes it mandatory that a
2 week written termination notice is given.
We will give 2 weeks written notice of our intent to discharge a child and willshare all documentation in regard to the reasons for ending the contract, while informing the family of local resources that may be of help to them. The exception is when it is due to family’s failure to keep current with fees owed, lack of cooperation, or violent and aggressive behaviors, as stated above.
We will never discriminate nor will we terminate services using discriminatory practices. All families will receive a guide to license childcare and the appeal process will be included in that information.
A complete copy of center rules and policies, including the operating procedures is given to every family at the time of enrollment. Families may access and review their child’s records at anytime by asking the teacher or administrator, either in writing or verbally.
Fees are to be paid in advanceon your last day of the week’s service, for the following week’s attendance. If there will be a third party payment or co-pay, as from an employer or the county, a special payment schedule will be arranged and detailed in the contract. You will be responsible for any specified co-payments or unpaid amounts. No cash refunds will be given for days when children do not attend but it is our policy to move any unused days to the following week of attendance if it is paid in advance and not use, except in the case of a full enrollment roster. If a family is denied access to care because the schedule is full and then you do not use it, a refunded day is not moved. If a child will not attend on a regularly scheduled day, families should let the Director know by 9:00 p.m. the prior evening or by sending an e-mail before the start of the next day, at which time the center will make all attempts to fill your vacant position. Late fees are charged at $5.00 per day beginning immediately after the weekly due date. Late pick-ups are discouraged and if an occasional late day turns into a consistent act, the Director will serve written notice and begin charging an additional $5.00 per day in future scheduling. NSF checks will result in a $20.00 fixed fee. Vacation days can be taken at no extra charge unless the center is at full capacity and in that circumstance the family will be required to pay a holding fee of 40.00 per week for up to 4 weeks.
123 Look@Me Learning Center does charge a recurring registration/enrollment fee of $40.00. It must first be paid prior to enrollment with the first tuition payment. It will be collected again during the month of March, each year to help defer the costs incurred during this time. In addition, during the months of June, and September, clients are asked to remit an additional $30.00 toward visiting specialists, materials, computer memberships, fees and extra costs. Families with more than one child enrolled will receive a discount on these fees. I will inform every client of any increases in costs or tuition at least two weeks in advance.
We will establish a regular weekly rate based on each child's hours of enrollment.
Rates are higher for children under 3 years of age than for older children.
Again, there will be discounted rates available to families with more than one child enrolled.
Children may be enrolled anywhere from 1-5 days per week and it can fluctuate weekly, based upon your needs. Full Time is a 5 days week. We will accept children for drop-in care if prior enrollment arrangements have been made, enrollment forms are on file, and space is available. We do not offer a sliding fee scale as our charges are already calculated at very competitive low rates. We offer a family gift certificate to local restaurants as our thank you for all accepted enrollment referrals. Fees are determined strictly by days of use and all families are required to pay in advance to ensure their reservation weekly.
Rates at 123 Look@Me Learning Center
January 2015
Infants from 6 weeks to 12 months
Part-time care is $50.00 per day
Full-time care is discounted to $225.00 per week
Children 1 year through 2 years
Part-time care is $45.00 per day
Full-time care is discounted to $200.00 per week
Children between 2-3 years
Part-time care is $40.00 per day
Full-time care is discounted to $175.00 per week
Children 3 years and older
Care is 35.00 per day
Wrap Around BB4C Programming
11-3:00 p.m. is $25.00
11-4:00 p.m. is $30.00
*All daily rates are quoted at 5½-9 hour days. An additional $5.00 per day will be assessed for longer daily attendance. Half days are calculated at 50% of tuition and may be available depending on daily rosters. Families with more than one child in the same classrooms will receive a $5.00 weekly discount. We are unable to give sibling discounts in the I/T Room.
There are not religious componentsscheduled into our program, such as mealtime prayers, songs, storiesor displays of the religious aspects of any particular holidays, although we do honor all family traditions and children will not be denied their right to speak or practice their beliefs. We will enjoy the magic of special days and months that all children enjoy.
A written block plan is posted in each classroom. Activities at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day are designed for small groups of children working and playing together and we may combine age groups if necessary.
Childrenwill go outdoors daily when weather permits. It is recommended that children have increased physical activities to 120 minutes per day with ½ of that being caregiver led experiences. We will follow that recommendation in morning and afternoon increments, either indoors or out. We have more than the recommended amount of outdoor play space available for children to actively enjoy this time.
Children age 2 and above will be kept indoors if the temperature is below zero degrees including the wind chill. Children will also stay indoors when it is raining or when the temperature is above 90 degrees. If the inside temperature rises above 80 degrees we will provide fans or air-conditioning; if it falls below 67 degrees we will call for furnace repair and contact parents to come for their children.
123 Look@Me Learning Center staff will offer a variety of planned activities and provide children with a selection of experiences in a multitude of learning styles.
Infants/Toddlers will have the emphasis of play as their learning and growth experiences. We will respond to the child’s individual growth pattern and rhythm of learning while preparing their daily activities. There is no specific schedule for this age group; rather we are coordinating with the family through daily conversations.
Preschool age children will have opportunities to play and explore their surroundings. They will be given many learning experiences in a variety of developmental areas that are age appropriate. Daily opportunities will include math, science, large and small muscle movement, art and literacy.
School age children will have a quiet place to study or relax, access to appropriate materials and activities, and will have ample time for large muscle activities and to participate in food preparation.
123 Look@Me Daily Schedule
6:45-8:00 Arrival, Explorations of Centers
8:00 – 8:30 Breakfast
8:30-9:30 Self-Select at Interest Centers
Intentional Teaching: Small Groups
9:30 a.m. snack
9:30-10:00 Large Group Morning Meeting/Circle time
Music & Movement, Planned Activity