A Chapter of the Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association
December 2006/January 2007
Your friendly Editor here. I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for being members and for helping to support your friends and club-mates in the Colorado Chapter of Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association in 2006. And in this spirit, please keep Hank, Carol and Dan in your thoughts and prayers while they get through having to take care of the horses, slog though all this snow AND arrange for their home to be rebuilt. Anything you can do for them would be very much appreciated!
And before we launch ourselves completely into the New Year, may I take a moment to thank President Suzie Tiller for her hard work throughout 2006! I am amazed to find out how many things she does. And thanks also for hosting the Christmas Party on Dec 16th. Everyone there had a great time! And thanks to everyone for bringing such terrific food. Gee, horse people and great food. I don't know how I managed to stay at all...
There will be a few changes to the Newsletter in 2007. I will be adding a HelpfulHints Section. This is for YOUR solutions to horse and barn-related problems. It's not for training issues but for practical things having to do with your horse, your barn, feeding, or storage etc. For example, does your horse chew wood? What have you found works best to keep him from chewing through your fences? Whatever problems youhavesolved for your horses, chances are, the rest of us would love to know about it. Email or call me with your Helpful Hints to include in this new section. I hope to hear from each of you! (Some may think that this is just my sneaky way of getting everyone's ideas so I don't have to research everything myself. But I'm Taking The Fifth on that.)
Also, the Calendar of Events will include lots of different types of clinics for us to enjoy regardless of who hosts them. There are driving clinics, natural horsemanship clinics and lots more.
And last, but hardly least, It is my pleasure to provide a link here to a very good article written about one of our own members: Erin Holloway! Thank you Erin for allowing me to share this with all our members. (The link and permission to use it were also provided by the publisher, once Erin gave me the go-ahead.) So read and enjoy.
2007 GWPFHA paso fino
high point awards program
NOMinate your horse or yourselF
~This Program is heavily weighted towards participation~
Bella Forma Horse of the Year
Performance/Fino Horse of the Year (Performance and/or Fino classes)
Pleasure Horse of the Year (PF pleasure or open breed 2-gait classes)
Specialty Horse of the Year (all specialty classes and 3-gait all-breed classes)
Other Awards:
Competitive Trail Ride Horse of the Year
Endurance Horse of the Year
Breed Ambassador Horse of the Year (Parade, Horse Expo, Trail rides)
Youth of the Year (if nominated to this category, points go to the youth rider – not the horse)
Rookie of the Year (competed in 2 shows or less)
Owner of the Year (points for participation, hosting, writing articles, etc.)
All Around:
All Around High Point Horse (horse with most total points in all areas.)
All horses nominated to any category will also qualify for this award without separate nomination!
How to Earn Points (USEF earns double points):
6 points for 1st place in a show
5 points for 2nd place in a show
4 points for 3rd place in a show
3 points for 4th place in a show
2 points for 5th place in a show
1 points for 6th place in a show
5 points for completing sanctioned CTR and/or Endurance ride
3 extra points to the highest ranking Paso Fino completing each CTR or Endurance ride if more than one paso competes in the event
5 points for event participation: Horse Expo, parades, trail ride, hosting a club-sanctioned event, volunteering for HDC/MHC committee, writing an article for newsletter, etc.
GWPFHA High point awards program
High Point Awards Nomination Form
This application must be filed with the Awards Chairman, Judi Bradbury, with a fee of $20.00 per category, except Youth of the Year ($15). Nominate your horse to as many categories as you wish. Please use one form per horse if you nominate more than one horse. You may register at any time during the year. However, points start to accumulate from date of nomination received in the High Point program. Questions may be forwarded to Judi Bradbury at the address below.
Name of Horse: ______
Participant’s Name: ______
Select Category of Nomination:
CATEGORY / CHECK BOX: / CATEGORY / CHECK BOX:Bella Forma / Performance/Fino
Pleasure / Specialty
Endurance / CTR
Owner / Breed Ambassador
Rookie / Youth
Make Checks Payable to: Great Western Paso Fino Horse Association.
It is the responsibility of the participant to forward documented placement for each event to the Awards Committee Chair, Judi Bradbury. The chairman will maintain a current standing of all horses nominated by points, which will be included in the GWPFHA quarterly newsletter. Failure to submit documented placements will result in forfeiture of the event points earned.
Accrual of points will commence on 1 Oct 2006 and continue through 30 Sep 2007. Awards will be presented at the GWPFHA Awards Banquet.
Showing Awards:
Qualifying Events:
Bella Forma / Any All Breed, FOSH or PFHA bella forma or open breed halter classPerformance/Fino / Any All Breed, FOSH or PFHA Paso Fino Performance or Fino class
Pleasure / Any All Breed, FOSH or PFHA Paso Fino Pleasure; Country Pleasure; open breed Country Pleasure; Open Preferred 2-gait class; or Open Breed Equitation 2 gait class.
