TEL 920.788.7740
FAX 920.788.7742
405 Wallace Street
Combined Locks, WI 54113
Thursday, August 4, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.
- Call Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order by President, Dave La Shay at 6:30 p.m.
- Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge recited.
- Roll Call
Commission Members present: Dave La Shay, Mark McAndrews, Ruth Wulgaert, Beth Sewall, Joe Sprangers, Jim Salm, and Chuck Kavanaugh. Also present were: Amy Vander Hyden, Administrative Assistant and Phil Kleman of McMahon.
- Review Minutes & Agenda. Consider Approval
B. Sewall made a motion to approve the Minutes and Agenda. The motion was seconded by R. Wulgaert and it passed unanimously.
- Review Bills & Treasurers Report. Consider Approval
R. Wulgaert made a motion to approve the Bills & Treasurers’ Report. The motion was seconded by B. Sewall and it passed unanimously.
- Public Comment – Matters not on the Agenda
No general public present.
- Review & Approve payment for removing tree blockage at W2829 Schmalz Circle
Roger Bowers Construction was hired to remove the blockage. McMahon followed up with a site visit. Bowers did a nice job. J. Sprangers made a motion to pay the invoice for $450. The motion was seconded by J. Salm and it passed unanimously.
- Review & ApproveHearthstone Drive Cattail Eradication Quote
P. Kleman brought a revised quote from Lakeshore Cleaners for herbiciding, mowing and removing the cattails. It is recommended that all property owners mow as close to the stream as possible after the cattails are removed to prevent weed growth and to allow for grass seeding.
B. Sewall made a motion to approve Lake Shore Cleaners in the amount of $6,400 with a $500 pending for next year. The motion was seconded by R. Wulgaert and it passed unanimously.
- Review & Approve 2015 Streambank Erosion Control Projectsadditional work
P. Kleman met with the DNR staff on-site to review the three sites that were restored last fall. In general, the DNR was happy with how the projects turned out, especially given the flood event that the sites experienced last December. The DNR is requiring that the work area/access path at 431 Hidden Ridges Way site be restored. Also, the Village mentioned that there was some rutting from the contractor’s equipment. P. Kleman brought a couple of estimates.
After discussion, B. Sewall made a motion to approve Lake Shore Cleaners for the restoration work at 431 Hidden Ridges Way and Ed Gersek for the warranty work. The motion was seconded by R. Wulgaert and it passed unanimously.
- Update & Discuss Clover Ridge Pond Expansion
When this pond was built, it was sized for a 25-year storm event. The analysis monitored flow/discharge rates. Several options were explored which included adding more culverts, ditches, pipes, and expanding the existing pond.P. Kleman has met with both Administrators from Harrison and Buchanan to go over theseresults. After discussion, the Commission asked P. Kleman and M. McAndrews to share these results with Sprangers Electric.
- Update & Discuss installing signs at pond sites – Mark McAndrews
M. McAndrews presented some educational information about signs. He was able to get one estimate. The Commission would like A. Vander Hyden to get a few more estimates.
- General Business
- Update on 596 Cornrow Lane, Combined Locks – Jon Huss
Paul Cornett is in the process of preparing the citation. It is anticipated it will be filed and served next week.
- Next meeting September 1
- Adjourn.
At 7:57 p.m. a motion was made by B. Sewall to adjourn. The motion was seconded by J. Sprangers and it passed unanimously.
Ruth Wulgaert, Secretary
August 4, 2016