Charleston Civitan Club, P.O. Box 5428, Charleston, WV 25361
Co-Presidents Jeanne Jarrett and Jim Harris
President Elect Wanda Hightower Home Club of International Presidents
Treasurer Bill Frame Belford Roberts 1975-1976 (Deceased)
Secretary Patty Frame Bill Rogers 1983-1984 (Deceased)
Directors Terry Hodge, Lou Maxson, Julia Noland
SNOW-ICE-BELOW ZERO TEMPS!! YUK!! It is hard to say anything good about the weather recently. The only good thing is that we did have a fairly mild winter until February arrived but spring is only about a month away! Needless to say the weather was the reason for the cancellation of our Clergy Appreciation luncheon on February 20. The board felt safety is first and we didn’t want anyone to try to walk through the ice and snow on the ground braving the bitter cold to go to the luncheon. Looking at the weather for next week, things are looking better. The good news is that the Civic Center was able to accommodate us and we will hold the Clergy Appreciation Luncheon this Friday, February 27 and it is scheduled to be set up in the Lounge. Our own Frank Mansell will be the speaker at this luncheon of thanks. So PLEASE reach out to clergy members you know, invite them and let Patty Frame know by Wednesday, February 25 of anyone that will attend as guests of the Charleston Civitan Club.
Even if those you invite to the luncheon cannot attend, please remember to thank them for giving so much to our communities. Just like the three clergy members on February 3, 1943, gave up their own life preservers to save men who were on the sinking ship, we know our own clergy would do the same when necessary. So let’s make sure we all say thanks to them for all they do for us.
As mentioned in the Presidents’ corner, spring begins in March but we all know that March also brings the high school basketball tournaments to the Civic Center. We have experienced issues parking, etc in past years. Looking at the calendar, our second meeting in March would fall right in the middle of the tournament. Arrangements have been made with the Civic Center to delay our March 20 meeting to March 27. This will make our arrival at the meeting much smoother.
Now that we have changed March around, we also looked at April. Our first meeting falls on Good Friday, a day of fast and prayer for many of our members. So, we will meet on the 2nd and 4th Fridays in April. We haven’t looked at May but hopefully we will go back to the 1st & 3rd Fridays again. Reading this can be a bit confusing so here’s the schedule of meetings:
February 27 – Clergy appreciation
March 6 – meeting
March 27 – meeting
April 10 – meeting
April 24 – meeting
Jim Harris is setting up our speakers for March and April and will be announcing these in the near future.
January and February are not big months for projects due to the potential winter weather but plans are being made for the coming months.
The weather delayed our Junior Civitan’s Dessert & Bingo Party at Brooks Manor and it is rescheduled for Thursday, February 26. Anyone who wants to help can work with our Junior Civitans as they hold their annual dessert and bingo party for the residents of Brooks Manor. We will set up at 6:00 pm and the party will begin at 6:30. If you can’t come but would like to bake cookies or a cake or something, please let Jeanne Jarrett know (304-344-9029) and she can arrange to pick up the dessert.
Plans are in the works to hold our good neighbor day at Oakridge Nursing Home on Saturday, March 14. We will meet at 10:00 am to put the vases together and then bring them to the residents. It is also good to have some of our Civitans walk around and just share a few words with the residents. We do hold this project with our Junior Civitans and we encourage you to attend to get to know them as we work together.
The Parks & Rec of Charleston will be holding an April Fool’s Day Walk and Run on Wednesday, April 1 at 6:30pm. We will be helping out with this run and details will be announced during March.
April is Civitan Awareness Month. It is also the opening of the CAMC Cancer Center. The opening will be held on Saturday, April 18 and Civitans/Junior Civitans will be helping at the opening from 11 am to 4pm. This will be a great way to make our community more aware of the works of Civitan. Again more details will be coming on this event.
One event we are asked to hold each year is a Fellowship time with Junior Civitans. Last year we attended a Power Game and those that attended enjoyed the afternoon. We have decided to hold our Fellowship at the Power Park again this year. There is a home game on Sunday, April 26 at 2:00 pm. We are making arrangements to have a fun afternoon with our Junior Civitans.
Like the Civitans, not many projects are planned for the winter months for our GW & JA Junior Civitans but they still are working on projects they complete in their schools.
The JA Junior Civitans made Valentine Cards for Vets who are in the Huntington VA Hospital. They also held Spirit Week in February where all students and teachers were asked to wear a color of the day to show their support for those who have Diabetes. Downs Syndrome, Autism, as well as making people aware of Teen Suicide prevention and of course as February is red month, held the last day for healthy hearts. They did hold one outside project by holding an “All Birthday” party for the children living at Sojourners which is currently 31 children, celebrating everyone’s birthday at one time. It was a typical birthday party with balloons, games, cupcakes and a gift for each child.
GW Junior Civitans got to spend time with members of the Junior Civitan Club in Sierre Leone at last year’s international convention. Each year Junior Civitans are asked to hold a Collection Selection project where a club decides what to collect and who to donate them to. This year, knowing how difficult it is to live in Sierre Leone with the Ebola outbreak, they decided to hold their project for the Junior Civitans of Sierre Leone. They collected small containers of hand sanitizers that are being sent to the club in Sierre Leone. This way the GW Junior Civitans are reaching out to help their fellow Junior Civitans in the fight against Ebola.
The next district meeting will be held in Findlay Ohio the weekend of April 24 at the Blanchard Valley Center, a center for those with challenges. It is expected to be a meeting of interaction so if you are interested in attend, look for more details about this meeting in a future Chatter and the district newsletter.
Please keep our member Dewey Mann and his family in our prayers. Dewey’s wife, Ruth, passed on February 11, 2015. The family asks in lieu of flowers to make a donation to the charity of your choice. Our hearts and prayers are with Dewey during this time.
Birthday Wishes! The Charleston Civitan Club would like to wish the following Julia Noland happiness and good health as she celebrates her birthday on March 5.
The Mission of Civitan worldwide is to build good citizenship in providing a volunteer organization of clubs dedicated to serving individual and community needs with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities.