38 Fd Sqn Article for Sapper Summit

September 2015

38 Field Squadron Unit History

Major Mike Meany RFD has put together a unit history for 38 Field Squadron RAE(CMF).

The Squadron was initially raised in 1952 to absorb the output in the La Trobe Valley area of the National Service Training Scheme. In the 1950s, National Servicemen underwent a fulltime training period, and were then required to spend a further 2 years of part-time obligatory training. 38 Field Squadron RAE at Yallourn filled this purpose.

Of special interest to many will be the 33 Platoon photographs of some 440 local young men who underwent National Service Training between 1952 and 1959. Each photograph highlights by name, those individuals who served and trained in 38 Field Squadron.

As well as the initial National Service members, the Squadron recruited locally. The book details each decade of change plus, the diverse activities, training and achievements of the Unit. The alphabetic index of individuals totals more than 1000 names.

The front page of the book includes a photograph of the Yallourn Army Depot. This was selected because of its importance to the local community and its signifigance to all National Serviceman who were posted there throughout the 1950s.

In addition to the 33 NS Platoon photographs, some 90 photographs are included throughout the book, many containing large groups of named individuals.

It is available now for purchase at $16 a copy delivered. Contact the Treasurer Maureen Rundell on or mobile 04144 20251 to place your order

It has been well put together and congratulations to all who contributed.

Buy it and enjoy reminiscing about your mates and your service!




UNIT HISTORY – 1952 to 1995

(The Men from the Valley of Power)

September 2015

Compiled by

Major Michael P Meany RFD (Retired)

The 38 Field Squadron Unit History will be available in early October.

It will be on sale at the unveiling of the Sapper Plaque at Site 17, Seymour

on Saturday 10 October.

Price -- $12, if collected from the Secretary -- $16, including mailing.

For copies:

. Contact the Treasurer Maureen Rundell on or mobile 04144 20251 to place your order