Troop 801 Eagle Court of Honor for Matthew Sarkan

17 September, 2005

Mr. Phil Perez, Scoutmaster
Color Guard Members: Randy Fillingane, Blake Wilson, David McGee, Jesse Heffernan
/ Call Meeting to Order
Scoutmaster asks audience to be seated and calls meeting to order.
Color guard forms at the rear of the room with flags and await their commands.
Sam Gregory
Senior Patrol Leader / Presentation of Colors and Pledge of Allegiance
From the front of the room the SPL commands:
"Troop attention"
"Please rise for the Flag Ceremony"
"Color guard advance"
" Color guard post the colors"
"Scouts (pause) salute"
"Please join me for the pledge to the flag"
"Ready. Begin. I pledge allegiance..."
"Color guard dismissed."
"Please remain standing for the invocation."
Senior Patrol Leader remains where he is for next phase of the ceremony.
Color guard exits up center aisle to back of room and returns to seats from the side.
Sam Gregory
Senior Patrol Leader
Mr. Armando Cervantes
Director, Youth Ministry & Confirmation, Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church, Brea / Invocation
Sam introduces Armando Cervantes, Director, Youth Ministry & Confirmation, Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church, to give the Invocation.
Armando gives the Invocation and returns to his seat.
From the front of the room the SPL commands:
"Will the audience please be seated."
Sam Gregory
Senior Patrol Leader
Mr. Jerry Love,
Master of Ceremonies, Assistant Scoutmaster and Former Troop 801 Committee Chairman / Introduction of Master of Ceremonies
SPL introduces MC:
"As Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 801 it is now my pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Jerry Love, Assistant Scoutmaster and former Troop 801 Committee Chairman, who will be the Master of Ceremonies for this special Eagle Court of Honor".
SPL waits for Mr. Love to join him at podium and then retires to the side and takes his seat.
Mr. Jerry Love,
Master of Ceremonies / Introduction of Guests
Mr. Love introduces the honored guests, both dignitaries and family members, from lists provided by the Troop and family just prior to the meeting.
Mr. Jerry Love,
Master of Ceremonies / Introduction of New Eagle Scout
Mr. Love introduces Matthew Sarkan to the audience. Matthew, who will be sitting in the front row with his parents, should stand for this introduction, and then be seated.
Mr. Jerry Love,
Master of Ceremonies
Mr. Bob Lee,
Troop 801 Outings Chair / Multimedia Presentation
Mr. Love will invite the audience to enjoy a brief slide presentation looking back on Matthew’s time in Scouts.
Mr. Jerry Love
Master of Ceremonies
Mrs. Betsy Austin,
Distinguished Teacher at Brea Country Hills Elementary School, and Matthew’s sixth grade teacher there
Mr. Norman Wolfe,
Matthew’s uncle, currently residing in Washington DC, himself an Eagle Scout
Mr. Phil Perez,
Scoutmaster, Troop 801
Eagle Parent Escorts:
Justin Kernes
Jon Evert
Eagle Escorts for Matthew:
Brian Norris
Keegan Heagerty / Eagle Award Story
Mr. Love will now invite the three speakers selected by Matthew to come up and share with the audience something about their experiences with Matthew on his trail to Eagle. Each speaker is introduced by Mr. Love in turn.
As soon as Mr. Perez (the final speaker) is introduced by Mr. Love, the Parent Escorts and Eagle Escorts exit their seats and walk up the side aisle to the back of the room at the center aisle and quietly wait for the end of Mr. Perez’s talk.
Eagle Parent Escorts:
Justin Kernes
Jon Evert / The Voice of the Eagle - Escorting of Parents
As soon as Mr. Perez finishes his story about Matthew, and without waiting for a cue, walk down the center aisle and advance to where Mr. & Mrs. Sarkan are seated. They politely request Mr. & Mrs. Sarkan accompany them to the special seats at the front of the room. When Mr. & Mrs. Sarkan take their new seats, the Parent Escorts return to their seats.
Eagle Escorts:
Brian Norris
Keegan Heagerty / The Voice of the Eagle - Escorting of Eagle Scout
Follow the Parent Escorts down the center aisle stop at the front of the aisle while the parents are escorted to their new seats.
As soon as the parents rise from their old seats and move out of the way the Eagle Escorts advance to where Matthew is seated and politely request he follow them. They then lead Matthew to stand to one side of the American flag in preparation for the next ceremony. The Eagle Escorts will each stand on either side of Matthew; all three will be facing the audience.
All Scouts of Troop 801 / The Voice of the Eagle - Scouts Go To Rank Stations
As soon as Eagle Scout rises to move toward the flag all the scouts still seated will rise in unison and move to their respective rank station. The first row will file out to the side followed by the second row, then the third, etc.… The Scouts will walk forward and loop behind the Scout placard and stream all the way to the Life placard, each Scout stopping when he arrives at his rank. Scouts will stand shoulder-to-shoulder, centered around but behind the rank placard.
Mr. David This
Voice of the Eagle
Eagle Escorts:
Brian Norris
Keegan Heagerty
All Scouts of Troop 801 / The Voice of the Eagle Ceremony - The Trail to Eagle
Scouts other than Eagle Escorts remain at attention.
Voice of the Eagle: "This is the voice of the Eagle—the eagle whose height you, Matthew, struggled hard to reach. We remember well when you first came to the base of the cliff and how you looked up with ambition and determination. We remember when you took your first step upon the trail that leads upward. Without realizing the significance you took your first step on the trail to Eagle when you achieved the rank of Scout”.
Eagle Escorts advance Matthew to the Scout sign.
Voice of the Eagle: "With your first step you began living the Scout Oath and Law. But soon Scout was not enough for you and you reached for the second ledge, and there you were greeted by other scouts of Tenderfoot rank."
Eagle Escorts advance Matthew to the Tenderfoot sign.
Voice of the Eagle: "But not for long. For soon you were building yourself physically, mentally, and morally. Your brother Scouts at Second Class called for you to advance and join them.”
Eagle Escorts advance Matthew to the Second Class sign.
Voice of the Eagle: "Some like yourself were stopping to catch their breath before continuing along the trail. But you began to study more and worked harder. Almost before you knew it you came to another ledge--the ledge where First Class scouts dwell."
Eagle Escorts advance Matthew to the First Class sign.
Voice of the Eagle: "There by a crystal clear stream you found a tempting green meadow bathed in the sun. Here you were tempted to remain. Yes, Matthew, you could have remained there to live in First Class glory but your ambition stirred you on. We next remember your progress when you became a Star Scout."
Eagle Escorts advance Matthew to the Star sign.
Voice of the Eagle: "You found the trail from First Class had been an optical illusion. Not as difficult as it had seemed. This spurred you on and again you climbed farther. Now the trail was steeper. It was less worn. Fewer Scouts seemed to be headed in your direction. You looked back and saw the crowds below you. You looked up and saw the few above you and with the same determination with which you started your climb, you continued on the trial. Soon it was the Badge of Life Scout -- the heart badge -- that was placed on your uniform."
Eagle Escorts advance Matthew to the Life sign.
Voice of the Eagle: "You will never forget the thoughts in your heart. It has been experienced by most Scouts on reaching the ledge of Life. Now I am close to Eagle. I will carry on. The trail becomes tougher, but more interesting. The original simple principles -- the Scout Oath and Scout Law -- have a fuller meaning. Your understanding of them was greater."
Eagle Escorts advance Matthew to half-way between the Life and Eagle sign and face the audience.
Mr. David This
Voice of the Eagle
Extra Adult – Mr. Tom Oda - to work room lights.
Eagle Escorts:
Brian Norris
Keegan Heagerty
Candle Log Ceremony Leader:
Michael Isenberg
Candle Log Ceremony Team:
Adam Kernes
Nathan Richie
Brent Lee
Alex Evert
Michael James
Kyle Arp / The Voice of the Eagle - Candle Log Ceremony
At this point the scouts standing at the rank placards who are not members of the candle log team file back to their seats.
The Candle Ceremony Team does not go back to their seats but moves from rank stations directly to the candle log and lines up behind it. They file in the direction of the seats with the other scouts but branch off and go up to the candle log instead of their seats. They stand about two full steps back behind the candle log.
Candle Log: The candle log is populated with a white candle, a taller red candle, 4 white candles, a taller blue candle, a tall red candle, another taller blue candle, 4 more white candles, a taller red candle, and one last white candle.
Lighting Assistant: DIM LIGHTS as soon as ...
Adam Kernes steps up to the candle log and lights the extra candle with match or lighter and waits for the Voice of the Eagle.
Voice of the Eagle: “Matthew, recite the Scout Law slowly”.
Matthew will slowly recite the Scout Law, pausing to give the candle team time to light each candle.
Adam lights the first 2 candles as the first 2 points of the Scout Law are recited. As Adam finishes lighting the first 2 candles the next Scout steps forward. Adam passes the lighting candle to him and then steps back. This process continues until all 12 candles – excluding center blue and red candles - are lit. At that point, the lighting candle is passed to Michael Isenberg for the next step.
Voice of the Eagle: “Matthew, recite the Scout Oath slowly”.
Matthew will slowly recite the Scout Oath, pausing to allow time to light each candle.
Michael will next light first the left blue, then the right blue, and finally the red middle candles as the Scout Oath is recited. After the last candle is lit, extinguish the lighting candle taking great pains to avoid blowing out any candles on the candle log. After a few seconds (for the wax to harden), place the lighting candle on the candle log and step back in line.
Voice of the Eagle: "The Law of the Eagle is the Scout Law. The Oath of the Eagle is the Scout Oath."
Eagle Escorts advance Matthew to the Eagle sign.
Scouts at the candle log will then proceed back to seats and sit down.
Michael will ceremoniously snuff candles.
Mr. Jerry Love,
Master of Ceremonies
Eagle Scouts:
Bill Lively
Michael Weinberg
Badge of Light Operator:
Operator - Extra Adult – Mr. Bob Lee
Extra Adult – Mr. Tom Oda to work room lights. / Badge of Light Ceremony
Mr. Love proceeds to the podium as soon as Candle team starts to move back to their seats.
Mr. Love: "At this time I would like to introduce two Eagle Scouts from Troop 801; they are Bill Lively and Michael Weinberg. These Eagles will be conducting the next part of our ceremony."
As each is introduced he rises from his seat and walks directly to the podium. Following these introductions, Mr. Love leaves the podium to the Eagles.
Michael: "The first responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. An Eagle's honor is sacred. Honor is the foundation of all character. Character is what one really is down deep inside - not what someone thinks he is. An Eagle will so live that he will reflect credit upon his home, church, school, family, friends, and upon himself."
Operator: Light the white part of the badge.
Michael: "May the white of your badge remind you to live with HONOR."
Bill: "The second obligation of an Eagle Scout is Loyalty. Without loyalty all character lacks direction. An Eagle is loyal to his ideals. To thine own self be true. And it must follow as the night the day; Thou can not then be false to any man. Neither pain nor profit, pride nor personal loss shall swerve in his loyalty."
Operator: Light the Blue portion of the badge.
Bill: "Blue is the color of LOYALTY."
Michael: "The third obligation of the Eagle Scout is Courage. Courage gives all character its force and strength. Trusting in God and with faith in his fellow man, he faces each day unafraid and seeks his share of the world's work to do."
Operator: Light the Red portion of the badge.
Michael: "Let the red part of the badge always remind you of COURAGE."
Bill: "The final obligation of an Eagle Scout is SERVICE. He extends a helping hand to those who still toil up the Scouting trail he has just completed--just as others helped him in his achievement of the Eagle rank. The habit of the daily "good turn" must take on new meaning and blossom forth in a life of service. He protects and defends the weak and helpless. He aids and comforts the unfortunate and the oppressed. He upholds the rights of others while demanding his own. His code of action is based upon the belief that real leadership must be found upon real service."
Operator: Light the remainder of the badge (the scroll and the eagle).
Bill: "May the motto BE PREPARED always remind you that as an Eagle YOU are among the best prepared to be of service to others. May the eagle suspended from the ribbon always remind you to perform that service when the opportunity presents itself."
Leave Eagle Badge lights on during the remainder of the ceremony.
Lighting assistant: Turn room lights up.