Specialty / Any All Breed, FOSH or PFHA Versatility; Western Pleasure; Trail, Costume, Open Preferred 3-gait; Open Breed English Pleasure; or Open Breed Equitation 3 Gait Class
FOSH = Friends of Sound Horses
Other Awards:
Qualifying Events
CTR / Any formal CTR endurance ride (please submit copy of event registration at time of ride)Endurance / Any formal endurance ride (please submit copy of event registration at time of ride)
Ambassador / Horse Expo, Club Parade, Clinics, Club Trail Ride or any other breed promotion submitted to and approved by the Awards Committee in advance
Youth / Total points from all shows, demos and other events participated in by the youth (if nominated to this category, points go to the youth rider – not the horse)
Rookie / Total points earned by individual that has only competed in 2 shows or less. This is intended to encourage individuals to participate at shows, pointed or non-pointed.
Owner / Hosting club events, hosting club trail rides, Horse Expo, volunteer for PFHA sanctioned show duties, submitting a feature article to regional newsletter, or other events submitted to and approved by the Awards Committee in advance.
Remember: You can sign up for this program at any time during the year. You can also nominate your horse to additional categories at any time during the year. However, your points will only start to accrue towards that nomination after your registration is received regardless of the number of events you may have already participated in.
COME ON “ROOKIES”! Get those horses to a show and Ride With Us! You’ll love it! There will be lots of help and support for anyone who wants to show. Need tack? Need something to wear? Want a cheering section on the rail? Just let us know!
Calendar of Events - 2007
Date: TBA - Trail Rally a combination day of pleasure classes, obstacle courses and trail classes for all breeds. Stay tuned for dates and the location. We are working on this now for mid-2007!
January 27th - Beginning Driving with Vic Vickroy. Kiowa, CO. Vic won Bronze in the Driving Marathon Nationals. He works with the raw beginner up to the advanced driver. $65. $30 to audit. Maximum 8 participants. Contact Sandy Clayton at or call 303-646-3595.
Feb 3-4, 2007 - (Horse)Fear Management Clinic with Roger Kyle, former trainer for the Denver Mounted Police. 8th Heaven Farms, Castle Rock. $ 75 per day per rider (includes lunch) $ 25 per auditor (includes lunch). 303-688-5727, or e-mail . SPACE IS LIMITED
Feb 10 - ValentineFun Show Costume Competition and Championship Cash Prize. Lots of gaited classes! 8th Heaven Gaited Horses Castle Rock. Contact: 303.688.5727 or
Feb 17 - Riding With Confidence with K. C.Parkins-Kyle. Gaited Dressage. Castle Rock. Full info at:
Contact her at: 303.688.5727 or at:
February 24 - 2nd Driving Clinic with Vic Vickroy. Kiowa. Limit 8 participants, but no limit on auditors. Contact info as above.
Saturday March 3rd, 2007- Play School, Pot Luck and Trail Ride at Nancy's, Strasburg. 10:00 - ?? Open fields, dirt roads and an indoor arena will be available for fun with your Paso Finos! Bring a dish and let's have a great time! Equine Massage demo too! ContactNancy W. 720-201-9492 or 303-622-4123 or
March 3-4 -Intro to Equine Acupressure by Beth Pelosa. $325. Kiowa. Contact Sandy Clayton at or call 303-646-3595.
March 3-4, 2007 - (Horse)Fear Management Clinic with Roger Kyle, former trainer for the Denver Mounted Police. 8th Heaven Farms, Castle Rock. $ 75 per day per rider (includes lunch) $ 25 per auditor (includes lunch). 303-688-5727, or e-mail . SPACE IS LIMITED
March 9-11 - Horse Expo at the National Western. Chris Cox, Stacy Westfall and others. See:
March 10 - Riding With Confidence with K. C.Parkins-Kyle. Gaited Dressage. Castle Rock. Full info at:
Contact her at: 303.688.5727 or at:
April 28 - Kenlyn Endurance Ride, Aurora. 15, 25 and 50 mile rides. Contact Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
May 5 - Cow Clinic - Jeffco Fairgrds. (tentative) Contact: Kathy Foreman at 303-659-3326
May 12-13 - Liz Graves Gaited Horse Clinic. Jeffco Fairgrounds. Contact: Sharyl Walls at
Saturday May 26, 2007 - 9:00 a.m. "You and Your Paso Fino"Clinic withCindy Griffeth, Paso Fino Judge and Trainer. $ 65.00 per rider. Pay by April 30th and be entered in the drawing to win your spot in the clinic FREE!Jefferson Cty Fairgrnds. See flyer in this newsletter for more info. Contact: Suzie Tiller 303-688-3771 or:
Sunday May 27, 2007 - Paso Fino Fun Show at Jefferson Cty Fairgrds. We want your help and input for a great show and good time! Co-Chairs Carol Terry and Lynn Strauss or Lynne at
June 1-3, 2007 - Vail Valley Horse Expo. Craig Cameron hosts the Extreme Cowboy Race.
June 8-9 2007 - Limon Days. This is a ride on Friday, an overnight, and then a ride into Limon Sat. and the parade. Contact: Denise Bachman or 303-646-1531
June 17, 2007 - TWH Fun Show (all gaited) Jeffco Fairgrnds. Contact: Kathy Foreman. 303-659-3326
June 24 - Competitive Trail Ride at Cripple Creek. 25 miles. Contact: Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
July 4th - Annual Natural Horse Show. Colorado Horse Park.
July 18-21 - Craig Cameron Clinic. Kiowa. 3 day clinic and the 4th day will be Extreme Cowboy Events. $700. Auditors: $30 per day or $100 for all 4 days. Contact Sandy Clayton at or call 303-646-3595.
July 20-22 - 3-day Foundation (mornings) and Advanced (afternoons) Horsemanship Clinics with Brent Graef, Castle Rock, CO. $300 per clinic or $ 500 for both. Contact info: Marti Haygood at
July 20-22, 2007 - Las Vegas Gold Cup (new date)
August 4-5 - Competitive Trail Ride Buffalo Creek. 40 miles. Contact: Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
August 18-19 - Competitive Trail Ride Westcliffe. 40 miles. Contact Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
Sept 15-16 - Competitive Trail Ride Golden Gate State Park, Golden. Contact: Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
The first week-end in October 07 - The GW Futurity will be sponsoring a Clinic-Futurity Show-Fun show. This is still in the very early stages of planning so we will keep you posted.
Oct. 6, 2007 - Kenlyn Stables Endurance Ride. Aurora. 15, 25 and 50 mile rides. Contact Meg Purnell 303-651-9627
"You and Your Paso Fino"
Cindy Griffeth
Paso Fino Judge and Trainer
May 26, 2007 (Sat) @ 9:00 a.m.
Jefferson County Fair Grounds, Golden, CO
Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to improve your knowledge & skills at a very affordable price. This is a great introduction to the breed for those considering buying a Paso Fino.
Topics to be covered:
Recognizing the Paso gaits & how to help your Paso achieve its best gait.
Training the young Paso and problem solving with “broke” horses.
Intro to Showing - this is a great opportunity to try your new skills at the fun show the next day.
Paso equipment
Ride in a Group or a Private session.
Work on your personal goals. You do the riding so you learn as well as your horse.
About Cindy Griffeth:
Cindy has been involved with Paso Finos full time since she was a child. She has raised, trained, & bred Paso Finos for trail and show. Cindy is a certified Judge with PFHA and has judged and shown Paso Finos at the National level, having won several championships under saddle and in Bella Forma. Cindy works with youth and amateur owners. She is a well respected clinician, great communicator, lots of fun and will spend whatever time is needed to assist you with accomplishing your goals during the clinic.
Cost: $65.00 per Horse/Riders - limited to 12. You are considered registered and in the clinic when we receive a deposit & registration form. All participants who have paid in full by April 30th will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win their clinic spot for FREE!
Forms can be downloaded from: or by contacting Suzie Tiller. You may AUDIT/OBSERVE the clinic for $25/day. There is room to camp or reserve an RV hook-up to power & water for $20 per day, first come first served. Children must be supervised.
Contact: Suzie Tiller
303-688-3771 hm 303-947-6292 cell
PO Box 306 Franktown, Co 80116
Classified Ads
FOR SALE: 2004 Circle J Bronco 2 horse slant with tack room. Used lightly. In good condition. Asking $7300. Call Wanda 303-838-8983 or Pam 303-550-4769
FOR SALE: 2 horse or large pony driving harnesses. One leather collar with complete biothane harness. Second is a plain biothane horse harness with no collar. Take both for $350. Call or email Diana Marquardt 970-887-2450 or
Helpful HintS
Here's the first Helpful Hint for this new section of the Newsletter! It comes from Diana Marquardt. Thanks, Diana!
US Rider is an emergency roadside service alternative to AAA. Triple A will not tow your horse trailer and will ask you to leave your horse and trailer on the side of the road. US Rider coversyou. It will service any vehicle you are in whether a car or truck. I had the experience with AAA a couple of years ago: they would tow my truck but.would not touch my horse trailer. Check itout.For more infocall 1800-844-1409.
(Please note that you, gentle reader, should verify information personally. Neither the person submitting the Helpful Hint, nor the Editor can be held responsible for any discrepancy in the information. Always personally verify! - Ed.)
(if you would like to see a link added, please send it to the Editor)
Our own Colorado Paso Fino website:
(Watch for the Great Western PFHA Website coming soon!)
Colorado Horse Council:
Gaited Horse Club of Colorado
Colorado Chapter of Great Western
President Advertising Rates
Suzie Tiller Non-members
P. O. Box 306
Franktown, CO, 80116 Full Page $40.00
(303) 688-3771 Half Page $25.00
SecretaryFull Page $25.00
Nancy WenlockHalf Page $15.00
4194 Horseshoe DriveQuarter Page $10.00
Strasburg, CO 80136Classified ad – first one free
(303) 622-4123Second Classified $5.00
(720) 201-9492
Please send your ads to:
Nancy Wenlock
Mike Ecker
PMB 518 PO Box 22000
Telluride, CO 81435
(970) 728-8394
Editor's note: I will no longer be putting the GW Membership list on this newsletter. If you need info about GW members, contact the GW Secretary. Thanks, Nancy Wenlock, Editor.